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北美的观星者将有幸在本月xx日清晨,再次观赏到令人目眩的狮子座流星雨。 预计这场流星雨将持续两小时,介时每分钟将有最多20颗流星陨落。

1、A dazzling Leonid light show is expected again in the early morning hours

18 November as viewers in North America may see a two-hour burst of shooting stars with up to

20 shooting stars per minute.

如图 往昔英仙座流星雨图片.

2、See pictures of Perseids past.


3、The radiant point for the Orionids is in the direction of the constellation Orion the Hunter. Hence the name Orionids.


4、The Perseids are one of the most famous showers in history. Check out the science and history of the Perseid meteor shower .


5、Of course, the meteor was part of the annual rain of dust from periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle known as the Perseid Meteor Shower.


6、Overall, Cooke said the 2011 meteor shower season has been somewhat subdued because of the brightness of the moon during many of the showers' peaks.


7、On Sunday, Mercury, your ruling planet of communication, will turn retrograde.

这里每年xx月发生了xx年一度的流星雨。 因为它们似乎来源于英仙座流星因而命名为英仙座流星样。

8、The annual meteor shower takes place every August and the meteors are so named as they appear to emanate from the constellation Perseus.


9、First meteor hometown and margins and with stars.

这场流星雨看上去将会是来自 御 夫星 座,所以它被称为 御 夫 座流星雨。

10、The meteors will appear to come from the Constellation Auriga, the Charioteer, and so are called Aurigids.


11、The Badger strode heavily into the room.


12、The Leonid meteor shower in AD 2001 was a great meteor burst inaccessibly happened in China during recent several hundred years.


13、Meteor showers are named after the constellation in which the radiant appears, for example the Perseids.


14、Before dawn, the constellation Perseus – radiant point of the Perseid meteor shower – is close to overhead.


15、I am a meteor, a heart from your fingers fiery stars star.


16、The meteor cuts across the star trails just above the lower church wall.


17、The brightness, such as pure , flows of stars.


18、She is a famous pop star.


19、Smart diabolo, water meteor.


20、A great fire swept across the bushland.

21、An inflow of material toward the central bar of the galaxy is causing the ring to light up with new stars.涌向星系中央区的物质流造就了恒星环里的新恒星,从而使恒星环亮了起来。

22、Such particles, called meteoroids, are the same size as those that appear in meteor showers when they enter the Earth's atmosphere.这些被称为“流星体”的微粒,和在流星雨时落入地球大气的流星具有同样的大小。

23、The radiant points for two November meteor showers – the South Tauridsand North Taurids – both reside in front of Taurus.xx月的两场流星雨——南金牛座和北金牛座流星雨的辐射点都位于金牛座。

24、Flashing past familiar constellations Taurus (top) and Orion, the extremely bright meteor was captured by a hillside camera overlooking the 2008 Okie -Tex Star Party.火流星闪烁着划过熟悉的星座金牛座(上)和猎户座。极其明亮的流星被一个在山坡上的的相机拍下。

25、We will meet 我们在一生中会遇到2种星星——流星和恒星。

2 kinds of stars-meteors and fixed star in the whole life.

英文句子26:,26、A meteor flew across the Draco.一颗流星, 横穿苍龙星宿。

27、The meteor sky is ever changing, and it may be possible that new shower radiants will appear in the future.流星天空不断地变化,新的流星雨很可能会出现在未来。

28、This cometary debris – bits of ice – create a meteor shower.这些彗星似地残骸——些许的冰片——就是流星雨。

29、The still waters of the water under a frond of stars.星星草下静静流淌着的是清清的河水。

30、The meteors are called Leonids because they appear to come from the direction of the constellation Leo.这些 流星之所以被命名为“ 狮子座 流星”,是因为它们是从狮子星座的方向飞来的。

31、A meteor shot across the sky and vanished.一道流星,倏然而逝。

32、Perseids Meteor Shower By…英仙座流星雨大爆发�…

33、Just a few meteors per hour stream away from the shower's radiant point near bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra .天琴座中明亮的恒星是流星的源头,每小时只有几颗流出。

34、Light pollution has obscured our view of constellations, meteor showers, and even the planets.光污染使星座、流星雨甚至行星都变得模糊不清,遮蔽了我们的视线。

35、Still later, those groupings were linked to comets.再后来,这些流星群才被与彗星联系起来。

36、Every 33 years, the Leonids put on a truly spectacular display of more than a thousand meteors per hour in what is known as a meteor storm.狮子座每隔xx年就展示一场蔚为壮观的流星雨,速率达到每小时超过1000颗流星,因而又被叫做“流星风暴”。

37、Dust from comet Swift-Tuttle is responsible for the Perseids, creating the northern hemisphere's regular summer sky show.斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星撒下的尘埃形成的英仙座流星雨,为北半球的天空年复xx年地带来盛大的夏日流星秀。

38、Recent Jovian impact probably came from a giant meteorite.最近木星陨撃可能来自一巨大流星体。

39、Winds, clouds, whirlwinds, gusts, useless stars!风,云,漩流,狂飙,无用的群星!

40、Of course, the trails point back to a radiant point in the constellation Perseus , giving the meteor shower its name.这些流星迹都回指到英仙座的辐射点,因此这群流星雨就以此命名。

41、The friction produced when the meteors and the meteor particles rub against the atmospheric air incinerates the swarms, and they fall towards the earth in a brilliant display of light.流星及流星颗粒与大气层摩擦产生的炽热将流星团熔化,它们纷纷向地球坠落,呈现出光芒四射、五彩缤纷的奇观。

42、I make a wish upon a shooting star, I want to be with you.流星我向著流星许愿想一直与你在一起…

43、After the Leonids, skywatchers will be able to look forward to December's Geminid meteor shower, which is generally thought to be one of the best displays of the year.狮子座流星雨过后,天文爱好者就将期盼xx月份的双子座流星雨了,人们通常认为它是xx年中最好看的流星雨之

44、The Geminids are now considered to be the most consistent and active annual shower.目前,双子座流星雨被认为是xx年中最绚烂、最稳定的流星雨。

45、When a fireball appears you will invariably be recording a + 火流星出现时,你会正好在记录一颗+5等的流星。

5 m meteor.

46、The data suggest that 1998 Leonid stream was an inhomogeneous mixture of two parts of meteoroids with different grain compositions.xx年狮子座流星雨来自两股不同组成的流星体颗粒的不均匀混合流。

47、IMO video results from the last decade have shown why, because even instrumentally , it was impossible to usefully define distinct radiants for many of the showers here!国际流星组织过去xx年的摄象观测揭示了其中原因,因为即使用仪器也不可能有效地从这么多流星雨背景辐射中定义这个特殊的流星群辐射。

48、If a batch of meteoroids comes from the same comet, the meteor shower is formed.如果一批流星体来自同一颗彗星,形成的就是流星雨。

49、If the meteors originate in Comet Halley, why are they called the Orionids?如果流星来源于哈雷彗星,那么为什么会叫猎户座流星群呢?

50、The more inconspicuous the stream, the more likely it is to outburst. You will therefore miss most (all) outbursts.越不显眼的流星群越有可能爆发,所以你会错过大多数(甚至全部)流星暴雨。

经典英文句子51:流星,51、And then, three principles are established for dividingbolide groups according to the condition of meteoric group.其次根据流星群的条件,定出三条划分火流星群的原则。

52、And because they'll appear so sporadically, having a wider lens will greatly increase the chance that you'll actually capture one (or more) over the course of the night.另外由于流星只是零零星星地出现,所以使用广角镜头会增加捕捉到一个或多个流星的机会。

53、Usually Lyrid meteor watchers see only a drizzle.流星雨测者看数目。

54、The arms are streams of stars and gas laced with dust.旋臂是边缘覆有尘埃的星流和气流。

55、Did you spot the meteor yesterday evening?你看见昨晚的流星了吗?

56、Summer is the season for shooting stars, and this year could be among the best as the annual Perseid meteor shower promises to be better than usual.夏天是流星的季节,而今年将是观测流星最好的时机,预计xx年一度的英仙座流星雨会比往常更精彩。

57、However, the 1966 Leonids meteor shower was a spectacular historic event that produced hundreds of thousands of meteor every hour.然而,xx年的狮子座流星雨每小时产生的成千上万颗流星。

58、The Geminids are the most active meteor shower and appear each year.双子座流星雨是最为活跃的流星雨,并且每年都会出现。

59、Like other meteor showers, such as the Perseids and the Orionids, the Leonids happen when Earth plows through a trail of debris left in the wake of a comet orbiting the sun.类似于英仙座流星雨,猎户座流星雨以及其他流星雨,狮子座流星雨发生于地球在绕太阳公转过程中进入充满彗星碎片的流星体质点溪流之中。

60、An annual event that occurs in mid-November, this meteor storm became known as the Leonids because the meteors appear to come from the constellation of Leo.在每年xx月中的年度盛会,此类流星雨已以狮子(座)流星著称,因为流星显然来自狮子座。

61、Meteors, also called shooting stars, normally begin as bits of dust from the tails of comets or even small pieces chipped off asteroids.流星群,也称流星雨,通常是慧星慧尾的尘埃或者从小行星上脱落的小块物质引起的。

62、One of a shower of meteors that appears to originate in the vicinity of the constellation Perseus during the second week of August.英仙(座)流星,xx月流星:在xx月的第二周期间,出现而产生于英仙座附近的流星群的流星雨之

63、She is a pop music fan.她是流行歌曲的名歌星。

64、This is the annual Orionid meteor shower. It's expected to rain down the greatest number of meteors before dawn on Wednesday October 21, 2009.每年这个时候的流星雨被称作猎户座流星雨,预计流星最多的时候是xx年xx月xx日黎明前。

65、The planet lives 2200 light-years away inside the Helmi stream, a ring of ancient stars that cuts through the plane of the Milky Way.这颗行星位于2200光年之外的赫米恒星流之中,而赫米恒星流是横截银河系平面的一个环形的古老恒星带。

66、In 1982, stargazers counted up to 90 meteors passing every hour.年,观星者们发现每小时最多有 90 颗流星。

67、It is the fluid motions, usually driven by thermal convection, that generate and sustain magnetic fields through magnetohydrodynamic processes in planets and stars.一般由热对流驱动的流动通过磁流体力学过程产生并维持在行星和恒星中的磁场。

68、And it's from meteoroids that we get meteors and meteorites.流星和陨石也是来自流星体中。

69、Mercury is the planet of perception, communication, and negotiation .水星是代表领悟力、交流和协商的行星。

70、The Leonids shower of 1833, for example, saw as many as a hundred thousand meteors an hour—equal to an average of 30 meteors a second, Gyuk said.他还以xx年的狮子座流星雨为例,一小时可以观测到超过十万颗流星——相当于平均每分钟可看到30颗流星。

71、Although the Perseids tend to put out the greatest number of meteors during the wee morning hours, the moonlit glare will wash out many if not most Perseid meteors in 2009.虽然凌晨的时候,英仙座流星雨达到最大,但是月亮的强光会消去很多流星,要不然就可以看到xx年最大的流星雨了。


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