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关于”旅游的句型“的英语句子28个,句子主体:sentence patterns of tourism。以下是关于旅游的句型的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:sentence patterns of tourism


1、At the same time, many widespread marginal cities in China have their advantages as well as such constraints as extensive tourism products, similar images, single mode or disorder competition.



2、The development of dark tourism from edge to typical in practice.


3、You can hold varied-scale festival party, business meeting, travel groups reception.


4、Yunnan is a highly attractive first choice of a folk custom tour and a frontier tour.


5、There is a complete kind of tourism culture resources, and its culture characteristic is distinctive. But most of its developed products are lower level.


6、The travellers wanted to bed in the best hotels.


7、Economic Hotel has become a popular subject of the tourist research.


8、Nan ao County is the only island county in Guangdong Province, and it is one of typical integrated island tourism destinations.


9、Eco-tourism product, as a public resource, has competitiveness but not have exclusiveness, so that the development of eco-tourism has a typically negative externalities quality.


10、Tourism is a new industry that is open and high related with other ones.


11、This is where you will find all the operators for tours and activities too.


12、With the development of the modern tourism, it presents the aesthetic characteristic and new developing trend different from traveling in ancient and modern.


13、As a kind of new industry, tour agriculture combines modern agriculture with modern tourism. Based on the rural resources, it depends mainly on agricultural production.


14、Some land sections or land types Can been used to develop touristy, And there is Certain Corresponding alternate relation between land structure and tourist structure.


15、Tourist flow is the interaction form between the origins and destinations of tourists.


16、The rapid developmet of tourism industry attracts many foreigners to China, which puts forward higher requirements for English interpretation in scenic spots.


17、Nowadays, university students have become a new unnegletable group in the tourist market as their cous- umption brought about new tourism growth.


18、Eco-tourism is a rapidly developing new form of tourism and it is also currently a hot topic of the tourism industry.

生态旅游已经成为旅游业增长最快的分支之一,全世界的生态旅游年增幅为10—15%(Miller, 2007)。

19、Ecotourism has become one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry, growing annually by 10-15% worldwide (Miller, 2007).


20、And in Changsha, Chenzhou, Shaoyang, Yiyang the vacation tourist industry featured by spar tourism and Farmer Happiness tourism have also witnessed a rapid rise;

21、Acclimating the needs of the development of the domestic tourism market, budget hotels, as a new growth point in hospitality industry, have got a great deal of attention in recent years.近年来,经济型酒店顺应国内旅游市场发展的需要,作为旅游饭店业新的增长点而备受瞩目。

22、The tourism in Gansu Province is at the stage of resources-oriented type, and located in the inferior position in the travel image ladder of the Northwest.甘肃省旅游业正处于资源导向型阶段,在西北地区的旅游形象阶梯中,位置极为不利;

23、Besides, this essay takes Jinggangshan red tourist area of Jiangxi province as a typical case which helps a lot in the research of Red Tourism market.此外,本文还把江西井冈山红色旅游区作为典型个案进行剖析,进一步丰满红色旅游市场的研究。

24、Eco-tour based on natural resources, one of travel forms of sustainable development, should become a(development) model of most tourist areas.以自然资源为基础的生态旅游作为一种可持续发展的旅游形式,应成为大多数旅游区的发展模式。

25、Tourist flow is a form of the interaction between tourist market and destination.旅游流是旅游客源地与目的地相互作用的一种形式。

英文句子26:,26、An Exploratory Study of Web-based Travel Information Search Behavior …网际网路型态旅游资讯搜寻行为之初探。

27、Thus, the issue of the tourism demand conversion triggered by the demands is nowadays being gradually concerned by specialists in the tourism and the academic field.由此引发的旅游需求转型问题也逐渐为大家所认识并开始引起旅游业界和学术界的关注。

28、Nowadays, Hulun Lake has already been an important part of the tourism line in Manchuria and the indispensable place for traveling.如今的呼伦湖是满洲里旅游线路的重要组成部分,已成为旅游者到满洲里旅游的必到之地。

29、Excellent slogans in the advertisements for tourism embody effectively the mission of the tourist agency, the positioning of the enterprise, and the unique selling point of the product or the service.用词准确、造句洗炼、修辞手法独到的旅游广告语能够准确体现旅游经营机构的经营理念、形象定位、产品卖点等。

30、Chapter 第二章探讨了旅游流的内涵、特征、形成及其旅游流的影响因素,在归纳分析旅游流模式的基础上总结概括了区域城市旅游流的一般模式;

2 discusses the concept of tourist flow and its character, influential factors, and summarizes the general patterns of regional tourist flow after dissecting various patterns.

31、The tourism feature mainly displays in the embryo of modern tourism economy and the luxury of tourism tendencies.这时期旅游的特征主要表现为近代旅游经济的萌芽和游风的奢侈。

32、Tour in film and television base is a new kind of cultural tourism. It's a product of film and television's creation and tourism.留学解答资讯网:影视旅游是一种新兴的文化旅游,是影视创作与特色旅游结合的产物。

33、Cultural tourism is a market economy under the condition of the building of a new form of tourism and the "Productivity travel" an important part.文化旅游是市场经济条件下旅游建设的新形态和“旅游生产力”的重要组成部分。

34、According to Reiss' text typology, tourism signs can be categorized into three types: informative , expressive and appellative.根据莱斯的文本类型学,旅游景点公示语可分为三大类:信息型、表情型和呼吁型。

35、But the tourism experience product hasn"t yet taken shape, needless to say the truly "industry of experience" in our country.而在我国,旅游的体验型产品尚未成型,更毋庸说成为真正的“体验型产业”了。

36、As a large tourist province, Yunnan destines to have bright future.云南作为我国的“旅游资源大省”有着广阔的旅游发展空间。

37、And it seems that the historical and cultural city has developed only the static state sightseeing, seldom vacation tourism.因此,度假旅游需要寻找新的开发模式;当前,历史文化名城只发展了静态的观光型产品,对度假旅游少有问津。

38、Zhangjiajie Tourism that "smokeless industry" in transition are faced with the pressure.张家界旅游这一“无烟工业”,面临着转型的压力。

39、Tourism culture shock is a normal phenomenon in tourism cross-culture exchange.旅游文化震惊是旅游跨文化交流中常见的一种现象。

40、Greece is able to offer a multitude of these special-interest niches.希腊完全能够满足这类人群的非大众型旅游要求。

41、The industrial type facility horticulture int-a-a:Facility horticulture area should attain more than 50 percentage int-a-a.产业型设施园艺旅游观光农业是以设施园艺的规模、数量带动旅游观光农业的发展,设施园艺占总面积50%以上。

42、To supervise and inspect the tourism market order and service quality; to receive complaints from tourists and to protect their legitimate rights and interests.监督检查旅游市场秩序和服务质量,受理旅游者投诉,维护旅游者的合法权益。

43、Bilingual Teaching Practice and Exploration in Higher Education of Tourism;当前山西旅游高等教育难以适应旅游经济的快速发展。

44、The present focus is on recreational travel, the "layman's" concept of tourism.现在的重点是休闲式的旅游,也就是外行人眼中的旅游。

45、With the development of the travel, because shaoshan is famovs for red travel, it is the inevitable choice to develop Shaoshan as an ecological travel city.随着旅游业的发展,作为“红色旅游之都”的韶山,开发建设生态旅游城市是必然的选择。

46、Nonetheless, the images constituted by the author are still affected both by the publishing logic and the current dominant ideology.研究发现旅游图文书作者所建构的旅游图像仍然受到出版逻辑和当前社会之支配意识型态的影响。

47、We're adding one more travel trend to our 2014 list - tech-free tourism.xx年的旅游市场又添新的热点趋势:零科技旅游。

48、The harmonious tourism is a new target to tourism development in China, which is also the main direction for the tourism industry of ancient villages in southern Anhui Province.和谐旅游是中国旅游发展的新目标,也是皖南古村落旅游发展的大方向。

49、Meanwhile, regional tourism development offers an experiment flat for tourism circle construction.同时区域旅游的发展为旅游圈的构建提供了实验平台。

50、But as a new area of tourism growth, a number of recent incidents involving brigade, but also exposed the Phoenix travel market environment of some outstanding contradictions and problems.但作为一个成长型的旅游新区,近期发生的一些涉旅事件,也暴露出凤凰旅游市场环境的一些突出矛盾和问题。

经典英文句子51:旅游的句型,51、As a new product of the tourist market, sporting tourism has become a fashion, guiding China's tourist industry.体育旅游作为旅游市场的一种新产品集赏心与健体为一体,已成为引导中国旅游业发展的新时尚。

52、In essence, intersting tourism is eco-tourism deepening and the concretized, is one of the new features of ecological tourism varieties, is a qualitative distillation.实质上,野趣旅游是生态旅游的深化和具体化,是生态旅游的一个新的特色品种,是质的升华。

53、Boasting its two main aspects of tourism resources, i. e. natural and cultural tourism resources which includes 49 places of cultural interest, and 404 scenic spots.共有自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源两大景系,49种景类,404处(点)景型。

54、At the same time, it focuses on interaction of business travel, leisure tourism, health tourism, eco-tourism sharing resources, mutual benefit and win-win.抓好山塘景区与虎丘景区、枫桥景区、苏州古城的联动,同时注重与商贸旅游、休闲旅游、健康旅游、生态旅游的互动,实现资源共享、互利互赢。

55、Based on the WTO background, Hainan develops rapidly to the international tour island and Sanya is included as regional-based international tour city.在中国加入WTO的背景下,海南正向着国际旅游岛快速的发展,三亚市被列入建设区域型国际旅游名城。

56、Team Taxi: There are luxury cars, President Lincoln, President of Cadillac luxury cars, luxury cars Toyota Crown 出租车队:有豪华型林肯总统轿车、豪华型凯迪拉克总统轿车、丰田皇冠

3.0, 26 and 30 Toyota COASTER CMB tourism, Hino 33 coaches.


57、A wide range of hotel, motel and apartment accommodation is available in most cities, major resorts and many rural areas.在大部分城市、主要旅游点和许多农村地区,都能找到各种类型的旅馆、汽车旅馆和公寓住所。

58、The Institute For Tourism Studies was awarded the Medal of Merit for Tourism in recognition of its significant contributions in advancing local tourism development.旅游学院获颁「旅游功绩勋章」,肯定了学院在推动本地旅游业发展上所作出的贡献。

59、An Exploratory Study of Web-based Travel Information Search …网际网路型态旅游资讯搜寻行为之初探。

60、An explosion of mass tourism, dark tourism and education programs in Europe and elsewhere that send students abroad, has tripled the number of visitors to Auschwitz over the last decade.旅游业的发达,欧洲的黑色旅游(指与历史上死亡或苦难相关的旅游项目)和教育项目,还有来这里的许多外国留学生,使得近xx年来到奥斯威辛旅游的游客数量翻了三倍。

61、Analyzed the present condition, the spatial distribution, the development chances and challenges of south-west tourism ring, to get a whole knowledge about it.通过介绍大西南旅游圈发展现状及其空间组合情况和分析大西南旅游圈发展旅游所面临的机遇与挑战,以对大西南旅游圈有较全面的认识。

62、With the feature of muti-gradation of karst tourist resources and a verity kind of landscape, it is well worth academic study and travelling.挂多地区喀斯特旅游资源具有多层次特征,景观类型多样,有很高的学术研究和旅游价值。

63、Tourism Shopping is the Extension of the Tourism Activity in a way.旅游购物在某种意义上可以说是旅游活动的延伸。

64、As a new product of the tourist market, sporting tourism has become a fashion, guiding China tourist industry.体育旅游作为旅游市场的一种新产品集赏心与健体为一体,已成为引导中国旅游业发展的新时尚。

65、The issue on tourism environment is a hot topic in tourism recently.旅游资源保护问题已经成为近期旅游界的一个热点。

66、I work for both inbound tourism in Thailand and outbound tourism in other countries.现在我是英文导游。我都在泰国做入境旅游和在外国做出境旅游。

67、For a case study, the model and standards are used to assess the Wulingshan nature reserve area in Hebei province. As a result, the tourism activities of Wulingshan are belong to ecotourism.将生态旅游认证的评估标准和评估模型应用于河北雾灵山自然保护区,进行案例浅析浅析,得出雾灵山的旅游活动属于生态旅游。

68、The tourism feature mainly displays in the embryo of modem tourism economy and the luxury of tourism tendencies.这时期旅游的特徵主要表现为近代旅游经济的萌芽和游风的奢侈。

69、Requirement of improving tourism taste will further development of tourism resources of karst cave.⑤游客对旅游品位要求的提高也将进一步促进溶洞旅游资源的深入开发。

70、Post industrialization country tourism is a new-type of tourist product, which takes "original juice with original taste" as symbol and is based on countryside surroundings.后工业化的乡村旅游是在乡村环境基础之上,以“原汁原味”为表象符号,现代生活为本质的新型旅游产品。

71、The tourism cycle economy was a new guilding ideology for developing tourism, which was a new normal form for realizing the sustainable tourism development.旅游循环经济是发展旅游业一种新的指导思想,是实现旅游业可持续发展的新范式。

72、Most of the resources in Qian Nanyu are fit to develop eco-tourism.前南峪的大多数旅游资源适合开展生态旅游活动。

73、In the comprehensive hotel is a three-star standard construction, tourism administration of foreign tourist hotel approved and tourism designated hotel.棠中大酒店是按三星级标准兴建,旅游管理局批准的涉外旅游宾馆和旅游定点饭店。

74、As a "china excellent tourism city ", Dalian's developing target is to become the most attractivest leisure and vacation tourism central city .大连作为中国的一个优秀旅游城市,其发展目标是要成为中国北方最具吸引力的休闲、度假型海滨旅游中心城市。


标签: 旅游

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