1. representativity
2. foresentence
3. officiality
4. metarepresenting
1. representativity(代表性
2. foresentence( 代表性)
3. metarepresented( 代表性)
4. metarepresenting( 代表性)
5. officiality( 代表性)
1. You have been abroad, your opinion should count
译文:夫人遍访欧美 意见有代表性。
2. They're best described as iconic: so iconic, perhaps, they're cliches.
译文:这些都是被称作“具有代表性”的图片。 太有代表性了,可能算陈词滥调了。 。
3. Yes, there are remarkable similarities.
4. Sarraute's work combines representation with reflexivity.
译文:萨罗特的作品结合了代表性和反思性。 。
5. Little Big Horn was not representative of... encounters between Whites and indians, Mr. Crabb.
译文:小大角战役并不具代表性 克雷伯先生。
6. Michael Taylor is the revolving door poster boy.
译文:麦可泰勒是这 旋转门代表性人物。。
7. This is not underrepresentation.
译文:这不是代表性的不足 。
8. Fake art is still art fake avant garde is still avant garde.
9. Only if it's representative can it be data.
译文:只有具有代表性,才能成为数据。 。
10. So, i'm not going to quote myself on this.
译文:所以,我的观点不具有代表性。 。
11. And as one of them said, "Wealth is not the only"
12. So what is missing or underrepresented?
译文:那么什么东西缺失了,或不具代表性呢? 。
13. Yeah, i didn't get adequate representation.
译文:是啊,我没有得到 充分的代表性。。
14. The survey covers a representative sample of schools.
译文:调查覆盖了有代表性的一些学校。 。
15. They are representative of the BiDi languages.
译文:它们是有代表性的BIDI语言。 。
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