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1、The Allens are home-schoolers.


2、In the recent years, the family concept of the undergraduate students has been fading off, because families, schools and society have ignored this aspect.


3、This thesis conducts a study on household economy of reservoir resettlers from the view of household assets.


4、Business goals: Let every family, to enjoy the sunshine to the charm of the family!


5、Social order rests on family education. Family education rests on individual integrity.


6、Products wanted: All kinds of home appliances, health products and plastic housewares .


7、I very love my family.


8、The family suites are not only better equipped than most family homes but are beautifully decorated and sumptuously furnished.


9、One prominent feature of the Pig year is that it favours family values and the home.


10、They have dissolved the carnal family, and constituted in their community a spiritual family.


11、Many foreigners have chosen a "home stay" form, into the host family, and became a home-style foreign teachers.


12、Compare prices, read reviews and " ratings, " garden furniture.


13、Since the second part of the 20th century, there has been a shift in the research field of western family history, concerning from the family structure to the family relationship.


14、How do low-income families, middle-income families to buy houses, low-income families live in low-cost housing, in low-income families there is a gap, the emergence of a sandwich layer.


15、The point is that there were not many Gouveias, nor were there big families anywhere else in the unfathomably complicated plotline.


16、Most wealthy families can afford the high tuitions, and poor families get financial aid, but middle-income families get squeezed-and even squeezed out.


17、A study has found that households on middle-range salaries will be much worse affected by rises in living costs than the rich or poor over the next decade.


18、As the cultural core of Tujia families, the nature of Chinese fireplace culture is a kind of family culture.


19、Black Intimacies: A Gender Perspective on Families and Relationships - by Shirley A. Hill Hamer, Jennifer F. P.


20、The results indicate:①work family conflict(WFC)is stronger than family work conflict(FWC).

21、Divides family property to divide up property;分家析产;家庭共有财富;

22、Study 研究二采用半结构访谈法,探索离异家庭青少年、留守青少年、一般家庭青少年家庭功能存在差异的原因。

2 used semi-structured interview to study the reason of difference among divorced families, the left-home-kids and complete family's family functioning.

23、Car repair?汽车修理? 家庭装修?

24、Home appliance furniture is all ready!家庭用电器家俱完美齐全!

25、I like my family.我喜欢我的家庭。

英文句子26:,26、Home View Network?家庭视图网 HVN?。

27、Invest in your family.在家庭上多投入。

28、We value the imperatives of family and the cross-generational obligations that family implies.我们重视家庭的职责和家庭包含的养育下一代的义务。

29、The family you came from isn't as important the family you are going to have. (D. H. Lawrence)你将拥有的家庭,比你出身的那个家庭更重要。

30、This is a family album.这是家庭像册。

31、Hold debates.举行家庭辩论赛。

32、Kam formed her own support group from the worst family members and in- laws to help plot against the Tong household to gain their family fortune.锦形成自己的支持小组从最坏的家庭成员和法律,以帮助阴谋反对童家庭获得他们的家庭财富。

33、The school should properly guide family education in such ways as founding parents' schools, visiting schoolchildren's parents and so on.学校要通过家长学校、家庭访问等等途径,正确引导家庭教育;

34、The strong household clustering of MTI suggests that family sources of exposure are important.结核杆菌感染的强家庭聚集性表明家庭暴露源很重要。

35、Results In according to the construction of household size showed appropriate representativeness .结果从家庭人口的构成上看,家庭样本具有很好的代表性。

36、All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 所有幸福的家庭都相似,而每个不幸的家庭各不同。

37、Sherri writes at Zen Family Habits, a blog celebrating all things family.谢莉为一个名为“禅宗家庭习俗”(关于家庭事物)的博客撰稿。

38、If love and agreement are manifest in a single family, that family will advance become illumined and spiritual but if enmity and hatred exist within it destruction and dispersion are inevitable.如果一个家庭充满爱和一致,这个家庭就会兴旺,变得光明和神圣。如果家庭中存在敌意和憎恨,家庭毁灭和解体将不可避免。

39、Adamo then returned to Seattle as VP of the home division for furniture, small appliances, and housewares.阿达莫最终返回西雅图,出任家庭事务部副总裁,负责家具、小家电和家庭用品业务。

40、The so-called domestic abuse, is refers to occurs in the family scope rough stuff.所谓家庭暴力,是指发生在家庭范围内的暴力行为。

41、On the communication and roles, left-home-kids'scores were higher than that of complete families;留守青少年的家庭沟通状况、角色均差于一般家庭;

42、It is difficult to predict married men's needs for family life education with only demographic variables, family background variables and family role undertake.单考虑已婚男性社会人口变项、家庭背景变项及家庭角色担负,较难充分预测其家庭生活教育需求情形。

43、All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.所有幸福的家庭都相似,而每个不幸的家庭各不同。

44、Medium low-income families.中低收入家庭。

45、and keep on going back to home because this is where it comes from.因为这些源自家庭,所以最终还是会不断回归家庭。

46、Make a home video .做一份家庭录像。

47、A:Is that your family?那是你的家庭吗?

48、The traditional family has formed the family morals of globality , authoritativeness and succession.传统型的家庭形成了整体性、权威性、继承性的家庭道德。

49、The modern family has produced pluralism, standard, utility, conflict family morals.现代型的家庭产生了多元性、本位性、功利性、冲突性的家庭道德。

50、The basement is finished as a family room, music room and home theater.地下室已装修为家庭娱乐室、音乐室和家庭影院。

经典英文句子51:家庭,51、Ultraman has an extensive family and each family member is a super hero.奥特曼具有普遍的家庭和每个家庭成员是一个超级豪杰。


标签: 家庭

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