高中必修一第一单元英语单词 英语_高中必背词汇395个

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1、 abnormal condition

中文翻译: 异常情况

例句:Analysis to the Abnormal Visual Phenomenon of Swivels under intermittent Condition 翻译:间歇出现条件下转动体的异常视觉现象分析。



例句:The center has passed China National Metrology Accreditation and China National Accreditation Laboratory (CNAL). 翻译:中心的各类标准项目通过了国家实验室认可和国家级计量认证;。




例句:Algerian countryside 1939... 翻译:Algerian countryside 1939... xx年阿尔及利亚乡下。 。。



例句:They'll allocate the funds anyway. 翻译:They'll allocate the funds anyway.。

5、 When nothing feels alright

中文翻译: 一切都不对的那种感觉 当一切都感觉不对时 那种事事不如意的感觉 当完全感觉不到任何的东西

例句:When there's nothing else to do When there's nothing left to do 翻译:When there's nothing else to do When there's nothing left to do。

6、 Black amnesias

中文翻译: 蓝调摇滚

例句:There are as many amnesias as amnesiacs. 翻译:失忆症有很多都是选择性失忆。



例句:(Anchor) Shit. Let's get out of here, Foxy. 翻译:(Anchor)见鬼 我们走 Foxy。

8、 Arabic alphabet

中文翻译: 阿拉伯字母 阿拉伯语字母

例句:The acronym is built on the first four letters of the Arabic alphabet alif, ba, Jim, and dal.

1、 翻译:这个缩略语是阿拉伯语前四个字母alif, ba, jim, and dal的缩写。

2、 。

9、 arbitration committee

中文翻译: 仲裁委员会

例句:ither party may also directly apply to the labour dispute arbitration committee for arbitration. 翻译:调解不成,当事人一要求仲裁的,可以向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。。



例句:it's such an archetypal wound. 翻译:It's such an archetypal wound. 真是痛彻心扉。。



例句:i am the chess champion after all. 翻译:you're too arrogant!。

12、 art work

中文翻译: 艺术作品 工艺品 布线图 原图 图模

例句:art,design,education,happiness,humor,work 翻译:art,design,education,happiness,humor,work。




例句:Put it aside... yes, move aside... 翻译:move aside...。

14、 Night Assailant

中文翻译: 深渊暗杀者

例句:Our victim is a war criminal, our assailant is his former child soldier. 翻译:our assailant is his former child soldier.。

15、 Attains the bachelor's degree

中文翻译: 拿到学士学位

例句:All right, answer me this, bachelor's degree. 翻译:bachelor's degree.。

16、 Child Autism

中文翻译: 儿童孤独症

例句:"Why did my child develop autism?" 翻译:“为什么我的孩子得了自闭症?” 。

17、 auxiliary power unit

中文翻译: 辅助动力系统 动力 辅助动力装置 辅助动力设备 辅助动力单元

例句:-Activate auxiliary power unit. 翻译:-启动辅助能源组件。



例句:# Avenue, avenue, avenue # 翻译:大街 大街 大街。

19、 unable to avoid

中文翻译: 无法回避的

例句:The boy was unable to avoid it? 翻译:男孩无法避免呢?。

20、 Indian Azalea Leaf

中文翻译: 红花杜鹃

例句:What do you think you're doing, Leafboy? 翻译:Leaf -boy?。

21、 Barbaric Game

中文翻译: 野蛮游戏

例句:if you're playing in the women's league. 翻译:If dating is the game,then marriage is winning the game.。



例句:My father was beaten, my mother was beaten. 翻译:我父亲被打了 母亲被打了 My father was beaten, my mother was beaten,。

高中新课标词汇:1,23、 current bias

中文翻译: 栅流 电流偏置

例句:They've been documenting instances of bias in BBC current affairs. 翻译:他们记录了BBC近来 They've been documenting Instances of bias 报道中的偏见 in BBC current affairs.。

24、 Blesses rita&reki

中文翻译: 保佑叶叶跟小虎

例句:- Rita. - Another left turn. 翻译:- Rita...。

25、 Orlando Bloom

中文翻译:布鲁姆 奥兰多 布鲁姆 奥兰多布鲁

例句:A hot body. i'm just kidding. 翻译:哪怕Orlando天天送花。

26、 Brown Bluff

中文翻译: 布朗断崖 朗断崖

例句:At the end of Wilshire there's a bench, on that bluff. 翻译:on that bluff.。

27、 Lunar Halo Bodes Wind


例句:The section on the lunar landings. 翻译:The section on the lunar landings.。

28、 Crispy Boneless Duck

中文翻译: 香酥脱骨鸭 喷鼻酥脱骨鸭

例句:Crispy aromatic duck with plum sauce. 翻译:我选香酥鸭配上苏梅酱。

29、 bravery and vigor

中文翻译: 勇猛刚健

例句:While vigor, and not only vigor, is up 翻译:当这情绪,不只情绪,都是高涨的时候。

30、 breast feeding

中文翻译: 母乳喂养 喂哺母乳

例句:To breast-feeding. And to crying. 翻译:敬母乳哺育 祝宝宝大哭。

31、 cock and bull story n.

中文翻译: 无稽之谈

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

32、 The Deer in the Bullpen

中文翻译: 牛栏里的鹿

例句:This is just addressed to "the bullpen," 翻译:这次只写了咱们部门收。



例句:i'll let you get back to your work. 翻译:- Cam...。



例句:That's the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 翻译:那是Royal Canadian Mounted警察.。


中文翻译: 别克关怀 别克眷注

例句:- A Buick. 1941 green Buick. 翻译:这是别克 xx年份别克。

36、 probable cause

中文翻译: 可能的原因 合理的根据

例句:We call that probable cause. 翻译:我们称之为疑似案例 We call that probable cause.。

37、 supply chain management

中文翻译: 供应连锁管理

例句:Supply chain Performance management (SCPM) links demand planning, supply planning, execution and resource management of supply chain together, and is important for supply chain management.

1、 翻译:供应链性能管理(SCPM)是连接供应链需求计划、供应计划、执行和资源管理的有效纽带,在供应链管理中占据着重要的位置。

2、 。

38、 Tom Championed His Friend

中文翻译: 汤姆支持他朋友

例句:Don't feel quilty, it was for his friend. 翻译:it was for his friend.。

39、 Water Dragon Chant

中文翻译: 水龙吟

例句:Now, the kid has got to get to work, 翻译:Everybody chant.。

40、 chill casting

中文翻译: 机 冷硬铸造 金属模铸件 冷激铸造

例句:it's chill, it's chill, it's chill. 翻译:It's chill, it's chill, it's chill.。

41、 choppy cross-bedding

中文翻译: 皱纹状交错层理

例句:B. sandstone with hummocky or sunken cross bedding and parallel bedding;

1、 翻译:具丘状、洼状交错层理或平行层理的砂岩;

2、 。



例句:( choral singing blaring ) 翻译:(喘氣)操。。

高中新课标词汇:1,43、 christian abbiati

中文翻译: 阿比亚蒂 意大利球员

例句:i would start from Christian Abbiati who finally returned to us. 翻译:首先我要说终于回家的克里斯蒂安-阿比亚蒂。。

44、 in church

中文翻译: 在教堂

例句:So, uh... From, like, a church? 翻译:a church?。

45、 Cleanses Me

中文翻译: 净化我

例句:The "fire that cleanses the forest"? 翻译:"去其糟粕"? The "Fire that cleanses the forest"?。

46、 code cleanups by Harvey Harrison

中文翻译: 整理代码

例句:- 'Cause it doesn't seem to bother him. 翻译:Harrison!。

47、 Collage of Our Life

中文翻译: 恋爱写真 片

例句:Plus i figure we shared a room, like, our whole life. 翻译:our whole life.。

48、 compressor set n.

中文翻译: 压气机组 空气压缩机组

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

49、 His Theory Contradicts Itself

中文翻译: 他理论自相矛盾

例句:The evidence contradicts itself. 翻译:證據互相否定。



例句:it's called "Thermal convection. " 翻译:它被称为"热。

51、 converted products

中文翻译: 转化产物 加工产品

例句:if they converted so many products into cash, such amount would be tremendous. 翻译:那么多的东西换成钱 那得多少啊。



例句:Running up and down the corridor. 翻译:Running up and down the corridor.。

高中核心单词表:1,53、 cosmic-ray counter

中文翻译: 宇宙射线计数器

例句:With iceCube, scientists hope to solve the cosmic-ray puzzle that has plagued them for over a century. 翻译:科学家们希望冰方块能帮助解开困扰了他们超过一个世纪的宇宙射线谜题。。

54、 Cowardly Lion

中文翻译: 胆小的狮子 胆小鬼狮子

例句:Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow, Toto. 翻译:胆小狮,稻草人。

55、 Gem Craft

中文翻译: 宝石守塔 小游戏 宝石争霸

例句:it's 'cause you shut those doors and you lock all of us out. 翻译:Gem, 这是Clay打的.。

56、 craftsman mythology

中文翻译: 原始工匠神话

例句:Or she likes Craftsman furniture. 翻译:她还喜欢Craftsman牌子的家具。

57、 crushes of parting surface

中文翻译: 合模面压坏




例句:Okay, here we go. Domino, Lean Cuisine. 翻译:恩 就这样 Domino, Lean Cuisine.。

59、 cultural tradition

中文翻译: 文化传统

例句:We are the inheritors of a great cultural tradition. 翻译:我们是一个伟大文化传统的继承者。

1、 。

60、 delighted with

中文翻译: 高兴 对

例句:Oh! Shall we? Oh, delighted to. 翻译:delighted to.。



例句:There is to be a departmental reorganisation. 翻译:这回是部门权责再分配 There is to be a departmental reorganisation.。

62、 keep one's diary

中文翻译: 记日记

例句:We found this at your father's house. 翻译:It's Amy's diary. We found this at your father's house.。



例句:What the hell is a dim mak? 翻译:dim mak是什么东西?。



例句:- i know that and yet i try to disregard it 翻译:- I know that 可我还是欺骗自己 and yet I try to disregard it。



例句:it didn't have much effect, did it? 翻译:did it?。

66、 Millennium Dome

中文翻译: 千禧巨蛋 千年穹顶 千禧穹顶 千禧宫

例句:Yes? i said get it done now. 翻译:Not some time in the next millennium...。

67、 downstream sale

中文翻译: 向下销售

例句:Catch it downstream! Downstream! Scott, downstream! 翻译:去下游捡起来 去下游 斯科特 去下游。

68、 dummy comforter

中文翻译: 假奶嘴

例句:- What're they doing? - What do you think, dummy? 翻译:dummy?。

69、 Duplicate Layer

中文翻译: 复制图层 复制层 命令 重复层

例句:Duplicate the empty layer 5times. 翻译:复制空白图层5次。 。

70、 Each side

中文翻译: 互不相让 拷边

例句:They swim side-by-side to get the measure of each other. 翻译:他们擦身而游 估算对方的身量 {\3cH202020}They swim side -by -side to get the measure of each other.。



例句:Going into the competition some one who would allow me to be me. 翻译:It was the summer I turned eighteen? rundown shack? ?。



例句:But will emancipation help them? 翻译:但这解放能帮到她们吗? 。

高中高级词汇表:1,73、 energy consumption

中文翻译: 化 能量损耗

例句:To high energy consumption of zinc electrolysis process(ZEP), the energy consumption optimization problem is discussed. 翻译:针对锌电解过程能耗过高的情况,研究其能耗优化问题。。


中文翻译: 安全通道

例句:Pull slide. Safety off. - Safety on. 翻译:safety on.。



例句:What a prince would envision? 翻译:# 王子想要的样子呢? # # What a prince would envision? #。

76、 unbiased estimate

中文翻译: 不偏估计 公正 无偏 评价

例句:The uniformly minimum varia-nce unbiased estimate (UMVU estimate) of hitting probability has been given.

1、 翻译:文中给出了一致最小方差无偏估计(UMVU估计)。

2、 。

77、 excessive wear

中文翻译: 过度磨损

例句:Like excessive not studying. 翻译:Like excessive not studying.。

78、 Challenger expedition

中文翻译: 挑战者号科学考察 查林杰海洋考察队 挑战者号远征

例句:Making his way to the ring, it's the challenger. 翻译:it's the challenger.。

79、 Working Experience

中文翻译: 工作经验 工作经历 工作简历 相关工作经验

例句:Priority on overseas working experience or sales working experience in Bens. 翻译:有海外工作经历者或奔驰销售工作经验者优先考虑。。

80、 extra fee

中文翻译: 额外费用

例句:You paid the registration fee. 翻译:You paid the registration fee.。

81、 Aaron Faltered

中文翻译: 亚伦动摇

例句:Aaron, you're sleeping. Stop sleep. Aaron, you're asleep. 翻译:Aaron别睡了 Aaron起来。

82、 research fellow

中文翻译: 研究员 研究人员

例句:That blotchy, sprawly, sulky fellow? 翻译:sulky fellow?。

高中常见词汇:1,83、 WOOL FELT

中文翻译: 羊毛毡包 毛毡 羊毛毡 毛毯

例句:But you know, at the time, it felt like -- it felt like it was them or me. 翻译:it felt like - - it felt like...。

84、 Festive Hotel

中文翻译: 节庆酒店 节庆饭店 节庆旅店

例句:i want the hotel to run like a hotel should. 翻译:I want the hotel to run like a hotel should.。



例句:FiFTEEN ON THE PONiES, EiGHT UP YOUR NOSE, THE ViG, 翻译:15的小马, 8你的鼻子时,VIG,。



例句:"Filmmaker." The hell even is this? 翻译:"拍电影的" - 这什么玩意啊 "Filmmaker." The hell even is this?。

87、 offer firm

中文翻译: 发实盘 经 报实盘 询盘


88、 green flash

中文翻译: 绿闪光

例句:Flash is fast, Flash is cool Francois sez fas, Flashe no do 翻译:Flash is fast, Flash is cool François sez fas, Flashé no do。



例句:Let's roll credits on this chick flick. 翻译:Let's roll credits on this chick flick.。

90、 Flings figte

中文翻译: 陀螺比赛小游戏

例句:Just one of those crazy flings 翻译:*那些疯狂行为中的一件*。

91、 blood flow

中文翻译: 血流 血流量

例句:# Let your blood flow... # 翻译:# Let your blood flow... #。

92、 Fruitful Pursuits

中文翻译: 水落石出

例句:But after a lifetime of such pursuits, 翻译:但经过终生的追求。




例句:This is an exercise in futility. 翻译:这完全是无用的。

94、 galactic center

中文翻译: 银河系中心 银心

例句:The galactic center and anticenter are directly opposite one another on the galactic equator – the galactic plane projected onto the sky's dome or stellar sphere.

1、 翻译:银心与反银心方向在银道上处于完全相对立的位置,银道即银道面与天球相交形成的大圆。

2、 。

95、 run the gauntlet

中文翻译: 受严厉批评 受夹道鞭打

例句:They're gonna run the whole gauntlet on this thing. 翻译:他们得全力对付这件事。

96、 immediate gratification

中文翻译: 即时满足 立即的满足 马上的满足

例句:Oh well, here's to immediate gratification. 翻译:好吧,马上有好戏看了。

97、 Blaze&Graze

中文翻译: 绵羊复仇记

例句:## Just blaze, make it hot ## 翻译:[Just blaze, make it hot]。

98、 double grill

中文翻译: 双层烤架

例句:Hello, is that the Memphis Bar and Grill? 翻译:is that the Memphis Bar and Grill?。

99、 grit chamber

中文翻译: 沉砂池

例句:Underneath, that's grit legit. 翻译:Underneath, that's grit legit.。

100、 ground wire

中文翻译: 电 地线 电 接地线 避雷线 搭铁线

例句:Red wire, Blue wire. Black is usually the ground. 翻译:红线、蓝线,黑线一般是接地线...。



例句:is this therapy, or a support group? 翻译:or a support group?。

102、 The Love Guru

中文翻译: 爱情大师 爱情导师 亲爱的导师 爱情宗师

例句:And the orgies and the love-guru crap? 翻译:到底发生了什么事 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}And the orgies and the love -guru crap?。

高中重点词汇表:1,103、 Halo effect

中文翻译: 晕轮效应 光 光环效应 月晕效应

例句:Yes, but it's the halo effect. 翻译:对 但要看光圈效应。



例句:it's on the hamper, honey. 翻译:放在洗衣篮上。



例句:Conan worse hateful hateful hateful hateful hateful hateful 翻译:柯南 不妙 可恶。

106、 Ramses' Headdress

中文翻译: 拉姆西斯头巾

例句:Sing something for Ramses! 翻译:为拉姆瑟歌唱。

107、 Chinese herb tea

中文翻译: 凉茶 青草茶 二十四位凉茶

例句:Tea is an herb that's been dried out. 翻译:茶叶是一种干化香草 Tea is an herb that's been dried out.。

108、 Especially On Hilltops

中文翻译: 尤其在小山顶

例句:Mist shrouded the hilltops. 翻译:薄雾笼罩了那些山顶。 。



例句:Honies, come and eat the chicken wings! 翻译:诸位娘子,来吃鸡翅吧。

110、 bob hope

中文翻译:霍普 美国喜剧演员

例句:Old is Bea Arthur and Bob Hope and... 翻译:老的是Bea Arthur 和Bob Hope。



例句:Probably just a bird, okay? 翻译:It was huge!。

112、 bee hummingbird

中文翻译: 吸蜜蜂鸟 蜂鸟

例句:-Hello, hummingbird. -if you ever leave 翻译:hummingbird.。

高中常见单词表:1,113、 hydraulic support

中文翻译: 液压支架

例句:Electrical and Hydraulic Control System of Special Honer for Hydraulic Support Cylinder 翻译:液压支柱缸筒专用珩磨机电液控制系统。

114、 self-hypnosis

中文翻译: 自我催眠

例句:Welcome to Self-Hypnosis for the Fearful Flier. 翻译:欢迎自我催眠,远离可怕的飞行。。



例句:- improvisation, it's like an improvisation. 翻译:-即興的嗎,即興發揮。

116、 intellectual inadequacy

中文翻译: 智能不足

例句:inadequacy means that, right? 翻译:就是这个意思吧?。



例句:inaugurate, inaugurate their new career 翻译:♪ 庆祝吧,庆祝他们的新生活。



例句:Was Debbie A Victim Of incest? 翻译:是黛比的受害者lncest吗?。

119、 Industrial Bank

中文翻译: 金融 实业银行 中国兴业银行 金融 工业银行

例句:design,industrial design,technology 翻译:design,industrial design,technology。



例句:An inexplicable error by keeper 翻译:这对守门员来说简直是不可饶恕的错误。



例句:This is the ingenious idea of - 翻译:这是《基督最后的诱惑》 (The Last Temptation of Christ)的。

122、 ink stick

中文翻译: 墨 中国墨

例句:A flashlight was a moonbeam. A pen was an ink stick. 翻译:打火机是月光 原子笔是墨杆。

高中高级单词表:1,123、 Inscription of Dragons

中文翻译: 雕龙记

例句:Because maps used to say, "there be dragons here." 翻译:There be dragons here.。



例句:This whole internship was a mistake! 翻译:当见习生也是错的。

125、 intrusive body

中文翻译: 侵入体 侵入岩体

例句:Felsic Hypabyssal intrusive Body and Deposit Prospecting in Baiyin Area 翻译:长英质浅成侵入岩体研究与白银地区地质找矿前景。



例句:See, i'm thinking this is home invasion. 翻译:I'm thinking this is home invasion.。

127、 nation of islam

中文翻译: 伊斯兰民族组织

例句:i got done by the Nation of islam! 翻译:打我的是一群穆斯林。

128、 School Janitor

中文翻译: 学校看门人 学校校工 学校看门

例句:With the fake boobs is the school janitor. 翻译:和带那假乳房是学校的雇员 是学校的看门人。

129、 knee jerk

中文翻译: 医 膝反射

例句:That's a knee-jerk reaction. 翻译:这就是膝跳反应 That's a knee -jerk reaction.。

130、 islamic jihad

中文翻译: 伊斯兰圣战组织

例句:Declaration of islamic Jihad... 翻译:回教...。

131、 The Kingdom

中文翻译: 染血王国 医院风云 反恐王国 反恐战场

例句:Able to fly from island to island, this is their kingdom. 翻译:this is their kingdom.。

132、 Baker Laments

中文翻译: 贝克惋惜道

例句:Nice name choice, by the way... cheeky. 翻译:Julia Baker。

高中常见单词表:1,133、 latent infection

中文翻译: 潜伏性感染 植保 潜伏侵染 潜伏性传染

例句:Latent infection of Pneumocystis jiroveci in patients with lung cancer 翻译:肺癌患者耶氏肺孢子菌的隐性感染研究。



例句:- David ben levi was at me again today. 翻译:-Levy 今天又在拉我入伙。

135、 driver's license

中文翻译: 交 驾驶执照 汽车驾驶执照 汽车驾照

例句:Alexx, that is the shape of Florida, and it's from a driver's license. 翻译:and it's from a driver's license.。

136、 lonely lonely

中文翻译: 孤独寂寞

例句:it goes across the road. That's 300 acres, Julia, and it's all ours. 翻译:Lonely and blue。

137、 mad idea

中文翻译: 狂妄的想法

例句:What an idea? A crazy mad wonderful idea! 翻译:这是个疯狂的主意,是个好主意。



例句:The flower of British manhood! 翻译:看,最好的男人在王国。。

139、 pig manure

中文翻译: 猪粪 猪粪肥

例句:The effect of microorganism inoculants on pig manure composting was studied.

1、 翻译:研究了添加微生物发酵菌剂对猪粪堆肥腐熟的影响。

2、 。



例句:After the marriage is over? 翻译:When? After the marriage is over?。

141、 marrow cell

中文翻译: 骨髓细胞

例句:A large cell of the bone marrow that is a precursor of the mature granulocyte of the blood.

1、 翻译:髓细胞骨髓的一种大型细胞,是血液成熟的有粒细胞的前身。

2、 。

142、 Mayan Ruins

中文翻译: 玛雅遗址 玛雅古城

例句:- You didn't like the Mayan ruins? 翻译:-,玛雅遗迹?。

高中重点单词表:1,143、 Deep And Meaningless

中文翻译: 深刻地空虚

例句:- That's meaningless drivel. 翻译:- That's meaningless drivel.。

144、 The Anatomy of Melancholy

中文翻译: 忧郁的解剖 忧郁的剖析 解剖忧郁 忧郁剖析

例句:# All your lies are jolly melancholy # 翻译:∮ 你的谎言是快乐的悲伤∮ ♪ All your lies are jolly melancholy ♪。



例句:-No, i've seen it. A major mess. 翻译:A major mess.。

146、 Protected Mode

中文翻译: 保护模式 保护状态 掩护标准样式 掩护模式

例句:DRV drivers to protected mode as well. 翻译:DRV 驱动转到了保护模式。

1、 。



例句:No evidence of molestation either. 翻译:没有性侵犯的迹象。



例句:The head of a nationality township shall be a citizen of the minority nationality that establishes the nationality township. 翻译:民族乡的乡长由建立民族乡的少数民族公民担任。。



例句:Naughty, naughty, naughty. 翻译:naughty.。



例句:Robin: YOU JUST LOST YOUR DAD TO SOME OTHER iDiOT'S NEGLiGENCE. 翻译:你刚刚遗失 你的爸爸到一些另外地 白痴的疏忽。。

151、 Nine Network

中文翻译: 第九频道电视台 九号电视网 九号台 第九频道

例句:Any idea who they are, this underground network? 翻译:this underground network?。

152、 New Normalcy

中文翻译: 新常态

例句:in a month of such normalcy. 翻译:才一个月。



例句:And representing Oregon international Eugene's favorite Norwegian, Arne Kvalheim. 翻译:And representing Oregon International... ... Eugene's favorite Norwegian, Arne Kvalheim.。

154、 in a nutshell adv.

中文翻译: 简单地 简约地 极其简括地说

例句:Adv. phr. in spite of appearances; actually. 翻译:尽管外表如此;实际上。

1、 。

155、 Living in Oblivion

中文翻译: 开麦拉狂想曲 野悼的诗意

例句:Wake and face the light, or slumber into oblivion. 翻译:or slumber into oblivion.。

156、 Making it all okay

中文翻译: 彻底的吹走 彻底制服它了 让一切美好 彻顶的吹走

例句:Making love out of nothing at all" 翻译:Making love out of nothing at all。

157、 An outdoor activity

中文翻译: 一项户外活动 事件篇

例句:it's really a nice outdoor activity forme, i think. 翻译:我觉得那对我来说真的是一个很好的户外活动。

1、 。

158、 Outside line

中文翻译: 内外线 外线

例句:There's a line outside you can hang it on. 翻译:There's a line outside you can hang it on.。

159、 standing ovation

中文翻译: 长时间起立鼓掌 起立致敬

例句:And it is a standing ovation. 翻译:大家起立。

160、 complete cleft palates

中文翻译: 完全性腭裂

例句:Children with cleft palates get it, and they document their story. 翻译:那些兔唇的孩子们得到治疗 这些故事也会记录下来。这棒极了。 。

161、 parallel development

中文翻译: 平行开发 平行演化

例句:the development of practical reasoning; 翻译:the development of practical reasoning;。



例句:But, by far, the most problematic element of perfectionism is socially prescribed perfectionism. 翻译:但是,到目前为止, 完美主义最成问题的要素 是社会定向型的完美主义。 。

高中核心词汇表:1,163、 dramatist playwright

中文翻译: 戏曲家

例句:Now, he was a German dramatist ... 翻译:他是一位 。



例句:His son pled to manslaughter. 翻译:所以我去地方检察院告诉他们 So I go to the DA and explain。

165、 air pocket

中文翻译: 气穴 大气中使汽机突然下跌的 气陷

例句:Quick! Under it! Air pocket! 翻译:快趴下,吸气。



例句:Through the portal, Stormwind! 翻译:Through the portal, Stormwind!。



例句:i think that's his pocket. 翻译:-posh?。

168、 poster advertising

中文翻译: 招贴广告 海报广告业图片

例句:Christof Hotz is running the poster campaign for advertising agency APG Affichage.

1、 翻译:Christof Hotz 正在为广告代理商 APG 阿菲沙热进行海报宣传。

2、 。

169、 predominant wind direction

中文翻译: 主要风向

例句:Wind speed and wind direction. 翻译:风速和风向。



例句:Discipline is a prerequisite. 翻译:...纪律是先决条件。

171、 problematic closure

中文翻译: 问题的封闭领域

例句:i figured it'd, you know, help her with closure. 翻译:help her with closure。



例句:"Dear prospective employer, 翻译:"亲爱的老板,。



例句:i'll wager you a thousand my pup wins. 翻译:000 my pup wins.。



例句:Many new words today, read for me 翻译:read for me。

175、 right of recourse

中文翻译: 追索权 偿还请求权

例句:We have no recourse but to surrender. 翻译:投降是唯一的出路 We have no recourse but to surrender.。

176、 Filled Rectangle

中文翻译: 实心矩形 填充矩形

例句:A squared rectangle is a rectangle dissected into at least two squares. 翻译:方化矩形是指可以分割成至少两个正方形的矩形。。



例句:- Grey,redress the wound,okay? 翻译:- Grey 你來處理傷口 好嗎?。

178、 Refrigeration Course Design

中文翻译: 制冷课程设计

例句:And so at that time, of course, there was no refrigeration. 翻译:当然,那时候还没有制冷设备。 。



例句:With regard to the charge, 翻译:有关控诉。

180、 relenting business accounting

中文翻译: 再贷款业务核算

例句:But Accounting standard for Business Enterprises of china had been defined Accounting Polities to Accounting Estimates. 翻译:事实上,中国企业会计准则对会计政策和会计估计一直都进行了严格的界定。。



例句:- i'd rather not relive it. 翻译:我不想再提了 I'd rather not relive it.。

182、 Marshall Is Rep

中文翻译: 马绍尔群岛

例句:Marshall! Marshall! Marshall! 翻译:马歇尔...。

高中常见词汇表:1,183、 visual representation

中文翻译: 视觉再现 可视化表示形式

例句:You are a visual representation of my business. 翻译:你就是我的形象代表。

184、 two oral reprimands

中文翻译: 三份书面惩诫

例句:- To hell with your reprimands. 翻译:-和你的教训见鬼去吧。



例句:Because of this, after imprinting no Mecha child can be resold 翻译:所以 机器小孩不能重新贩售。

186、 resistant varieties

中文翻译: 抵抗性品种

例句:Teliospore appeared on susceptible varieties earlier than on resistant varieties. More but smaller teleutosorus were formed on susceptible varieties in comparison with resistant varieties.

1、 翻译:感病品种比抗病品种出现冬孢子的时间早,数量多,但体积小。

2、 。

187、 Resonant Chamber

中文翻译: 悠扬室内 悠扬室内乐 电子 共振室 共鸣室

例句:the resonant... the... the... the resonant...? 翻译:-- 那个 那个 那个共振的...。

188、 rip through

中文翻译: 裂开 破开 炸开

例句:Without warning, fires rip through these tinder-dry plains. 翻译:fires rip through these tinder -dry plains.。

189、 screw rod

中文翻译: 螺旋杆 丝杆

例句:Easy, Rod. Easy, Rod. Easy, Rod. 翻译:冷静,Rod,冷静,Rod 冷静,Rod,冷静,Rod。

190、 Uruguay Round

中文翻译: 乌拉圭回合 乌拉圭回合谈判 乌拉圭会谈 乌拉圭圆桌会议

例句:♪ Turn around, round, round, round, round, round ♪ 翻译:转过去,去,去 turn around, round, round, 去,去,去 round, round, round。



例句:♪ Could i make that sacrifice? 翻译:Could I make that sacrifice?。

192、 chicken sandwich

中文翻译: 鸡肉三明治 两男夹女

例句:No mayonnaise on the chicken sandwich! 翻译:鸡肉三明治不要蛋黄酱。

高中新课标词汇表:1,193、 scarcity value

中文翻译: 稀缺价值 稀有价值 稀少价值 缺货价格

例句:Diamonds have little intrinsic value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.

1、 翻译:钻石没有多少内在价值,它们的价格几乎完全取决于其稀有程度。

2、 。

194、 arteriolar sclerosis

中文翻译: 小动脉硬化

例句:The Relationship between Microalbuminuria and Brain Arteriolar Sclerosis in Essential Hypertension 翻译:原发性高血压患者微量白蛋白尿与脑小动脉硬化的关系。

195、 scrape by

中文翻译: 勉强通过 勉强维持 勉强度日 勉强过活

例句:Always getting into one scrape. 翻译:Always getting into one scrape.。

196、 steel coal scuttles

中文翻译: 钢煤斗

例句:Game takes a steel spine, Coal. 翻译:游戏需要一副硬心肠 黑子。



例句:There's got to be some semblance of an order? 翻译:-是没错 但我先声明。



例句:What's that, a sense of humor? 翻译:a sense of humor?。

199、 practice session

中文翻译: 练习赛 实习期

例句:Then i'd better set up a practice session. 翻译:那我最好安排一个彩排 好 Then I'd better set up a practice session.。

200、 a sheep among wolves

中文翻译: 落入狼群的羊

例句:"You are sheep among wolves, 翻译:你是狼群中的羊。

201、 medicinal shellfishes

中文翻译: 药用贝类

例句:Shellfishes do not belong to the fishes proper. 翻译:贝类严格说来不属于鱼类。

1、 。

202、 expected shortfall

中文翻译: 预期损失 预期短缺 损失期望值 期望损失

例句:Low-level infiltrations, i mean, are to be expected. 翻译:are to be expected.。



例句:♪ for a shred of loving care from my girl ♪ 翻译:『For a shred of loving care from my girl』。

204、 Skewer of Krintiz

中文翻译: 格林提斯的肉叉

例句:Sir, would you care for a tandoori skewer? 翻译:would you care for a Tandoori skewer?。

205、 half the sky

中文翻译: 半边天 央视著名电视栏目

例句:(* "Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum) 翻译:- "Spirit in the Sky" ◎ 歌曲: Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky。

206、 roof slab

中文翻译: 屋面板 屋顶板 天台楼板

例句:And the roof takes care of the rest. 翻译:-The roof! -You got to run up to the roof. And the roof takes care of the rest.。

207、 Grand Slam

中文翻译: 大满贯 大满贯赛 网球大满贯赛事 指澳网

例句:Slam, slam, brother My brother 翻译:[Slam, slam, brother My brother]。

208、 one's cap slouches

中文翻译: 帽子耷拉着

例句:One Florida state driver's license, one baseball cap. 翻译:一张加州的驾照 一顶棒球帽 One Florida state driver's license, one baseball cap. 还有...。

209、 fishing smack

中文翻译: 小渔船

例句:it's the fishing smack Santiago. 翻译:是"圣地牙哥号"渔船。

210、 dead soldiers

中文翻译: 美国俚语 空酒瓶

例句:Who would steal the brains of dead soldiers? 翻译:什么人会偷死亡士兵的大脑 Who would steal the brains of dead soldiers?。



例句:i don't know. Tonight was solid. 翻译:tonight was solid.。



例句:Not since, oh, middle of our sophomore year. 翻译:oh... middle of our sophomore year?。

高中常见词汇表:1,213、 Soy sauce chicken

中文翻译: 豉油鸡 酱油鸡 油鸡

例句:You just put in a soy sauce bottle cap inside that chicken. 翻译:现在把酱油瓶盖儿放进鸡肚子里了。

214、 spectacle blind

中文翻译: 眼圈盲板 字盲板 眼睛盲板

例句:♪ i've walked these streets ♪ ♪ in a spectacle of wealth and poverty ♪ # # 翻译:In a spectacle of wealth and poverty In the diamond markets。


中文翻译: 锡渣 贱锡 溅锡

例句:Splash, splash. One, two, three. Splash, splash, splash. 翻译:拍水 拍水

一 二

三 拍水 拍水 拍水。

216、 Split Airport

中文翻译: 斯普利特机场 距斯普里特机场

例句:Split that difference. There. 翻译:Split that difference.。

217、 spread risk

中文翻译: 分散风险

例句:The President's gone international to spread the risk and cost... 翻译:总统已联络国际社会分摊风险和开支――。

218、 a stately pace

中文翻译: 稳重庄严的步子

例句:Redwood time moves at a more stately pace than human time. 翻译:“红杉时间”以比人类时间更宏伟的节奏流逝着。

219、 Statue of Zeus at Olympia

中文翻译: 奥林匹亚宙斯神像 宙斯神像 奥林匹亚宙斯神庙

例句:The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece.

1、 翻译:希腊,奥林匹克的宙斯雕塑像(The Statue of Zeus at Olympia Greece)。

2、 。

220、 Steadfast Guard

中文翻译: 坚定的护卫

例句:♪ Steadfast, true, and tried ♪ 翻译:踏实 真实 并试图。

221、 Storybook Workshop

中文翻译: 故事绘本工坊

例句:Mister, you are coming with me to Sedona tomorrow, and you are going to do that workshop with Johanna! 翻译:and you are going to do that workshop with Johanna!。

222、 value straying

中文翻译: 价值变异

例句:Every time you left the room, that's when. When you're feeding our daughter. 翻译:she conferred a value on it.。

高中大纲词汇表:1,223、 Striped Polecat

中文翻译: 非洲艾虎 非洲艾虎属

例句:Or how about a polecat and a President? 翻译:或臭鼬和总统的区别吗?。

224、 structural form

中文翻译: 构造形态

例句:it is an internal structural problem, 翻译:It is an internal structural problem,。

225、 structural style

中文翻译: 结构形式 构造型式

例句:it is an internal structural problem, 翻译:It is an internal structural problem,。



例句:it says the subpena for the information violates it's users' privacy rights. 翻译:他们声称传票索要的信息侵犯了使用者的隐私权。。

227、 Sudanese kin terminology

中文翻译: 苏丹制

例句:This thing's in arabic-sudanese unicode. 翻译:This thing's in Arabic -Sudanese Unicode.。



例句:i'm an American. Apple pie, lower 48, Air Supply. 翻译:Air Supply.。

229、 redshift survey

中文翻译: 红移巡天

例句:There's another survey which is very similar to this, called the Two-degree Field of View Galaxy Redshift Survey. 翻译:还有一个和这个相近的调查 叫做2度視場星系紅移巡天。



例句:Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish 翻译:唰 唰 唰。



例句:Syntax is usually my forte, 翻译:语法本来是我的强项 Syntax is usually my forte,。



例句:if it's to last, then the getting of knowledge should be... tangible. 翻译:then the getting of knowledge should be... tangible.。

高中必背单词表:1,233、 My Teacher

中文翻译: 老师的恩惠 上海交通大学

例句:See you later. i tell you. 翻译:- Did you know he was my wood shop teacher?。



例句:"Termination of services"? 翻译:"完成的服务"?。

235、 Two Testaments

中文翻译: 两个约

例句:There are a dozen new New Testaments, 翻译:可存在很多新的《新约》。



例句:What is that, a threa...? Are you threatening me? 翻译:-a threat?。



例句:You want so say "red", then it's rhet. 翻译:想说Tinto,法语就是Tint。

238、 touchdowns passing

中文翻译: 向前传球球越对方的球门线

例句:Our adroit passing enabled us to score four touchdowns. 翻译:我们熟练的传球,使我们能得到四个触地球的分数。

1、 。

239、 Fine tradition

中文翻译: 优良传统 优秀传统

例句:- it's a fine American tradition. 翻译:-这是美国人的优良传统。

240、 take a train

中文翻译: 乘火车

例句:if i was at a train station and one train could take me to my current job and the other train could take me to an audition for a movie, which train should i get on? 翻译:If I was at a train station 其中一辆火车通往我现在的工作 and one train could take me to my current job 而另一辆能带我去一部电影的面试 and the other train could take me to an audition for a movie,。



例句:To Jeff Hemry for his arrangment of the complete transcript. 翻译:To Jeff Hemry for his arrangment of the complete transcript.。

242、 Tunic Tissue

中文翻译: 横隔筋

例句:Well, they're not real eyes, just defective tissue. 翻译:just defective tissue.。

高中基础词汇表:1,243、 Great Green Turban

中文翻译: 夜光蝾螺

例句:[Music playing on boom box] 翻译:Everybody, everybody! This is my great, great, great, great...。



例句:The hours were long, and the pay was terrible yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises. 翻译:and the pay was terrible... there were unexpected surprises.。

245、 Why so unforgiving

中文翻译: 为什么这样地难以忘怀

例句:- So why are you so afraid? 翻译:- So why are you so afraid?。

246、 An Untrained Voice

中文翻译: 未经训练声音

例句:My team is full. Untrained voice that is that 翻译:未经雕琢的声线很少见。


中文翻译: 阿岳正传 阿乐正传

例句:To resist it is useless, it is useless to resist it 翻译:∮ To resist it is useless, it is useless to resist it。



例句:To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? it's a debate that raged among parents and one that's divided the autism community. 翻译:是接种疫苗还是不接种呢?这正是父母争论的话题。这一争论使整个孤独症学界陷入分裂状态。。

249、 vacuum filter

中文翻译: 化工 真空过滤器 真空抽滤器

例句:Production Running of Precoat Vacuum Filter 翻译:预挂式真空过滤机的生产运行。

250、 Vain Longing

中文翻译: 枉凝眉

例句:♪ is the longing in his heart ♪ 翻译:# Is the longing in his heart #。

251、 Verify E-Mail Address

中文翻译: 校验邮箱 再填一遍 校验电子邮箱 确认邮箱

例句:To exchange e-mail address it 翻译:交換一下郵箱地址吧。

252、 Via del Corso

中文翻译: 科尔索大道 科索大街 科尔索大街 科尔索路

例句:- You happen onto Via Del Mar Boulevard? 翻译:-你有没有到维贝莫街去?。

高中新课标词汇:1,253、 cider vinegar

中文翻译: 苹果醋

例句:Living off nothing but packet noodles and cider. 翻译:Living off nothing but packet noodles and cider.。



例句:- i'll still do things with you guys. 翻译:- Vow? - Of non violence。


中文翻译: 视黄醇

例句:i could really use some vitamin D. 翻译:I could really use some vitamin D.。

256、 walk along

中文翻译: 散步 向前走 沿着

例句:And you can walk away knowing that you were right. 翻译:And you can walk away knowing that you were right. All along.。

257、 baseline wander

中文翻译: 基线漂移

例句:Ka-fu, don't wander around! 翻译:don't wander around!。

258、 carnauba wax

中文翻译: 巴西棕榈蜡 加诺巴蜡

例句:Carnauba wax: Very hard wax obtained from fronds of the carnauba tree, Copernicia cerifera, a fan palm of Brazil. 翻译:巴西棕榈蜡:从巴西产的扇状棕榈巴西棕榈树叶子上得到的非常坚硬的蜡。。



例句:Well,tracy's not as wholesome as she looks. 翻译:tracy's not as wholesome as she looks.。

260、 widespread a

中文翻译: 广泛的 分布广的 散布广的

例句:We're united, we're many, we won't be conquered! So if we're to speak of his ideas, even if the people didn't know they were Sharp's, they were still widespread and influential. Yushchenko! 翻译:we won't be conquered! 它仍然传播甚广 影响甚大 they were still widespread and influential.。



例句:"the West are wishful thinkers, 翻译:''西方人总是一厢情愿地想问踢。

262、 hard wood

中文翻译: 硬木 阔叶树材

例句:is that a soft or a hard kind of wood? 翻译:那种木材是软的还是硬的?。

高中基础单词表:1,263、 wringed leather weight yak skins

中文翻译: 牦牛皮

例句:leather and skins . chamois leather . presentation . dimensions and marking. 翻译:皮革和皮。雪米皮。表示法。尺寸和标记。。


标签: 高中 单词 词汇

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