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关于”骂人的doc“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Cursing Doc。以下是关于骂人的doc的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Cursing Doc

我们将 /usr/share/doc/zebra-0.93b/tools 目录中的 mrlg.cgi 文件拷贝到 /var/www/cgi-gin 目录下。

1、We copied the mrlg.cgi file from /usr/share/doc/zebra-0.93b/tools to /var/www/cgi-bin.

格氏栲和杉木人工林枯枝落叶层不同分解层次DOC 浓度的季节变化模式基本相似,均在秋季或冬季出现最大值。

2、Seasonal trends of DOC concentrations in different horizons of forest floors were similar and the maximal value occurred in autumn (or winter).


3、Big love to doc Galal.

按照 doc/html 文件夹中的详细指导编译 Xerces-C++ 共享库。

4、Build the Xerces-C++ shared library by following the thorough instructions in the doc/html folder.


8 is the start of the py-doc task.

8 行开始是 py-doc 任务。

光谱特征。 结果表明,格氏栲和杉木人工林新近凋落物淋出液的DOC 浓度较低,F层淋出液的DOC 浓度较高;

6、The results showed that the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in leachate from fresh litter fall was lower and that from F layer was higher for both plantations.

因此如果搜索 catalog.xml,可使用 XQuery 表达式 doc("catalog.xml")/cds/cd[title='Revolver']。

7、So if you wanted to search catalog.xml, you'd use the XQuery expression doc("catalog.xml")/cds/cd[title='Revolver'].


8、The content of DOC release from sediment isn't enough to influence the distributions of bottom DOC.

这样将创建一个名为 JCE1.2.2 的目录,该目录有两个子目录 doc 和 lib 。

9、This will create a directory named JCE1.2.2 with subdirectories doc and lib.


10、This was, in effect, a “no doc” or at least a “low doc” subprime mortgage loan.

对于后者,可以使用箭头表示法(比如 $doc->new_field),然后通过 storeDoc() 保存更改。

11、You do this using arrow notation (for example, $doc->new_field), then committing your changes with storeDoc().

here-doc是创建格式化 String(例如 HTML 和 XML)的一种便利机制。

12、A here-doc is a convenient mechanism for creating formatted Strings, such as HTML and XML.


13、The document is currenly written in Word . doc format.


14、The mechanism of DOC adsorption on goethite is a combination of special adsorption and electrostatic interaction.

例如,开发人员可能会指定资产类型 "checklist" 必须是一个 .doc 文件,并且有 "checklist" 的标签。

15、For example, a developer might specify that the asset type "checklist" must have a .doc file extension and a label of "checklist."

清单 那个上下文中有几个 section 元素。


1 has a root element doc; inside that context is a number of section elements.

1 有一个根元素 doc;


17、You tell me, doc.

谈德 王出现!

18、King Dan doc appears!

GWT 提供了 $wnd 和 $doc 变量,它们分别代表窗口和文档对象。

19、GWT provides the $wnd and $doc variables to refer to the window and document objects.


20、The content of DOC was influenced by weather.

21、TALK TO A SLEEP DOC.和睡眠医生聊聊。

22、DOC-liposomes were characterized for shape, size and distribution of DOC in the DOC-liposome suspension with the optimal formulation.采用优化后的处方,考察胆盐脂质体的外观形态,粒径分布及脱氧胆酸钠在胆盐脂质体中的分布情况。

23、What does Doc. Mayer do to insure her patients understand her instructions?为确保病人明白她的医嘱,玛雅医生做了什么?

24、Doc: Wait for me!老学究:等等我!

25、Italy Enzo Checa winery is the dominant product, Dickie Matt Lika Audi DOC series.意大利恩佐梅切拉酒庄的主导产品是维尔迪基奥迪马特利卡DOC的几个系列。

英文句子26:,26、If you have problems, review the build instructions in the /doc/html folder.如果有问题,那么请参考 /doc/html 文件夹中的编译指导。

27、You may also not need all the documentation (.doc) plug-ins.你还可能不需要所有文档(.doc)插件。

28、Concentrations of DOC in different horizons of forest floors in both forests showed similar seasonal trends with the maximal value in autumn.木荷和杉木人工林枯枝落叶层不同分解层次DOC浓度的季节变化模式相似,均在秋季出现最大值;

29、Furthermore, you want the contents of ~/doc to replace the contents of the remote doc directory whenever a file or directory have the same name. The command to use would be something like this而且,您希望当文件或目录具有相同名称时,使用 ~/doc 中的内容替换远程 doc 目录中的内容。

30、Then create the new document, which you'll add to the index later, and store it in $doc.然后,创建随后将添加到索引中的新文档,并将其保存到 $doc 变量中。

31、Pierce doused Celtics coach Doc Rivers with red Gatorade.皮尔斯把红色的加德乐饮料浇向凯尔特人主教练道格•里弗斯(Doc Rivers)。

32、It was found that in the summer, DOC is originated primarily from the allochthonous sources and the content of DOC increases downstream.研究结果表明,非冰封期伊春河DOC主要来自外源,其含量从上游至下游逐渐升高。

33、Calling the doc() function within a for-loop might reduce overall memory usage.在一个 for 循环中调用 doc() 函数可能会减少总体内存使用。

34、The heart of the problem is that .DOC, as a format, has changed quite a bit through the years.问题的核心在于 .DOC 作为一种格式,在这些年里已经进行了很大的更改。

35、You should wind up with four directories (app, cake, doc, and vendors), as well two files (.htaccess and index.php).应当得到四个目录(app、cake、doc 和 vendors)以及两个文件(.htaccess 和 index.php)。

36、See the man page for at or the file /usr/share/doc/at/timespec or a file such as /usr/share/doc/at-3.1.10/timespec, where 参见 at 的手册页、/usr/share/doc/at/timespec 文件或 /usr/share/doc/at-3.1.10/timespec 这样的文件(这个示例中的

3.1.10 in this example is the version of the at package.

3.1.10 是 at 包的版本号)。

37、Diurnal dynamics of DOC and POC in two shrimp ponds were studied.对两个海水养虾池溶解有机碳(DOC) 及颗粒有机碳(POC) 的周日动态进行了研究。

38、git-doc. Installs the Git user's manual, tutorial, and documentation locallygit-doc:在本地安装 Git 用户手册、教程和文档

39、You can find the sample code in the directory /usr/share/doc/python-nautilus/examples.可在目录 /usr/share/doc/python-nautilus/examples 中到找到示例代码。

40、In the Castor case, this is in castor-在 Castor 中,这个路径是 castor-。

41、Accordingly, in reality, our user goes before the sloughy relay add of DOC insensibly.因此,现实中,我们的用户不知不觉在DOC的泥沼中继续前行。

42、The DOC annotation is a JsTestDriver convention easily used for declaring an HTML fragment.DOC 注释是一个 JsTestDriver 惯用语,可以用于轻松声明一个 HTML 片段。

43、If a RequisitePro document is deleted from the RequisitePro project, the document extension will be set back to .doc.如果从 RequisitePro 项目中删除 RequisitePro 文件,文件扩展名将被设置成 .doc。

44、In addition, the .doc-feature plug-in that includes such a doc plug-in must also contain the unpack="false" attribute in the feature.xml file for the plug-in.此外,包括这样一个 doc 插件程序的 .doc-feature 插件程序也必须在用于插件程序的 feature.xml 文件中包含 unpack="false" 属性。

45、The submitter can be anyone -- for example, any Support engineer (TSE), Developer (Dev), Quality engineer (QE), technical writer (Doc), or manager (Mgr). A submitter can提交者可以是任意一个人 —— 例如,任意的支持工程师(Support engineer,TSE)、开发人员( Developer,Dev)、质量工程师( Quality engineer,QE)、技术文档作者(Doc),或经理(manager,Mgr)。

46、The destdir attribute tells the py-doc task where to output the generated HTML documentation.destdir 属性告诉 py-doc 任务将生成的 HTML 文档输出到何处。

47、uw— Unwraps doc/lit-wrapped messages, only for supported frameworks (currently ADB and JiBX)uw — 取消 doc/lit-wrapped 消息的包装,仅适用于受支持的框架(目前包括 ADB 和 JiBX)

48、That object, in our example, is doc.在我们的例子中,这个对象是 doc。

49、First, for quick human readability, rough word counts, and so on, it's often enough to scan a .DOC document with strings. A command such as首先,对于快速的人可读性、粗略的字数统计等而言,用字符串扫描 .DOC 文档通常是足够了。

50、Their wine is the first company in southern won the guarantee legal area and DOC DOCG authentication, and get people from all walks of life's approval.其葡萄酒是南部地区第一家获得了保证法定地区DOCG及DOC认证,并得到各界人士的认可。

经典英文句子51:骂人的doc,51、The others, including James "Doc" Bradley, whose son's book is the basis for the film, are sent home to drum up enthusiasm for war bonds.人则被送回国内帮着推销战争公债,包括詹姆•布莱德利医生(James “Doc”Bradley),而本片正是改编自他儿子的小说。

52、The root directory where IzPack was installed has several subdirectories, including (among others) bin, doc, and lib.安装 IzPack 的根目录下有一些子目录,包括 bin、doc 和 lib 等。

53、Quick Doc Review gives you an instant private space for gathering comments on any Word and HTML document.Quick Doc Review 给你一个可以在任何word和html文档收集注释的私有空间。

54、The Doc portlet looks for this variable upon rendering, and, if present, renders the document.Doc portlet 在显示时寻找这个变量,如果这个变量存在,那么显示文档。

55、By late 1975, Papa Doc Duvalier had passed from the scene, succeeded by his son, a portly young man whom everybody called Baby Doc.到xx年年底,“医生老爸”杜瓦利埃已经退位,他的儿子继承了他的政权。儿子是个身体肥胖的年轻人,人人都称他为“医生小子”。

56、f File filter (for example, *.doc, *.jpg, *.*, and so on).f 文件过滤器(例如,*.doc、*.jpg、*.* 等)。

57、The key features of DOC and important technology of DOC frameworks are described and the solution of CORBA, the most popular DOC framework, is presented.论述了DOC的主要特点和关健技术,介绍了一些DOC框架实现这些技术的方法。并给出了目前最流行的DOC框架-CORBA的实现方法。

58、Spacers have all kinds of trouble, Doc.太空人会遇上各种各样的麻烦,博士。

59、In principle, this deprives users of certain word-processing features only available with .DOC.原则上说,这剥夺了用户使用某些字处理特性的权利,而这些特性只能从 .DOC 获得。



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