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关于”软件哪个好“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Software which is good。以下是关于软件哪个好的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software which is good


1、Architecture: Describe what an architecture comprises, and where it fits in to the overall software development process.


2、Cotton fabrics, soft Rou Rou's close, this season just parts jacket.


3、If not, what other reporting software would be suggested?


4、Who can tell me that my dear friend Forum (English Forum) up the software compared well!


5、There are a couple of third-party apps, too, like the bSafe app.


6、Getright - One of the best download managers available.


7、Either way, OneNote features lots of other cross-Office-product magic.


8、Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch?


9、Who does Wuchang have sell stock software company?


10、Which fileset contains a particular binary?

它是商业 Matlab 软件的一个很好的替代品。

11、It's a great alternative to the commercial Matlab software.


12、Right thermocouples, heat resistance , is a very good tool.


13、Where you start in using these tools will depend on where you are in your software delivery cycle.


14、Which is the better of these two dresses?


15、The point is, there’s a good chance whatever you draw is going to look good.

你可以选择使用哪个版本的SUSE,然后你需要选择一个基础包(base package)这个基础软件包定义了你衍生版本在哪个桌面和硬件平台上面。

16、You have a choice of which version of SUSE to use, and then you choose a base package that defines which desktop and hardware platform you're likely to be running your respin on.


17、I prefer “software company,” and there’s nothing wrong with being a startup.


18、The recording software I am using is just the one Harmonica Univeristy provides. That is really a good tool.


19、If you have reason to believe that a process is malware, it’s best to let an anti-virus program take a crack at it before attempting to shut it down yourself.


20、We hope you can apply these software patterns to better organize the next generation of service-oriented software.

21、Where do software developers hone their ability to reason about ethics.软件开发者该在哪些方面加强他们思考关于道德问题的能力呢?

22、It allows you to navigate through the hierarchy of software components, thus giving you a better perspective for software to ECU mapping.它允许您通过软件组件的层次导航,因而让您更好地观察软件到 ECU 映射。

23、What the decisions are made about the design?对于软件和网页的设计和作出了哪些决定?

24、Does the computer come with software pre-installed?计算机会预先安装好软件吗?

25、You will not be expected to know all of these packages, but a basic understanding of each will help you out in the longrun .你不可能掌握这些所有的软件,但是对这些软件有一个基础的了解会对你有好处。

英文句子26:,26、We have registered the software, and what additional services we can enjoy ?该软件注册后可以享受哪些额外的服务?

27、Viruses, worms, spyware, malware, adware, X-ware...but where?病毒,蠕虫,间谍软件,恶意程序,插件, X-ware……在哪里?

28、For any piece of software, the ability to short-circuit a user's learning curve is critical to the adoption and success of that piece of software.无论对于哪一种软件来说,缩短用户学习曲线的能力对于该软件的推广及其能否取得成功都是至关重要的。

29、This brings the crucial advantage ofhaving a honeypot which provides exactly the same software in the same configuration.这带来了一个至关重要的好处,就是蜜罐提供了相同软件、完全相同配置的软件。

30、This software is registered to…这个软件注册给…

31、What makes it different from more traditional software development methods?它同传统的软件开发方法的区别在哪里?

32、This is an excellent alternative to expensive picture-editing software such as Photoshop.Gimp Photoshop 等图片编辑软件都很贵,Gimp 则是另一个很好的选择。

33、It helps software development organizations to determine which roles can best perform certain activities and defines a set of artifacts (i.e., deliverables) that support these activities.它帮助软件开发组织决定哪些角色可以最好地执行特定活动,并定义了一组工件(如,成果)来支持这些活动。

34、Hardware appliances vs. software solutions: ModSecurity is a software web application firewall engine that is an Apache module.硬件设备对比软件方案:ModSecurity是一个软件Web应用防火墙引擎,本质上是个Apache module。

35、Unless a .toc file is present, the installp command will not know which software is present for installation.如果 .toc 文件不存在,installp 命令就不知道有哪些软件可以安装。

36、Where are the food trucks? There's an app for that. What's the Wait gives the waiting time at your favorite restaurant.哪里能看得见食品卡车?就会有一款应用软件提供帮助。还等什么软件为你提供了你最喜爱餐厅的等候时间。

37、What are the best practices and "gotchas" that software architects should keep in mind when documenting their software architectures?哪些是软件架构师们在记录他们的软件架构时需要牢记的最佳实践和“陷阱”(gotchas)?

38、The focus of Figure 51 is highlevel, that of the enterprise, and therefore, the minute details of which software components are deployed to which hardware nodes do not need to be shown.图51中关注的是高层次企业级的情况,至于哪个软件组件部署在哪个硬件节点上这样的细节根本不需要显示。

39、When using a touch-screen keyboard, for example, the letters already tapped out give the software clues about which letter might come next.当(你)使用一个触摸屏键盘的时候,例如,已经打出来的字母向软件提供了下一个字母将会是哪一个的线索。

40、Now the well but worried can download a flu-tracking application and find out where in their state an H1N1 outbreak has occurred and learn the best ways to avoid it.目前,身体健康良好但却担心感染疾病的人可以下载一个流感跟踪应用软件,这个软件可以找出H1N1发生地,并且可以帮助寻求解决问题的最好方法。

41、The goal is to develop superior software quickly.目的是快速开发出上好的软件。

42、Software Architects, be prepared to the Cloud.软件架构师们,准备好迎接云吧。

43、Next came an assessment of which platform and which software packages would be used to run the LMS.接下来评估哪个平台和那些软件包可以用于运行 LMS。

44、In any software project, getting off to a good start is critical.在一个软件项目中,获得一个良好的开始是十分关键的。

45、Often, if it is "cool" and works, we consider that to be enough, even if the coding is not up to par.如果某个软件是“酷”的,并能够发挥作用,那么我们就认为这是好的软件,即使编码并不合乎标准。

46、Where is Meta in software engineering?哪里是梅塔在软件工程?

47、Which sweater do you like better?哪件毛线衣您更好喜欢?

48、To you , which is better , a hand-written letter or email ?你认为,手写信和电子邮件,哪一个更好?

49、InfoQ: What are the best practices and "gotchas" that software architects should keep in mind when working on creating reusable component libraries?InfoQ:软件构架师在创建可复用的组件类库时,应当铭记哪些最佳实践?

50、Measuring productivity by features or story points is not much better.通过特性或故事点数衡量软件也好不到哪里去。

经典英文句子51:软件哪个好,51、Use the recovery software. All right. Right there.用回复软件就成。好了。就这。

52、Companies must have a policy for procuring OSS, deciding which applications will be supported by OSS and identifying the intellectual property risk or supportability risk associated with using OSS.企业必须有建立开源软件的制度,决定企业的哪些应用可以由开源软件支持,并在使用开源软件的时候考虑知识产权的风险和稳定性的风险。

53、Granted, the store has lots of apps—about 250, 000—but Apple nonetheless controls which ones make it onto its platform.该商店有很多软件, 大约有 250,000, 不过苹果却控制着哪个程序能进入他的平台.

54、Ideally, the activity involves well-coordinated teams working within a variety of disciplines that span the software lifecycle.理想化地,软件开发活动涉及了良好协调的团队在各种涵盖了整个软件生命周期的规则约束下的工作。

55、Residencies provide a profound opportunity for you and your software development organization to really understand how your software is being used.派驻 为您和您的软件开发组织提供了一个很好的机会,从而可以真实地了解您的软件是如何被利用的。

56、The CDs also included a demo version of packaging software which folds and tests two-dimensional templates in 3-D.该CD还包括对软件封装和测试折叠哪两个立体演示版本模板在

3 - D。

57、It's a software platform...它是一个软件平台...

58、Which color / bag / clothes do you like?你喜欢哪种颜色/哪个包/哪件衣服?

59、I can't say how they'd perform if your documents are especially complex, but, as the programs are free to use, it's certainly worth a try.如果你的文件特别复杂,那么这两个软件表现如何我就不好说了;不过,考虑到这些软件都是免费的,你不妨一试。

60、Division is dispatching a software security expert to extract the data it contains. She's apparently an expert on the intricacies of Korean software.上头派了个软件安全专家来提取设备内包含的数据,她好像对破解复杂的韩文软件有一套。

61、This is a good idea with software as well.对于软件设计,这也是个好主意。

62、Where to test is answered by determining and documenting the needed software and hardware configurations.在哪里测试通过决定和记录所需的软件和硬件配置来回答。

63、It definitely works best when dictating directly into Microsoft programs.在命令进入微软的软件时,它的表现当然是最好的。


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