恋母情结用英语说是"oedipus complex -",还网络中常译为" [医] mother complex",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到73个与恋母情结相关的短语释义和例句。
1. oedipus complex -
恋母情结翻译为 oedipus complex - 。
示例:它率先通过优化的艺术形式深入探索了现代心理学中的“恋母情结”理论。 It took the lead in through the optimization of the art form exploring the modern psychology of Oedipus complex theory.
2. [医] mother complex
恋母情结翻译为 [医] mother complex 。
示例:她总是替母亲购置昂贵的礼物,因而我开始怀疑他是否怀有恋母情结。 He 'always buying his mother expensive gifts, and I'm beginning to wonder if he's got an Oedipus complex.
3. [医] Oedipus complex
恋母情结翻译为 [医] Oedipus complex 。
示例:这种“恋母情结”通常在孩子xx岁半以后会有所减轻。 This "Oedipus Complex"usually in the baby after a year and a half will be to mitigate.
4. mother complex
恋母情结翻译为mother complex。
示例:it's a complex world in which to navigate. It's a complex world in which to navigate.
1. Oedipus complex(恋母情结
2. edipus(恋母情结)
3. mother complex(恋母情结)
4. oedipal(恋母情结的
5. Oedipal complex( 恋母情结;
英语短语&俚语, DAD SAID ( 恋母情结危害大 )
Oedipus complex ( 恋母忌父情结 )
oedipus complex ( 恋母情意结 )
1. it's an Algerian love knot.
2. about a "Planet Nowhere"convention.
译文:这个"佛洛依德", 对他妈有强烈的恋母情结!。
3. Stuff-your-mother kind of lonely.
译文:不,不,Daggett可不像Norman Bates有恋母情结 (希区考克的电影<精神病患者>的情节)。
4. You've got the Rubik's complex.
5. Or they say, "Hamlet has an Oedipus complex."
译文:或者,“哈姆雷特有恋母情结。” 。
6. is this like some oedipus thing? All right.
译文:你这是恋母情结吗 Is this like some oedipus thing?。
7. This was the famed Oedipus complex stage where the boy wants to possess his mother and sees his father as a rival for his attentions.
8. -Here she comes out of left field.
9. Maybe some unresolved Oedipal conflict.
10. is there something that you wanna tell me?
译文:- 事情结束了。
11. Well, what do we got -- a ghost with an oedipus complex?
12. Now, this isn't Oedipal; never mind what the Freudians would have told us a hundred years ago.
译文:这不是恋母情结,别管弗洛伊德学派 在一百年前告诉我们的那些。 。
13. He has a thing for rooftops.
14. Or maybe .if you're willing to work on your narcissism
译文:If you're willing to work on your narcissism 或者恋母情结 And latent mommy issues.。
15. Look, Agent, your telling me this perp has mommy issues isn't gonna help me close this thing.
译文:探员 你跟我说这个罪犯有恋母情结 对我结案毫无帮助。
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