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然后,再输入grails run-app,我们准备开始测试验证了。

1、Then, enter grails run-app, and we're ready to test the validation.

将 has_many :subject 关联添加到步骤

2、Add the has_many :subject association to the /app/models/subscription.rb file generated at Step

4 d.

4 d 生成的 /app/models/subscription.rb 文件中。

App Store目前拥有85000个程序,并有超过20亿次的下载量。

3、The App Store now boasts 85,000 applications and a total of more than

2 billion downloads.

在每次启动和停止 Grails 时会运行 grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy 文件。

4、The grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy file runs every time Grails starts and stops.


5、APP-AR-11492 :A more recent credit memo has been applied to this transaction.

但就是在这xx年里,app的业务已呈指数级增长——苹果App Store总下载次数最近突破了15亿大关。

6、But in that year, the apps industry has grown exponentially – the total number of Apple's App Store downloads recently passed the

1.5bn mark.

从 /webroot/app 目录中启动 Cake Console。

7、From your /webroot/app directory, you would have launched the Cake Console.

有趣的是,开发者对Mac App Store和亚马逊最新的Android Appstore显示出几乎同样程度的兴趣(39%的开发者对Mac App Store感兴趣)。

8、Interestingly, developers are about equally as interested in the Mac App Store (39%) as they are Amazon’s new Android Appstore.

既然说到了 grab 视图,将 grab 视图从 kiosk 视图(app/view/kiosk/grab.rhtml)复制到 triage 视图文件夹(app/view/triage)。

9、Speaking of the grab view, copy the grab view from the kiosk view (app/views/kiosk/grab.rhtml), and copy it to the triage view folder (app/views/triage).


10、Another Jewish app called Siddur uses the same GPS technology to give prayer times.

定义 grails-app/controller/UserController.groovy 的核心行为,如清单

11、Scaffold out the core behavior of grails-app/controller/UserController.groovy, as shown in Listing 2

2 所示


12、For version

5.0.2, engine.tld is in directory wp_root/shared/app/WEB-INF/tld.

5.0.2 版本, engine.tld 在目录 wp_root/shared/app/WEB-INF/tld 中。

修改 list 视图(app/view/triage/list.rhtml),如清单

13、Update the list view (app/views/triage/list.rhtml), as in Listing


8 所示。

在 app/scripts 目录下,您将注意到三个处理程序(图

14、Under the app/scripts directory, you will notice three handlers (Figure



首先在 /column/protected/cakephp/app/vendors/shells 目录中创建 prune.php 文件。

15、Start by creating the file prune.php in the /column/protected/cakephp/app/vendors/shells directory.

只需在 scratchbox 环境中执行 apt-get source hello-world-app。

16、" application isn't working as of this writing, but that's okay; just apt-get source hello-world-app in your scratchbox environment.

验证在 Web App WARs Portlet 中列出了已安装的应用程序(图

17、Verify that the installed application is listed on the Web App WARs portlet (Figure



Blogito 在 grails-app/taglib 中已经有两个 TagLib:DateTagLib.groovy 和 LoginTagLib.groovy。

18、Blogito already has two TagLibs in grails-app/taglib: DateTagLib.groovy and LoginTagLib.groovy.

迷你喷气式飞机图标让您能够部署一个 App Engine 项目。

19、The mini-jet plane is your key to deploy an App Engine project.

键入 grails test-app -unit User 定位到您感兴趣的特定测试类。

20、Type grails test-app -unit User to target the specific test class you are interested in.

21、A Mojito application can also be installed as an app on a mobile device.Mojito应用程序同样也可以作为app安装在移动设备上。

22、Add the has_one :subscription association to the /app/models/user.rb file generated at Step 将 has_one :subscription 关联添加到步骤

3 f.

3 f 生成的 /app/models/user.rb 文件中。

23、A new player in the service-based cloud computing market is Google App Engine.Google App Engine 是基于服务的云计算市场的一个新生力量。

24、Rename grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml to resources.xml.old. Add the code shown in Listing 将 grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml 重命名为 resources.xml.old。

11 to resources.groovy

25、In Windows 在windows8中,ie10通过嵌入式和桌面应用两种形式存在。

8, IE

10 is available as a Metro style app and as a desktop app.

英文句子26:,26、You can simply create a geronimo-web.xml file in /web-app/WEB-INF.您可以在 /web-app/WEB-INF 中创建一个 geronimo-web.xml 文件。

27、Open grails-app/conf/Config.groovy to see the log4j settings (as shown in Listing 打开 grails-app/conf/Config.groovy 查看 log4j 设置(如清单


6 所示)

28、To begin, start in a clean directory and type grails create-app trip-planner.首先,在一个空白目录下,输入 grails create-app trip-planner。

29、This directory is where the compiled classes are stored when you type grails run-app.这个目录内保存了在键入 grails run-app 时被编译的那些类。

30、For example, place those files in #Portalroot#\wcm\shared\app.例如,可以将这些文件放在 #Portalroot#\wcm\shared\app 中。

31、Second, add the has_one :xml_content association to the /app/models/document.rb file.第二,在 /app/models/document.rb 文件中添加 has_one :xml_content 关联。

32、Expand org.eclipse.ercp.eworkbench.applications, right-click the Geo Info App node, and choose New - Views from the menu.展开 org.eclipse.ercp.eworkbench.applications,右键单击 Geo Info App 节点,然后从菜单中选择 New - Views。

33、To learn how to use Stow, let's stow an imaginary application, app-1.4.为了学习如何使用 Stow,让我们装载一个虚构的应用程序 app-1.4。

34、Webapps can be now launched from the 'app bar' now floating on top of the 'new tab' page.Webapps现在可运行于新标签页顶端的'app bar' 。

35、Apple still plans to review every app submitted to its App Store, and Flash-based video still won't be viewable on its mobile devices.苹果依然计划对提交到其App Store的每个应用进行评审,并且基于Flash的视频依然不能在其手机设备上收看。

36、Download this APP and you will earn more cash rewards while driving safe…手机车宝APP,绝对是广大车主们不容错过的APP!车主获得更多现金奖励的同时实现安全驾驶……

37、The value must contain a unique ID.值 必须包含唯一标识。

38、Apple, which relaunched its Chinese iTunes and App Store in October - it now spotlights localized apps - is moving to counter the competition.苹果公司xx月份重新发布了中文版的iTunes和App商店,把重心放在使app本土化,以便抵抗竞争对手。

39、Starting with the App server component at the bottom and moving clockwise.从底部的App server组件开始然后顺时针方向移动。

40、Create a file called myblogs.properties in the folder #PortalserverRoot#\wcm\shared\app.在文件夹 #PortalserverRoot#\wcm\shared\app 中创建一个名为 myblogs.properties 的文件。

41、This app is available now in the iTunes App Store for $5.99.这款应用已经可以在iTunes的应用商店中下载了,费用是25.99美元。

42、To start Grails in beta mode, type grails -Dgrails.env=beta run-app.要在 beta 模式下启动 Grails,请输入 grails -Dgrails.env=beta run-app。

43、The link to the time tracker chart is created in the app/views/employees/index.html.erb file.链接是在app/views/employees/index.html.erb文件中创建。

44、Her unit is 'jailbroken, ' which allows her to download applications from Apple's App Store.她那台iPhone是破解版,可以从苹果的App Store下载应用软件。

45、Create grails-app/utils/UnderscoreCodec and add the code in Listing 10创建 grails-app/utils/UnderscoreCodec 并添加清单

10 所示代码

46、Issue the command, /etc/rc.cmrmproc -act start -db rmdb -app icmrm.运行命令 /etc/rc.cmrmproc -act start -db rmdb -app icmrm。

47、Widget source files are placed under the /app/zwidgets/ folder to simplify tooling integration.放置在 /app/zwidgets/ 文件夹中的小部件源文件可 简化工具整合。

48、Google also provides tools like App Inventor that reduce the barrier of entry, allowing even non-developers to experiment with app creation.而且,Google提供的App Inventor之类的工具,降低了准入门槛,使得甚至是非专业开发人员也能够尝试软件开发。

49、Why am I reversing this APP, we were going to release the resources. All right.为什么我颠倒这个APP,我们将,释放这些资源,好的。

50、Log file -- This stores events generated by the App server, every time an application either starts or stops.Log file -- 这个文件存储由App server生成的事件,由App server在每次应用程序启动或停止时产生。

经典英文句子51:app,51、So, authors have prepared melamine polyphosphate to substitute APP to solve such problems.因此,本文制备了聚磷酸蜜胺来代替APP,以期解决上述问题。

52、Select the file sutapi-app-8.0.ear, and click OK.选择文件 sutapi-app-8.0.ear 并单击 OK。

53、Create a file called post.php in the /column/protected/cakephp/app/models directory.在 /column/protected/cakephp/app/models 目录中创建名为 post.php 的文件。


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