关于”表达感受“的英语句子54个,句子主体:express feelings。以下是关于表达感受的托福英语句子。
英文句子模板1:express feelings
1、The expression of OB-R showed a significant correlation with the level of leptin expression (P< 0.01).
2、Did your boyfriend lose his clothes?
3、The education of music art can promote the educatee's intuition, imagination, creativity, expressiveness and artistic cultivation, enrich his emotion and tap his potential of thinking.
4、The affected students felt dozy and vomiting, he added.
5、how they say things we have trouble with 我们感到难以表达的那些事物他们是如何表述的
你的伙伴他们已经朝那边走了. Your companions have already gone toward that way. 你男朋友的衣服丢失了吗?
6、What do(did) you do for living in China?
7、Cancer cells that express EGFR also expressed SGLT1 and were resistant to glucose starvation-induced cell death.
8、Objective:To study the relation between GCR expression and sensitivity of chemotherapy in patients with lymphoma.
结果 ATM的相对表达量阴性对照组与未感染病毒组表达水平接近;
9、ResultsThe expression level of ATM gene was similar between the group not infected with virus and control group.
10、My music is a mix of all those things, and it expresses what I feel - like my paintings or comic books do - by sharing that emotion of happiness, anger, or exciting feelings with the listeners.
11、Help them learn to use words that express their feelings, such as happy, sad, angry, mad and scared.
产生于19世纪的法国艺术运动。 它摈弃现实主义手法,通过使人产生联想的意象表达主观感受。
12、A 19th century French movemennt that rejected realism and expressed subjective images.
13、The capsaicin receptor vanilloid receptor
1 (VR1) is mainly expressed on sensory neurons where it conveys pain sensation.
14、"Elephants are very human animals," Daphne says. "Their emotions are exactly the same as ours, right down to the post-traumatic stress they suffer.
目的 探讨复方倍他米松对流感病毒感染小鼠受损的嗅粘膜嗅觉标记蛋白(OMP)表达的影响。
15、Objective To investigate the effects of Compound Betamethasone on the expression of olfactory marker protein(OMP) in murine injured olfactory mucosa by influenza virus.
16、Consumers are tightening their belts, but they still want to socialize with peers and express themselves, industry executives say.
17、Unexpressed feelings will drag you down every time.
18、When I speak assertively, I state my feelings openly, without being rude or demanding.
19、It is why the study of animal feelings in general was largely neglected for the century following the 1872 publication of Charles Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.
20、It just seems like water and stone in the natural world. They have their own forming sources and natures. People always can convey their own impressions through the paintings.
21、In his Chelsea TV post-match interview, which you can see tonight, he lays his feelings on the line.在他的切尔西电视台赛后采访中,今晚播放(我们是看不到拉),他当众表达了自己的感受。
22、Although the studies only looked at the people expressing gratitude, Lambert speculated that, "those who are being thanked will often feel an urge to reciprocate.尽管这些研究只分析了那些表达感激的人,但兰伯特分析称,“那些受到感谢的人通常会产生回报的想法。
23、Each ganglion cell receives about 每个双极细胞接受约4个光感受器的输入,这表明神经节细胞的感受野较小。
3 bipolar cells, and each bipolar cell receives about
4 photoreceptors.
24、These sizes vary picture, Is impossible with the intravenous drip word to express each person to the journey feeling, Only expresses me by these pictures to life happy reposing and the hope.这些大小不一的画面,和点滴的只言片语不可能表达每个人对旅途的感受,仅以这些画面表达我对生活美好的寄托和希望。
25、Communicate : match the presentation to the capabilities of the user.表达:使用用户能力能够接受的表达方式。
英文句子26:,26、Does the idea of expressing your feelings to someone you care for make you feel nervous and tongue-tied?对你关心的人的表达你的感受,一想到这个是否让你感到紧张,舌头打结?
27、It seems that while SYA students express their respect for their Chinese hosts at the middle school, the feeling is mutual.sya学生向学校和接待家庭表达敬意,而学校和接待家庭也有相同的感受。
28、Results Expression of galanin and all three galanin receptor subtypes were detected in the rat pituitary GH3 cells and expression levels of GalR2 were particularly high.结果 甘丙肽与其3个受体亚型在大鼠垂体腺瘤GH3细胞中均有表达,其中以受体2表达量较高;
29、Chen Hui always expresses out her emotions; most people in this company already know her well.陈辉总是把自己的感受表达出来,这家公司大多的人已经认识她。
30、Developed the ability of aesthetic experience, creative imagination, rich emotion and adept artistic skill is the main connotation.发达的审美感受能力、创造性的想象、丰富的情感和娴熟的艺术表现技巧是艺术家的主要内涵。
31、‘Are you praising them and showing them enough affection, and do you accept it when they reciprocate?’ says Hayman.你是否称赞他们,向他们表达足够的情感呢? 而且当他们回应的时候你接受了吗?
32、The joy for the win, the admiration for the eternal Pippo Inzaghi, but also the disappointment for Christian Abbiati's injury and the trust in Dida and Kalac.为酣畅的大胜感到喜悦,对永恒的皮波感到景仰,为阿比的受伤感到遗憾,对迪达卡拉奇表示信任。
33、"It was a very emotional journey for me" to make the film in China, as it's very difficult to open oneself up to inner feelings, Ruby Yang said backstage at the Kodak Theater.在柯达剧院的后台,卢比。杨对记者说,在中国拍摄该片是一次非常感人的历程,很难用语言表达我的内心感受。
34、Our body language exhibits far more information about how we feel than it is possible to articulate verbally.相对于口头语言,形体语言更能表达个人感受;
35、A 19th century French movement that rejected realism and expre ed subjective visio through evocative images.产生于19世纪的法国艺术运动。它摒弃现实主义手法,通过使人产生联想的意像表达主观感受。
36、By expressing your feelings and talking through (not yelling, mind you) problems, you don’t give them a chance to fester and grow.表达你的感受并且讨论问题, 这样你就不会给问题一个溃烂或者增长的机会。
37、Typically this means they can accept either ESQL only expressions, XPath only expressions or both (multi-language support).通常,这意味着它们可以接受纯 ESQL 表达式、纯 XPath 表达式或者同时接受两者(多语言支持)。
38、Of being bulimic, she said, “I just couldn't be it anymore — I don't know how else to put it.关于暴食症,她说,“我真的再也不能那样了——我不知道还能怎么表达我的感受。”
39、Simply adjust your habitual vocabulary-the words you consistenly use to describe your emotions and sensations-to immediately change how you think, feel, and live.仅仅通过改变你惯用于表达你情绪和感觉的词汇,马上就会改变你的思想、感受和生活。
40、There are no words to express what we all feel for you and the courage you have shown in the face of unbearable loss.没有语言能够表达我们对你们的感受,和你们脸上对那难以承受的损失所展现的勇气。
41、Some men prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words.相比较情意绵绵的话语,有些男人更乐意通过行动来表达他们的感受。
42、Note that the path expression is case-sensitive.注意,路径表达式是大小写敏感的。
43、Valdano told Radio Marca : Everyone knows that Alonso is a player that we have always been interested in.巴尔达诺接受马卡无线台的采购表示阿隆索一直是他们所感兴趣的球员。
44、Along with expressing your feelings , you may need to take further action to eliminate reasons for your anger .除了表达你的感受,你可能需要采取更进一步的行动来消除愤怒的肇因。
45、Emotions are a female trademark, but men report having feelings just as often as women. They just don't express them.情感是女性的特征,但是男性也想女性一样常常会有一些感受,他们只是没有表达出来。
46、Bruno Montelongo gave an interview to Milan Channel today, talking about what it means to him to put on the Rossoneri shirt and the reception he was given by his new teammates.布鲁诺-蒙特隆戈接受米兰频道采访,表达了他首次身穿红黑球衣的感受。
47、Compositing literary works is a kind of intellectural work, it expresses one's own feelings and insight into the objective world through words.文学创作要通过语言文字把自己对生活对世界的感受、看法纪录、表达出来。
48、Notice also that one's emotionalstate should be affected by others, just like that of a parent to theirchildren's life, but also Paul expresses his emotions.注意到一个人的感情状态应该受到别人的影响,就像父母对他们孩子的生活一样。 而且,保罗还表达了他的感情。
49、A second group of people were then given a list of these descriptions and asked which ones they identified with in their own relationships.研究者向第二组受访者展示了这些描述及表达方式,并且问他们在个人感情关系上是否有感同身受的体会。
50、Insect OSNs express two types of odorant receptor (OR): conventional Ors, highly divergent family of receptors that are expressed in small subpopulations of OSNs;昆虫的嗅觉神经元表达两类气味受体: 一是传统气味受体,该类受体同源性较低,在少部分嗅觉神经元中表达;
经典英文句子51:表达感受,51、Result All of the neurons expressed SP also expressed CRF1 receptor in submucosal plexus of guinea-pig.结果:豚鼠黏膜下层神经丛中所有表达SP的神经元上均有CRF1受体的表达。
52、The expression of 数据库分析结果显示OSR家族基因的表达总体较弱,其中OSR2、OSR3和OSR4的表达受高渗和高盐处理诱导,而OSR9的表达受高渗和高盐处理抑制。
3 OSR genes, including OSR2, OSR3 and OSR4, was enhanced, while that of another gene OSR9 was inhibited by osmotic stress and high salinity treatments.
53、You can easily express the important feelings about your relationship that people often have trouble saying to each other.你们很容易便能表达那些关于你们关系的重要感受,这些在别人之间可能是不太能表达清楚的。
54、Objective To observe the effect of axotomy on the expression of NMDA receptors in the primary sensory neurons of rats.目的观察外周神经切断后初级感觉神经元内N - 甲基-D - 天冬氨酸( NMDA) 受体表达的改变。
55、Conclusion P2X7 receptor was functionally expression in BMMC from leukemia patients. The high expression of P2X7 receptor was related to insensitivity to therapy.结论P2X7受体在白血病患者BMMC中有功能性表达,其高表达与患者治疗不敏感相关。
56、The key to success lies in looking for the suitable artistic language, combining the painting form and emotion, and voicing the feeling of artist.其关键在于寻找恰当的艺术语言,将绘画形式与情感相融和,充分表达画家的感受;
57、Jeet Kune-Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy.截拳道是简单的直接表达一个人的 感受运动和能量的最低。
58、你的伙伴他们已经朝那边走了. Your companions have already gone toward that way. 你男朋友的衣服丢失了吗?
59、The expression of VIP exists on photoreceptor- outer segment, inner nuclear layer and inner plexiform layer of retina and choroids, and weak expression exists on ganglion cell and nerve fiber layer.VIP表达主要位于视网膜光感受器外节、内核层、内网状层和脉络膜,神经节细胞层和神经纤维层也有弱表达;
60、His intellectual gifts, his moral perceptions, his power of experiencing and communicating emotion, were kept in a state of preternatural activity by the prick and anguish of his daily life.他的智慧的天赋,他在道德上的感知,他经受和表达感情的能力,都是由于他在日常生活中所受的刺痛,才得以保持一种异乎寻常的状态的。
61、Expressionistic art uses objects that can be recognized, but they are changed to show the artist's feelings.表现主义艺术会运用可以识别的物体,但是他们被做了变化来表达艺术家的感受。
62、You share your feelings tactfully, so the other person won't feel put down.打个比方,在倾听过程中,你可以用“我觉得有点不舒服”来灵活的表达自己的感受,这样,倾诉者就不会感觉到自己的失落。
63、Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy.运用光标暗示来表达受范性。
64、This chart energy allows you to express your thoughts & feelings in new & creative & inventive ways...星运使你表达想法和感受时更新颖,更具创意。
65、The two found it easier to express feelings in emails than in person.她们俩发现在电子邮件里比亲口说更能表达感受。
66、The nucleotide receptor P2X7 is widely expressed in hematopoietic cells.P2X7受体在血源细胞中广泛表达。
67、Forgiveness is the only word that comes to mind when I try to express what I felt in that moment.当我试图用语言表达那一刻的感受时,我唯一想到的字词就是“宽恕”。
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