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1、Yang Yuhuan was a historical figure who became a literary image in later writings, including poetry, prose, fiction, drama, folktale and even fairy tale.

xx年时,第一次有记载将拉丁希腊语中的单词用于英语中,是在《英诗的技巧》(The Arte of English Poesie)上。

2、In 1598 the document to first offer up this Latin Greek word for English use was something called The Arte of English Poesie.

3、The second, the third and the fourth part expatiated the peregrination of Yang Shen in Yun nan commonly and the poem that he wrote down.



4、Since then, "My father is Li Gang" has become the most popular phrase and blossomed into the themes of many songs and lyrics in China.


5、The sadness and gloom contained in maple originated from Chuci(Songs of the South)became a typical imagery in poems of and after Tang Dynasty.

在农事诗集的一节中, 维吉尔用这个词指挂在树上在微风中来回摆动的酒神巴克斯的小假面具。

6、Virgil applies the word to a small mask of Bacchus hung from trees to move back and forth in the breeze.


7、The four students of Sushi have the common inclination of taking Poetry as Ci because of the affection of Sushi and the change of their living conditions.


8、This dissertation is focused on the women"s literature of this family and composed of five parts."


9、The third type is much less and art spirit which drew back Ci pattern corresponded with Sushi's innovation of poetry style.


10、Many Chinese detainees carved poetry into the wooden walls to express their feelings about being held captive on the island.


11、TOKYO: A 111-year-old retired educator from Japan who enjoys poetry has been recognized as the world's oldest living man.


12、Through these kinds of poetry with self-transcendence, we can not only understand why they had a world of infinite yearning for poetic life of leisure, but also get the true meaning of leisure.


13、Zhu geliang afterwards of poetry spread in the folk, whether children, people, group, or play or sing folk artists are widely flow.


14、The function word includes preposition, auxiliary, conjunction.


15、Scholars began to calligraphy, poetry and painting together, the Chinese art of painting that only genuine Since then embarked on the road of development.


16、These names include the "interpretation", "Road", "Confucian" culture, and piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, words, music, dance and other art in different categories.


17、Careful research has found the word once before, back in the 1300s in a poem.


18、I still have poems, prayers, and quotations that people sent me or put into my hand at public events.


19、In China, if you want to understand the painting, you will be learning a little bit about the traditional poem, calligraphy and the exams.


20、"People from all walks of life gather to share their love of ancient poetry, traditional culture and the Han lifestyle, " Li said.

21、Prepositions and conjunctions are particles .介词和连词是小品词。

22、This article summarizes the common ways of guessing the word meanings according to transliteration, general knowledge, word-building and context clues, etc.文中概述了阅读理解中常用的猜测生词词义的方法,包括根据词音猜词、普通常识猜词、利用构词法猜词和利用上下文关系猜词。

23、Poetry Reading Yuanming partridge day can not go hand and play for a small word to send the late-year-old Gonggeng not blame the poor, chickens Doujiu together next.鹧鸪天 读渊明诗不能去手,戏作小词以送之 晚岁躬耕不怨贫,只鸡斗酒聚比邻。

24、In terms of word-formation, they can be borrowed by means of affixation, compounding and blending.根据构词法特点,可以分类为词缀借词、复合法借词和仿借合成词。

25、Ji is one of widely used suffix. It is often behind of noun, adjective, quantifier, verb and pronoun.“唧”是湘乡方言中使用很广泛的词尾之一,主要附在名词、形容词、数量词、动词、代词后。

英文句子26:,26、You still writing for you, you can not do things for you, I learned how to play Xieci for the reason you lost!为妳写诗为妳静止,为妳做不可能的事,为妳我学会弹琴写词,为妳失去理智!

27、As a member of Chinese Writers' Association, he mostly writes fictions He also loves poetry, yet does not stick to fixed regulations.原任作家出版社常务副总编辑,中国作家协会会员。作品以小说为多。热爱诗词,但不拘定法。

28、Critics in the past dynasties focused their attentions on the feature of "feminized" and "poets liked ci-poets", this was reasonable in one side, but also somewhat unilateral.历代评论家多看重秦观“诗如词”及“女性化”特色,有其合理的一面,亦有片面性。

29、The painting is the outside expression of the poem content and the image of calligraphy, and it is also the exterior show of people’s inner world.绘画是诗词内容和书法形象的对外表达,也是人们内心世界的外在展示。

30、Text Word dictionary, Word dictionary, the word can provide a breakdown of data sources.文本分词词典,分词的词典,可以提供分词数据源。 -containing more than Segmentation。

31、Collection Of Hua Jian" has established the standard of Ci as new form of poetry. Femininity in its subject and style shows the unique aesthetic value of Ci."《花间集》奠定了词作为一种新兴诗歌形态的体式规范,她以其题材的香艳性、情调的柔媚性、风格的婉约性等一系列女性化特征,展现了“词别是一家”的独特美学价值。

32、Morphology comprises notional words and function words.词法部分包括实词和虚词。

33、Judging by its different positions in the text, the word sometimes serves as a sequential connective, which can be translated into words like "hence", "then", etc;根据“言”字在《诗经》中所处位置的不同,一部分“言”作顺承连词,可译为“于是”、“就”等;

34、By studying the artistic style of Sa Dula's poems, the third chapter tried to summarize his status in Chinese history of literature.第三章通过对萨都刺诗词审美情趣的研究,对其在中国文学史上的地位和影响做尝试性概括。

35、Her Anthology of Jing Yi Zhai is characteristic of its rich content, specialty in ideology and artistic quality.她的词集《静一斋诗馀》不仅内容丰富,而且在思想性、艺术性上均具有独特性。

36、In word-formation , morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.在构词法中,语素被分为词根,词干,词基和词缀。

37、All the literary styles like poem, poetry, Qu, novel, poses and painting and music can create artistic conception.诗、赋、词、曲、小说、散文等各种文学体裁,以及绘画、音乐等艺术种类都可以创造出意境。

38、The photographer, who is also interested in nature and eastern Philosophy, said he wanted to reveal the world anew as children saw it.这位同样对大自然和东方哲学感兴趣的摄影师,说他希望能像孩子般的再次认识这个诗词。

39、Scholastic Dictionary of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms.同义词,反义词,同形同音异义词专业词典。

40、Focus:Such artistic elements as drama, music, body expression, poems and lyrics, etc are incorporated in an attempt to show the dynamics of visual and auditive effects.聚焦赏析:融合戏剧、音乐、肢体、诗词等元素,试图展现动感的视觉与听觉效果。

41、For our purposes, we get the definition of a word as well as its pronunciation and type (for example, adjective, noun, verb, adverb).我们这里只涉及到词汇的定义、音标和词性(如形容词、名词、动词、副词等)。

42、Certainly the allusion to Faustus' compact with Mephistopheles casts a lurid light over Frost's use of the verb "possess."的确,提到浮士德跟魔鬼梅菲斯特的订约,使诗中佛洛斯特使用动词「佔有」有了清楚的意涵。

43、Furthermore, such different modes also show the clash and blending of ci literature and poetic literature in the course of development.这种抒情方式的区别也反映了词体文学在发展进程中与诗体文学的对立与融合。

44、Thirdly, attention shall be paid to the position of color words in a translated text, so as to highlight color words when it is necessary.此外,还应该注意颜色词在译文当中的位置,以使其重要性或凸显性,一如原诗。

45、The full word only includes the pronoun, the number-classifier phrase, the adverb.实词 研究只包括代词、数量词、副词。

46、The extreme flourishing of Hua Man Ji emerged after the middle period of Ming Dynasty and its position in the field of Ci is only inferior to Cao Tang Poems.《花闻集》的大盛是在明中后期,其在明代词坛上的地位仅稍逊于《草堂诗余》。

47、The broad space of imagination and re-creation of poems will be fixed wh…诗词给读者预留的广阔的想像和再创造空间容易因多媒体的不当使用而固定化。

48、Chrysanthemum is also given my history in chant poetry is a very large variety of flowers, the expression of certain writers to become the carrier of emotion.菊花是我国历代诗词曲赋中吟咏较多的花卉,成为文人表达某些特定情感的载体。

49、No matter whether it is lonely, sad or without choice, the "Sad Sound" of Lin Daiyu's short life can be felt from her verses.无论是孤独、凄恻还是无奈,我们都可以从黛玉诗词中感受到她短暂一生的“哀音”。

50、Or, you like math now but then you lose your taste in math, and you become the kind of person perhaps who's interested in Chinese poetry, whatever it is.或者你失去对数学的原有兴趣,变成那种,对中国诗词感兴趣的人。

经典英文句子51:诗词,51、The Welsh are famous for their love of music and poetry and they have developed choral singing to a national art.威尔士人以热爱音乐和诗词而文明,他们把合唱发展成为一种民族艺术。

52、There"re no enough attentions on the poetry and Ci of Qing dynasty in the academic circle, as a result, many important composers are encountering unfrequented."清代诗词研究在学术界未得到足够的重视,许多重要作家被冷落。

53、The Ci poetry about immortals is transversely compared with the poetry about immortals and emphasizes on the subject of love affairs and practicality.宋代游仙词与宋代游仙诗相比有着很大的不同,主要侧重于艳情以及现实功用。

54、The term traces back to the Confucian “Book of Songs”, and suggests a moderately prosperous society that can begin to enjoy the fruits of its labours.小康一词出自孔子的《诗经》,是小康社会开始享受其劳动成果的意思。

55、A frequentative verb or verb form.反复词反复动词或动词形式;

56、Chapter Four, "The Estranged and Estranging Word"is in essence an exploration of the various means taken by both poets to achieve lexical materiality.第四章实质上探讨了两位诗人各自采取何种手段物化词语。

57、There are a number of terms and poems of Quanzhen Jiao disseminated in The Pilgrimage towards the West, displaying in a sense the function of some metaphors;《西游记》本文中散布着大量全真教的术语、诗词等,并产生了一定程度的象喻功能;

58、Secondly, Onomaopoeia also should be (paraphrased. )Thirdly, the work and acceptation using in paraphrase should be embodied in dictionary.第二,象声词也应尽量释义;第三,释义所用词语词义应尽可能是词典所收词语词义。

59、Based on imagination, figures of speech have the key function in the extension of the artistic mood of poems.以想象为基础的示现辞格作为语言艺术的瑰宝,在诗词意境的创造拓展方面有着画龙点睛的作用。

60、In a world dominated by mangled grammar and cliches, he was football's own poet in residence.在一个充斥着混杂语法和陈词滥调的世界里,穆里尼奥就是足球圈里的诗人。

61、Through the teaching method of chanting and appreciating emotionally, the poetry teaching has been made more outstanding, demonstrating the meaningful culture inheritance of subject selecting.通过文本教学的“声情吟赏”,使得诗词教学更具有特色,也体现了选题研究的文化传承意义。

62、Half of XTN Qi-ji' s works that exist now are related with alcohol, which reflects the inherent alcohol- poem complex of ancient intellectuals of China.辛弃疾的词作中一半以上与酒有关,在他身上体现了中国传统知识分子固有的诗酒情结。

63、From"Dictionary of Maqiao", Han Shaogong's novel poetic concept with the traditional theory than fiction, there have been great changes.从《马桥词典》开始,韩少功的小说诗学观与传统的小说理论相比,发生了极大的转变。

64、This electronic dictionary consists of six parts, they are adverbs part, postposition part, conjunction part, mood word's part, enchoing word' parts, model word' part and so on.《青史演义电子词典》虚词部分由副词部分、后置词部分、语气词部分、连词部分、摹拟词部分和情态词部分构成。

65、The equivalence of transitivity structure in translation poetry could effectively achieve the faithfulness to the ideational meaning of source text.在诗词翻译中的及物性对等,能够有效实现译文对原文概念意义的忠实。

66、The word polis appears in Homer, but it means something different from what it means throughout most of Greek history.城邦"这个词首先出现在荷马史诗,但是它在这里的意思,与在希腊历史中的意思不同

67、She is good at poetry, thoroughly understands the temperament, is skilled in the calligraphy and painting, but is actually celebrated worldwide by the word achievement.她擅长诗文,通晓音律,精于书画,但却以词的成就著称于世。

68、The words of time in the book A Dream in Red Mansions (the first 80 charpters) can be integrated with the time words, numeral, adverb, pronoun, preposition, direction words etc.《红楼梦》时间词可以和时间词、数词、副词、代词、介词、方位词等组合;

69、Apart from singing and recitation it includes traditional Chinese music, poetry, dancing, pantomime, elaborate costumes and make-up, acrobatics and martial arts.除了唱和念之外,还包括中国传统音乐、诗词、舞蹈、哑剧、精致的戏装和化装、杂技和武术。

70、And in the mean time, they also have strong rhetoric significance with artistic functions in drawing inferences and in the limited to the limitless.同时,其诗词又有着强烈的修辞意义和有限变无限举一反三的艺术功能。

71、Function words like prepositions, articles, pronouns and rare words in texts are not to be chosen.正文中的诸如前置词、冠词、代词等虚词词类和稀有词一般不在被选择之列。

72、An appended or suffixed word or word element ; a postposition.附加词(素),后缀词(素)附加的或后缀的词或词素;后置词。

73、Firstly, it delimits the object of the study, distinguishes between numeral adjective interrogatory pronoun and numeral phrase and concludes that numeral is a type of closed word class.首先,在理论上明确了研究对象,对数词与助词、形容词、疑问代词、数词词组作了区别,得出了数词是一个封闭的词类的结论。

74、The charm of the personal character in Lu You's poems is mainly shown in four aspects:First is his inflexible and majestic pursuit of life;陆游诗词中的人格魅力主要表现在四方面:一是执着壮丽的人生追求;

75、English has no word whose meaning encompasses imaginative literature, and so poetics must do by default.英语中,没有一个词能涵盖想像文学的意思,所以默认地用“诗论”来表达该含义。

英文句子模板76:poetry,76、The old style poems composed in the 20~th century showed a prominent tendency towards modernity and hence stood on its own feet as a new tradition.20世纪中国旧体诗词表现了鲜明的现代性追求,自足地构成一种新的历史传统。

77、The mechanism in such process is 'interrelating', which embodies the relationship of metonymy between two components in this framework.然后这些自主成分通过相邻相似关系,以拈连为机制,心理模型为中介,逐步推衍成诗词,也就是依存成分。

78、To meet the needs of this wealthy class, some poetry began to take on some fixed artistic characteristics.为了满足富民阶层需要而写作的诗词,随之具有了某些较为固定的艺术特征。

79、Accordingly, in translating such Chinese poems into English, influenced by the word number restraints of the metrical patterns of classical English poems, the same flaws have also happened.同理,在诗词英译中为了追求译文的“形美”也不可避免地出现同样的瑕疵。


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