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关于”描写春天的优美“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Describe the beauty of spring。以下是关于描写春天的优美的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the beauty of spring


1、Spring has come, the beautiful Camellia opened, and who would like to note that it does!


2、The Changchun people pharmaceutical industry group Limited company, sets up in March, 2007, is located in the excellent surroundings Changchun economic development zone, the area 43,260 square meters.


3、First described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, Cygnus cygnus can be considered a swan among swans, the type species, hence archetype, of all swans.


4、As Franklin said: The learned fool writes his nonsense in better language than the unlearned; but still it is nonsense.


5、Its contribution is increasingly significant as people currently expect to return Nature and favor the green beauty.


6、Your picture is very lush, delicate, beautiful and promising. It is emblematical of Spring. Thank you.

舞蹈家兼编舞格雷戈里·海因斯(Gregory Hines) 在一个天衣无缝的背景前光着脚旋转的特写呈现出流畅的优美姿态。

7、Dancer and choreographer Gregory Hines is a study in fluid grace as he pivots barefoot against a seamless backdrop.


8、Any of various succulent, spring-flowering plants of the genus Claytonia , especially C. virginica, of eastern North America, having narrow leaves and racemes of white or pinkish flowers.


9、Send me the beautiful sunshine, send me deeply wish spring, your life, the ornament dove will greetings to your side. A happy holiday!


10、"Not good yesterday goal $21, 175. actual $11, 455, " came one message.




11、Fourier techniques provide a particular elegant framework from which to evolve a description of the formation of images.


12、Spring of the south is beautiful, the wind is very soft, the air is fresh, the sun is very warm.


13、The innovation points of Meilanchun sesame-flavor liquor towards higher grade development were put forward.


14、During the day, one can enjoy the habour views while standing on the 12-storey high bridge.


15、The painter mostly adopted realistic painting methods, but also used some folk and traditional Chinese painting techniques.


16、Silently enjoying the spring to bring the beauty and harmony of human, emotional.

由普拉哈拉德(C.K. Prahalad)撰写的这本书描述了世界上每天靠不到

17、The book by C.K. Prahalad describes the commercial opportunities offered by the

2.5 billion people in the world who live on less than $2.50 per day.



18、As we all know, men and women BOTH show off and exaggerate their "good sides" while downplaying and hiding their negative traits at first.


19、The possible values are upper case first (U), lower case first (L), and off (X).

慢慢地由含苞欲放到五彩缤纷, 芀“春色满园关不住”,她把自己的最美无私地奉献在这不寻常的春天里。

20、Slowly from the bud to the colourful, "spring scenery garden caged", her most beautiful selflessly dedicated himself in the unusual in the spring.

21、Other writers may have written historical plays, but no one could match Shakespeare's skill.其它作家可能也写过历史剧,但没有一人能与莎士比亚的写作天才相媲美。

22、The silence began seven years ago, on a beautiful spring day full of the sound of running water.这种寂静始于xx年前,美丽的春天一个充满流水声的日子。

23、A fews years ago, I had a dream. It began in the summer, and it was over by the following spring.几年前,我做过一个美丽的梦,在夏天的时候开始,又在下一个春天结束。

24、Medea and Meng are two typical works on abandoned women in the history of ancient Greece and China over 《美狄亚》和《氓》是两千多年前古希腊和中国典型的两部描写弃妇的作品。

2,000 years ago.

25、Porkchop Hill, Hamburger Hill, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, Twelve O'Clock High,and In Harm's Way are excellent depictions of wartime experiences.《猪排山》、《血肉战场》、《独孤里桥之役》、《十二点正》、《火海情涛》都是很优秀的描写战时经历的电影。

英文句子26:,26、Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened.在临睡前,写下至少一件今天发生的美好的事情。

27、Not the first day ash gray face, a brilliant, youth and other waste Jiaomei build.不要整天灰头灰脸,让自己灿烂点,别浪费青春和娇美身材。

28、You will have an excellent Natual Oxygen Bath in our beautiful, splendid back Mountain Forest Park.优美、峻秀的后山森林公园是天然氧吧和天然矿泉水厂。

29、Porkchop Hill, Hamburger Hill, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, Twelve O'Clock High, and In Harm's Way are excellent depictions of wartime experiences.《猪排山》、《血肉战场》、《独孤里桥之役》、《十二点正》、《火海情涛》都是很优秀的描写战时经历的电影。

30、Like an elite division with a bright flag, spring beauties up as long prayerful wishes.春天有如旌旗鲜明的王师,因长期虔诚的企盼祝祷而美丽起来。

31、If love is a butterfly, why mine can't find a beautiful garden of spring.如果爱是一只蝴蝶,为何我的蝴蝶却找不到春天美丽的花园。

32、We're hoping the flowers will bloom this spring and make the school look beautiful.我们希望今年春天这些花会开,把学校装点得更美丽。

33、However, apart from his perfect taste in colour and in style, Duccio excelled in the essentially Greek elegance of his portrayal of ordinary life.然而,除了他对于色彩和型式的完美感受,杜奇欧也善于从日常生活的描写中突显出希腊人的优雅。

34、The pink cherry blossoms, as if a soft layer of cotton clouds, to showcase the beauty of spring.那粉色的樱花,仿佛是一层层柔软的棉云,向人们展示春天的美丽。

35、March-April each year, like an exposure in the Netherlands on the world's most beautiful in the spring.每年xx月间,置身荷兰就仿如置身在世界最美的春天里。

36、Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.我们杂志上的特写都是春风满面的精英人士和完美幸福的快乐家庭。

37、When green wind blew around, all the flowers seemed to be surrounded by green leaves. What a beautiful sight!春天百花盛开,绿色的风就像给百花衬上了绿叶,美极了!

38、If you go there in spring, you are sure to see the beautiful flowers-cherry blossom.如果你春天去日本,你肯定会看到那些美丽的樱花。

39、I come from changchun changchun is a beautiful city, known as the north spring.我来自于长春长春是一座美丽的城市,自素有北国春城之称。

40、We learn language in the book of the raft, the song of the Yellow River hukou and longmen describing praise the Yellow River, the Yellow River, it's a pity that the Yellow River has changed today.我们学的语文书里面的筏子,《黄河颂》《壶口与龙门》都描写黄河赞美黄河,可惜今天的黄河已经变了样了。

41、The $3.2 million billboard will be unveiled in the Emirate next spring.这幅斥资320万美元的布告牌将于明年春天在迪拜酋长国揭晓。

42、The western region today enjoys clearer sky, greener land, cleaner water and a better environment for development.今天的西部天更蓝、地更绿、水更清,发展环境更加优美。

43、Their branches are heavy with delicate pink and white blossoms in the spring.春季时,它们的枝干上都开满了优美的粉红色和白色樱花。

44、The "Chen Hsiang-mei Scholarship, " which includes a stipend of US$2000, is awarded each spring to persons majoring in Chinese.她还设立了“陈香梅奖学金”,每年春天都会为一批优秀的中文系学生颁发2000美元的助学金。

45、The inflationary virus of the 1970s had been felled by the Fed by the spring of 1982.xx年的通货膨胀流毒直到xx年春天才被美联储遏止。

46、And the following spring, there is a beautiful daffodil in the place where he dies.第xx年春天,在他死去的地方长出了美丽的水仙花。

47、Pum blossoms remain us of the beauty of the nature before spring sets in.梅花让我们想起了春天来临之前大自然的美丽。

48、Nuts, like the most beautiful clouds in the sky, the spring came to the hillside full of flowers, a hope.果儿,就像天边最美的云朵,春天又来到了花开满山坡,种下希望就。

49、The couplets are composed of neat, antithetic, compact and ingenious words to describe society and express good wishes.春联以工整、对偶、简洁、精巧的文字描绘时代背景,抒发美好愿望,是中国特有的文学形式。

50、Probably because of spring is all is the world beauty fusion, all colorific club!可能因为春天是一切是世界美的融合,一切色彩的总汇!

经典英文句子51:描写春天的优美,51、For you this year, cheers for you today, tomorrow for your blessing: appearance and youth beautiful mood!为你的今年欢呼,为你的今天喝彩,为你的明天祈福:永葆青春的容颜和美丽的心情!


标签: 优美

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