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1、The White House described the figures as" disappointing" .


2、Digital rights expression lan- guage provides basic description information for rights enforcement.


3、Scenarios are small narrative descriptions of someone working through the use case.


4、Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data. The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.


5、A couple of young men confirmed for Osama the shepherd’s account.


6、The model of RAID channel adapter de-scribed by VHDL is put forward.


7、Describes the image.


8、It was a map for the anthropocene.


9、How would you describe your ideal candidate?


10、A description that matches the earliest account of Cleopatra's corpse.


11、If you want to describe this particle, what's the kinematics?


12、Mr. Hoover is “represented as seeing . . .” But who is doing the representing?


13、Describing collections involves tabulating, depicting and describing collections of data.


14、Everything you describe.


15、Restate what has been stated: Practice saying, “Let me see if I understand” to someone, then restate what you think they mean in your own words.


16、Copies a bitmap from the source device context to this current device context.


17、Is this kind of a description more useful than the human-readable description?

Faultstring 让人易读的错误的描述。

18、Faultstring is a human readable description of the fault.

描述:TCP SYN 扫描是 端口扫描的变体。

19、Description: TCP SYN scanning is a variant of port scanning.

20、FORMULA #21: Describe a person. - This question follows the formula exactly.


21、Understanding RDDL descriptors理解 RDDL 描述符

22、Can the Zetas expand on the reaction?齐塔人能否对这个反应详细描述?

23、The API itself is usually invisible to programmers, as the scope of transactions is delineated by declarative data found in deployment descriptors.编程人员一般看不见 API,因为事务的范围由部署描述符中的声明数据进行描述。

24、Can you describe people in Chinatown?你能描述一下在唐人街的人吗?

25、Game Description: Is a turn-based tactical squad.游戏描述: 一个多人的,回合制策略游戏。

英文句子26:,26、Then, how would you describe people in Brooklyn?那你会怎么描述布鲁克林人呢?

27、Humorous cannot be used to describe a person's appearance, only traits of one's speech, while huaji can mean funny appearances of an animal or person.不能用幽默来描述一个人的外表,而只能描述其言语的特征;

28、This description teaches others how to find the problem.这个描述指导其他人如何找到问题。

29、How do you wish to be described?你希望别人怎么描述你呢?

30、Describe people's looks.描述人们的边幅。

31、she is a kindhearted girl. 她是一个热心的女孩。

32、The anthropology of Bernard Lonergan is described.本文将描述郎尼根的人学;

33、We can subsume spatiotemporal descriptions and descriptions in terms of properties in these formal spaces under the rubric of structural descriptions.我们能够包容时空描述和根据属性的描述(在这些形式的空间中,基于“结构”的描述)。

34、This description may seem similar to the flow control description in the previous paragraph.这一描述似乎有些类似于前一段的流控制描述。

35、A blank field descriptor is a descriptor to make blank on output.一个空白字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符。

36、A mediation service can either be a Goal or a Service Description.一个仲裁服务可以是目标描述也可以是服务描述。

37、Somebody figured out that he was at least 6'7".有人描述他至少身长6英尺7英寸

38、she is an easygoing girl. 她是一个随和的女孩。

39、Product as described.产品描述。

40、We adopted Carreau model to describe the polymeric fluid, which is widely used on describing polymeric fluid with shear- thinning nature.吾人以卡罗流体模型描述高分子流体行为,此模型特别适合描述具有剪力稀薄现象的流体。

41、The expression and description methods of space curve are demonstrated. The methods of using moment, Fourier to describe the space curve is proposed.讨论空间曲线的表达和描述方法,提出用矩和傅里叶描述符描述空间曲线的方法。

42、Would you describe yourself as a good person?你会把自己描述成一个好人吗?

43、The company describes its process as a 'human photocopier'.这家公司将其描述为人类的复印机。

44、This descriptor can also describe various transactional, access, and plug-in settings.此描述符也可以描述各种事务、访问和插件设置。

45、This description does not eliminate the need for human-readable description, since we still need that to describe the semantics of the application.这个描述并没有消除对于人类可读描述的需要,因为我们仍然需要描述应用语义。

46、Matter Representation can be complete only when a complex number is used.物质都用质量来描述。 有时侯也用电荷来描述。 但是, …

47、Table 表

1 describes the required deployment descriptor and optional deployment plan.

1 描述了必需的部署描述符和可选的部署计划。

48、She described her experiences in Africa very movingly .她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的经历。

49、What is a broad-brush description of things, what is described in fine lines?什么是对事物的粗线条描述什么是细线条描述?

50、Descriptive statistics involves tabulating , depicting and describing collections of data.描述统计学涉及对所收集数据的制表、制图和描述。

经典英文句子51:描述人,51、I can't describe.我难以描述。

52、VD? Variable Descriptor?变量描述符?。

53、Open the EJB deployment descriptor using the Deployment Descriptor editor (Figure 使用部署描述符编辑器打开 EJB 部署描述符(图





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