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1、Design of the network environment for top-courses includes: the education resource environment, the information transmission network environment, and the supportive study environment.


2、Equipment engineering (ee). Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunication equipment. Part 1-2 : classification of environmental conditions. Transport.



3、In the field of quantitative genetics, shared and nonshared environment have enhanced the understanding environment effect;


4、Natural ecology is the basic and straightest element in environment.


5、Her Main research interests are the basic theory of environmental law, environmental justice, comparative environmental law, pollution control law and energy law.


6、This chapter mainly introduced overview of the natural environment, social environment and the people's spiritual environment.


7、Third, try to change the hard environment, develop the soft environment positively;


8、We shall focus on the construction of natural environment, living environment and social environment, to build the harmonious Huangyan perfect for living and business.


9、The ET shall be headed by a team leader who has at least

7 years' experience in environmental monitoring and auditing (EM&A) or environmental management.


10、The legal interest of environmental criminal law is not only the logic starting point, but also the center of environmental criminal law.


11、The calligraphic environment could be classified into exterior and interior environmental factors according to their influencing patterns.


12、The tests are automatically run in a separate environment that interferes with neither your development environment nor your production environment.


13、The influence of Olympic Games to the humanism circumstance can be shown from the hard environment and the soft one.

企业级的 BRMS 为业务用户提供一个协作环境,这个环境能够与相关的技术环境同步。

14、An enterprise-class BRMS provides a collaborative environment for business users that can be synchronized with the accompanying technical environment.


15、Ocean ambient physic field mainly includes environment noise field , circumstance magentic field, hydraulic pressure field, electric field and so on.


16、The study gives an account of Japan's environment management and control and probes into regional motive force and mechanism of Sino-Japanese environment cooperation.


17、Geo - environment is closely linked to eco - environment, the latter being obviously controlled by the former.


18、Continue to optimize the hard environment and soft environment of investment.


19、The tectonic environment of forming these units develops the epicontinental-collison orogenic environment to the late-orogenic or post-orogenic environment.


20、The sedimentary characters and evolvement of sedimentary environments have expounded.

21、Pseudo-environment is subdivided into medium environment prompted by medium and psychology environment set up by audiences.拟态环境又可以进一步细分为由媒介提示的“媒介环境”和由受众建构的“心理环境”。

22、The global environmental problem calls the global environment governance.全球环境问题呼唤全球环境治理。

23、Behavior Setting;行为环境;

24、Remember to extend your automation umbrella cross-domain and end-to-end in your environment – manage development, testing, staging and production environments with the same tools and processes.要扩展这些自动化工具,使其能够支持多个领域(开发领域和运维领域),并且在产品的不同环境(开发环境、测试环境、发布环境和生产环境)中使用相同的工具(也叫end-to-end)。

25、Public Interest Environmental Litigation (PIEL) aims at guaranteeing rights to the environment, preventing and redressing the damages to the environment per se.环境公益诉讼旨在保障环境权利,预防和救济“对环境本身的损害”。

英文句子26:,26、Goes like this: synonymous with that, talk about the environment, small environment.云:与说同义,说说大环境、小环境。

27、It is hard for the public to realize their environmental litigation right due to the lack of the procedure guarante…修订我国环境法有关环境诉讼的程序性规定,建立环境公众诉讼制度,是环境权从应有权利到实有权利的必由之路。

28、Yunnan RTV University is an institution of distance education, which provides students with a hard environment, i. e. material environment and a soft environment, i. e. humanity environment.云南广播电视大学是一所开展远程教育的学校,为学员提供了网络教育等硬件环境即物质环境和软环境即人文环境。

29、The essential approach of anti-poverty is to break the vicious circle between the poverty and environment and harmonize these two issues.对于环境制约型贫困的西部地区,只有打破贫困与环境之间的恶性循环,建立经济与生态环境的良性环才是反贫困的根本途径。

30、Adhesive property of ACQ in alkaline environment was better than in acid.ACQ在碱性环境中固着率高于酸性环境。

31、This class of environment includes the UAT, Pre-production and Production environments.这一类型的环境包括 UAT,生产前和生产环境。

32、According to the influence extent of external environment on the enterprises, it can be divided into macro-environment and micro-environment.企业外部环境按其对企业影响程度分为宏观环境和微观环境。

33、Gift cultures are adaptations not to scarcity but to abundance.礼物文化适应于富裕环境,而不适应于萧条环境。

34、Environmental Management System Reform is the central link of Chinas environmental governance.环境管理大部制变革是中国环境治理的中心环节。

35、The contents of evaluation include thermal environment, air quality, visual environment, audio environment, and overall arrangement, etc.评价内容包括热环境、空气品质、视环境、听觉环境和布局等;

36、Atmospheric environment is the mayor component of synthetic natural environment(SNE).大气环境是综合自然环境(SNE)的重要组成部分。

37、With understanding fully the relationship between information environment and information literate, the essence of IEM is to administer human-information literate.首先阐述信息环境与信息人的关系,人是信息环境的核心,信息环境管理从本质上说就是对信息环境中的人——信息人的管理。

38、As a kind of legal right, it is until today expressed as Mankind's environmental right in Constitutional laws, domestic and international law.作为一种法律权利,迄今为止,各国宪法、国内环境法和国际环境法所表达的环境权均是人类的环境权。

39、Has led the entire countryside economic level, improved the village collective material environment, the cultural environment and the legal environment.带动了整个农村的经济水平,改善了村集体的物质环境、文化环境和法律环境。

40、It includes personalization reading teaching psychological environment and physical environment.它包括个性化阅读教学心理环境和物理环境。

41、Citizen's environmental rights should be divided into two types, right to a good environment and right to use the environment.公民环境权可以被分为两种类型:良好环境权与开发利用环境资源权。

42、It is hard for the public to realize their environmental litigation right due to the lack of the procedure gu…修订我国环境法有关环境诉讼的程序性规定,建立环境公众诉讼制度,是环境权从应有权利到实有权利的必由之路。

43、Among them, maintaining ecological security and environmental safety is the basic requirement of environmental justice and environmental order.其中,维护生态安全、环境安全是对环境正义和环境秩序的起码要求。

44、The sedimentary environment of Qianjiang Formation is a reducing environment.潜江组沉积环境是一种还原环境。

45、The concept of TECC goes through this process: carrying capacity-environmental carrying capacity- Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity.旅游环境承载力概念,经历了承载力—环境承载力—旅游环境承载力的发展过程。

46、Strengthen the information basis for environmental monitoring and integrate environmental values and concerns into the development process;加强环境监测信息基础,将环境价值和环境影响融入发展过程;

47、Environmental Rights engenders in the era of environmental crisis with a series of straits.环境权产生于环境危机时代,一开始就面临许多困境。

48、I didn't know much about the environment and environment law.那时我对环境问题和环境法并不太了解。

49、Environment where using deicer salts: Chilling and cold area where water level changes in winter; sea bank environment outdoor.使用除冰盐的环境;严寒和寒冷地区冬季水位变动的环境;滨海室外环境。

50、The method of scenery-borrowing which applied to outdoor environmental ceramic art is an emphasis on the environmental conception of environment ceramics.借景手法运用于室外环境陶艺设计,是对环境陶艺环境观念的强化。

经典英文句子51:环境,51、To simulate the altitude environment condition in a climatic chamber for engine testing.在环境仓中模拟发动机高原环境测试。

52、In order to strengthen the public environment education, we should firstly enhance the higher environment education, especially those of the non-environmental majors.加强全社会环境教育,首先必须要加强普通高校的环境教育工作,尤其应加强非环境专业的环境教育工作。

53、Environmental warning is closely related to environmental evaluation and environmental forecasting, but its goal is concentrately aimed at the caution for human-induced environmental degeneration.环境预警与环境评价、环境预测有密切关系,但其目的性、针对性更突出对人为环境恶化的警示。

54、Add the following environment variables in TXSeries region environment file在 TXSeries 区域环境文件中添加下面的环境变量


标签: 环境

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