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关于”基本类型“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Basic type。以下是关于基本类型的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Basic type


1、Whenever you are in doubt, default to "both," so that you'll have all bases covered.


2、Basic characteristics of the facts of different types are summarized and generalized, characteristics of interviewing and writing activities of facts of different types are clearly pointed out.


3、Gets the object associated with the specified, base-class, type.

对于声明类型信息的任何安全关键检查,改用基础 CLR 类型。

4、For any security-critical checks of declaring type information, use the underlying CLR type instead.

attribute(nsi, name, value) - 将属性添加到当前的开始标记(值可能是 String 或基本类型)。

5、attribute(nsi, name, value) -- Adds attribute to current start tag (value may be String or primitive type).

业务/域类,也称为 实体类,实现应用程序里的基本域类型,例如, 图

6、Business/domain classes, also known as entity classes, implement the fundamental domain types within your application, such as the Order and Customer classes in Figure


1 中的 Order 和 Customer 类。


7、A DataObjectType can have named properties, and those properties may themselves be DataTypes or DataObjectTypes.

SQL-92 包括 DECIMAL 数据类型,它是用于表示定点小数的精确数字类型,它可以对小数进行基本的算术运算。

8、SQL-92 includes a DECIMAL data type, which is an exact numeric type for representing fixed point decimal numbers and performs basic arithmetic operation on decimal numbers.

背书 有四个基本种类。

9、There are four basic kinds of indorsements.


10、The sub-cluster model based on the fuzzy clustering algorithm based on iterative model of entropy and K- means, solves the issue of the fuzzy cluster initialization parameters.


11、The existing chlorine disinfection processes in water works were reviewed, including eight kinds of chlorine residuals model and three kinds of disinfection by-products model.


12、Of course, this function should be used in conjuction with basic type and length checks.


13、Given a fixed set of primitives, all right, a good programmer can program anything.


14、you could characterize them in terms of how they're gated, -- and basically how they open or close -- that's one way to talk about different types.

这里我在自己的 VerboseEditor 中派生了 ExprEditor 子类,重写了三个基本的类方法 ―― 它们的名字都是 edit() ,但是有不同的参数类型。

15、Here I subclass ExprEditor in my own VerboseEditor, overriding three of the base class methods -- all named edit(), but with different parameter types.

XMLReader 扩展是一种基于流的解析器,其类型通常被称为游标类型或者 pull 类型解析器。

16、The XMLReader extension is a stream-based parser of the type often referred to as a cursor type or pull parser.


17、With the new microdata module you can configure microdata output for basic field types and add microdata output to custom field types.

尽管在默认情况下,JSF 可以很好地处理基本型及类似的类型,但是在处理 日期数据时,必须指定转换标签 。

18、Although JSF handles primitives and such quite nicely by default, when dealing with date data you must specify the conversion tag .


19、Basically, one small helper class is added for each class that's included in any of the bindings, along with a separate class per binding.

Gekfand 说:“在我们的研究样本中,有些文化类型相当的“紧”,比如新加坡,日本和巴基斯坦。

20、"Some of the cultures that are quite tight in our sample include places like Singapore, Japan, Pakistan," Gelfand says.

21、The instruction itself is bit-based, so all types use the same underlying instruction.这条指令本身是基于位的,因此所有类型都使用相同的底层指令。

22、Product, product type, product dimension, part, part shape curves and basal curve, the collection of them make up a whole washing basin.洗面器产品由产品类型、产品尺寸、产品部件、部件外形曲线和基本曲线等类组合而成。

23、The basis of typology study in archaeology is classification, discriminating type is classification and discriminating pattern is also classification.考古类型学研究的基础工作就是分类,分型是分类,分式亦是分类, 只不过分类的原则和目的不同而已。

24、Secondly, Building text categorization model, and training the model by a great many harmful information samples data.第


25、Based on the research of classification and feature of typical mudstone in some projects in Guangxi area, three groups of model test on rock-socked pile are designed.针对广西地区建筑工程中典型泥岩的基本类型和特点,设计了三组嵌岩桩模型试验。

英文句子26:,26、Why have I not been given the choice of what kind of primitives to use?为什么我们对使用什么样的基本类型的没有选择余地呢?

27、After setting up the " level type " concept of above-mentioned enterprise investment strategy, the application modes of three kinds of basic types was separately studied.在建立了上述企业投资战略的“层次类型”概念后,分别对三种基本类型的应用模式开展研究。

28、Variables are strongly typed, and there is class-based inheritance.变量都是强类型的,还有基于类的继承。

29、As one of fundamental necessities for human being, residence has gradually becoming part of trent towards well -off society.作为人类生存基本需求之一的住宅,已逐步向小康型发展。

30、Text categorization is defined as the task of assigning pre-defined category label to a new text.文本分类是指在给定分类体系下,根据文本的内容自动确定文本类型的过程。

31、A class that defines the description of basic ABAP data types, such as c (character), i (integer), and f (floating point).这个类定义基本 ABAP 数据类型的描述,比如 c(字符)、i(整数)和 f(浮点数)。

32、Jena provides several Reasoner types to work with different types of ontology.Jena 提供了多个 Reasoner类型来使用不同类型的本体。

33、A series of imine esters were synthesised by the addition of amino acid esters to aldehydes.本论文使用不同类型芳香醛与氨基酸酯的加成反应合成了一系列氨基酸酯亚胺类化合物。

34、Fundamentally, the method simply searches for UDDI bindingTemplates that implement the desired WSDL portType -- in this case, the portType for the stock quote services deployed in the Bus.基本上,这个方法只是搜索实现我们期望的 WSDL 端口类型的 UDDI bindingTemplates ,在本例中,股票报价服务的端口类型部署在总线内。

35、Based on finite mixture models, we apply Bayesian method to compositional data and ordinal data clustering.本文将基于有限混合模型的贝叶斯聚类方法推广应用到成分数据和有序数据的聚类分析。

36、Furthermore, it will be fatherly familiar with the contributing channel and features by virtue of the comparison of constructed circulation channel and the actual one.并且将构建的淡水养殖品流通渠道的基本类型与实际流通渠道的类型进行对比,进一步加深对淡水养殖品流通渠道类型及其特征的了解。

37、According to the latest national standard of 2003, I divide tourist resources of Yuncheng into 按照xx年最新国标,笔者将运城市的旅游资源划分为8个主类,20个亚类,44个基本类型。

8 main facts,

20 inferior kinds, and 44 basic types.

38、Auto-boxing of primitives.基元类型的自动装箱。

39、Basic contradictions of society are the basic motive force of social development.社会基本矛盾是人类社会发展的基本动力。

40、The GenericTemplate instance holds the basic type parameter information for the class, along with the array of fields defined for the class.GenericTemplate 实例包含类的基本类型参数信息,还有为类定义的字段的数组。

41、OMG IDL provides you with the capability to define types of your own that will help hide some of the complexity and allow you to compose more sophisticated data types from the fundamental data types.OMG IDL为您提供了定义您自己的类型的能力,这可以帮助减少复杂程度并且让您可以根据基本类型组成更精巧的数据类型。

42、Based on the online samples collected by the offline detector, the object class conditional appearance models are learned by meta-prototype histograms representation and hierarchical clustering.基于离线检测模型提供的在线样本,通过特征色直方图和层次聚类方法学习在线目标类别模型。

43、But on the whole they display a general convergence to some basic features on the basis of which they introduce themselves as Grameen replication programmes or Grameen type programmes.但总体上还显示一般收敛一些基本功能的基础上,他们引进格拉明乡村复制方案或方案本身的类型。

44、The development of ground source heat pump (GSHP) at home and abroad is briefly introduced.介绍了地源热泵的工作原理、性能评价指标和基本类型;

45、The mode of MVC is designed and realized, which is based on J2EE and sustains multi-terminal.本文设计和实现了基于J2EE支持多类型客户端的MVC设计模式。

46、The process of specialization need not end there, however, as the three basic topic types can in turn be specialized to create new DITA topic types using the same process.但是,专门化过程并不到此结束,因为三个基本主题类型又会以相同的过程被专门化,以创建新的 DITA 主题类型。

47、Geological and production characteristic for fractured- vuggy carbonate reservoir are summarized, and basic understandings of development are acquired.总结了缝洞型油藏的生产特征,得出了开发该类油藏的基本认识;

48、Crime of private prosecution is one of categories in criminal legislation and is a basic form of crimes.亲告罪是对犯罪在立法上进行分类的结果,是犯罪的一个基本类型。

49、They can manage data by creating a further specialization from one of the base types.他们可以通过从一个基本类型开始进一步专门化来管理数据。

50、To make matters worse, the rules for comparing NaN and -0 are different between the primitive float type and the wrapper class Float.使事情更糟的是,在基本 float 类型和包装类 Float 之间,用于比较 NaN 和 -0 的规则是不同的。

经典英文句子51:基本类型,51、Flat text classification (FTC) and hierarchical text classification (HTC) are effective means in management of mass information.平面型文本分类以及层次型文本分类都是有效管理海量信息的重要手段。

52、In the aspect of controlling the spikelet number, 1B/1R was different from non 1B/1R, and it had no major gene and also fit with the polygene models (C-0) of additive-dominant-epistatic.而1B/1R类型K3314A的控制小穗数性状基因类型与非1B/1R不同,该类型无主基因存在,也符合加性-显性-上位性多基因模型(C-0)。

53、Prototype theory and basic-level category theory are the hottest topics of cognitive linguistics.类典型理论与基本层次范畴理论是认知语言学研究的热点话题之

54、Second thing we saw was, we saw that associated with every primitive value was a type.我们学习到的第二件事情是,和每个基本值对应的,是一个类型。

55、The basic types of one-sided accomplice include one-sided to help offenders and one-sided instigator and one-sided implementation of guilty.其基本类型包括片面帮助犯、片面教唆犯、片面实行犯。

56、All right. I want to return to some non-scalar types. So we've been looking, the last couple of lectures, at floating pointing numbers and integers.好,我们现在回到一些,非基本类型的话题来,我们在过去的几节课里,一直在研究浮点数类型和integer类型。

57、The basic composition, types, characteristics and applications of fire-retardant coatings are introduced. The present status of this kind of coatings are discussed in brief.介绍了膨胀型防火涂料的基本组成、类型、特点及其应用,概述了膨胀型防火涂料的发展现状。

58、All right, the question is, as I started to say, is, "What are the right primitives?"好了,就像我刚开始说的,问题在于,“什么才是正确的基本类型呢?“

59、Based on the results of TWINSPAN classification, 60 quadrats of C. glauca community were classified into 通过TWINSPAN分类,将青冈栎群落60个样方划分为8个群丛类型,探讨了各群丛类型的基本特征。

8 association types with their community characteristics described.

60、All right, the question is, as I started to say, is, "What are the right primitives?"好了,就像我刚开始说的,问题在于,“什么才是正确的基本类型呢?

61、A subtype can also add more element and attribute declarations to the base type.子类型也可以向基类型增加更多的元素和属性声明。

62、The genomic organization of D2 04 strain was similar to that of other reported Dengue 结论我国D2 0 4株的基因组全序列基本类似于已发表的其它登革2型病毒株。

2 virus strains.

63、The new document type is based on the Chat Transcript document type subform created earlier.这种新的文档类型以前面创建的 Chat Transcript 文档类型 subform 为基础。

64、Outline based on the early loco type, with typical Shay features.大纲的基础上早日买卖类型,谢伊的典型特征。

65、Whenever a particular type is required, the initializer for that type is transparently lifted into the type itself.每当需要一个特殊类型时,该类型的初始化器就很明显地被 提升成类型本身。

66、CARPOOL table contains columns based on both SQL data types and one column based on the new DB2 XML data type.CARPOOL 表既包含基于 SQL 数据类型的列,又包含一个基于新的 DB2 XML 数据类型的列。

67、Displays and prints standard icons identifying script lines by type (script step, verification point, reportable point, or group of steps).显示并打印分类型标志脚本基线的标准图标(脚本步骤、验证点、报告点、或者步骤组)。

68、Gets the object associated with the specified (base-class) type.获取与指定(基类)类型关联的对象。

69、This thesis is aiming to solve the category problem in translation from the perspective of the theory of prototypes and basic-level categories.本论文旨在从类典型及基本层次范畴理论的角度来解决翻译中的范畴问题。

70、The thesis, at first, has explained the basic conception and classification of water rights and orientates water rights as the new-type usufruct on the civil law.论文首先从水权基本理论入手,阐述水权的基本概念与分类,将水权界定为民法上的新型用益物权。

71、By revising a K-NN classification method based on evidence theory, a new K-NN classification method based on evidence reasoning model is got, which made the classification result more accurate.本文对基于证据理论的k- NN分类方法进行了修正,得到了基于证据推理模型的k- NN分类方法,使分类结果更加精确。

72、Concerning the population growth model, the types of population movement in 21 villages and township in Taichung County are "exceeding the expectation" and "not exceeding the expectation".其次,在乡镇人口成长模式方面,本文指出战后台中县21乡镇人口变动类型基本上可分为已达预期增长与未达预期增长两大类型。

73、NUE of three types of NF exist genotype difference.各类型氮肥的利用率均具有基因型差异。


标签: 类型

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