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关于”动物的诗“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Poetry of Animals。以下是关于动物的诗的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of Animals

热血 动物的体温是恒定的。 动物 转换为汉语状语。

1、Warm-blooded animals have a constant body temperature.


2、All creatures able to block Elvish Bard do so.


3、But we think the surname of clan in old china has not inevitable relation with totem.


4、The tension between charm and character is a decisive factor in theme, image and artistic conception.


5、He experienced and observed nature and life with his sentimental heart, and expressed interior serenity, wisdom and poetry with his lento and leisurely pen.


6、The laurels and the myrtles that he addresses here are, of course, the traditional plants classically associated with great poets; but for Milton in this passage, importantly these plants simply aren't ripe yet.


7、GPS chips have been used to track animals for years, especially wide-ranging ones like marine animals.


8、To write and publish this poem was a daring, transgressive act.


9、Shu Ting's poems, always touch the depths of the human soul.


3: Woolly mammoth resconstruction at the Royal BC Museum, Victoria, British Columbia (Wikimedia Commons).



11、The Yushan Poetics is one of the most influential poetics schools in early Qing Dynasty, a school in which the brothers FENG Shu and FENG Ban are key figures.


12、Traveling is a significant part of a poet's life.

印迹 -一位年轻的动物,承认并吸引其他动物被认为是印经动物。

13、Imprinted - A young animal that recognizes and is attracted to another animal is said to be imprinted upon that animal.


14、I think koala is the cutest animal in this zoo.


15、Her latest book, Animals Make Us Human, is an amazing tour de force of animal–human relationships, with chapters on our companion animals, as well as on livestock, wildlife, and zoos.


16、Seafood: Edible aquatic animals excluding mammals, But including Both freshwater and ocean creatures.


17、Anecdotal evidence abounds ofanimals, fish, birds, reptiles, and insects exhibiting strangebehavior anywhere from weeks to seconds before an earthquake.


18、Kininogens, the precursors of bradykinins, ubiquitously exist in vertebrates, including mammals, birds, amphibians, and fishes.


19、Animal migration is a phenomenon far grander and more patterned than animal movement.


20、It is the trends of the form-and-thing that influence palace poems.

21、Like squid, they were swimming tentacled molluscs-a group called the cephalopods.跟乌贼一样,鹦鹉螺是游动的有触须的软体动物,属于头足纲动物。

22、Sometimes animals are carried off—apparently drowned animals more than others.有时,仙人还会掳走动物——多为被淹死的动物。

23、Plant secondary compounds could decrease the food intake, digestibility and protein availability, and some compounds could effect the normal reproductive performance of herbivorous mammals.植物次生化合物可降低动物的食物摄入量及消化率、蛋白质可利用率。 某些次生化合物还影响植食性哺乳动物的正常繁殖活动。

24、Marc Bekoff, author of The Emotional Lives of Animals, Animals Matter, Animals at Play, and Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals (with Jessica Pierce)马克哈特考夫,动物的感情生活,动物的重要性,玩耍中的动物,野生正义:动物的道德生活(与杰西卡皮尔斯合作)的作者。

25、Know different types of animals, such as water animal and bird .认知不同类型的动物,例如水生动物,鸟类等。

英文句子26:,26、The park has 该动物园饲养的猿类动物中,共有13只猩猩。

13 orangutans among its collection of apes.

27、Step by step they record how a primitive, small-brained primate evolved to conquer a planet.这些骸骨记录下一个原始的,脑容量并不大的灵长类动物,如何一步步成为这个星球的统治者的史诗般的旅程。

28、Should wildlife documentary makers respect the privacy of creatures like these amorous amphibians? An academic claimed they should野生动物纪录片制作者应该尊重动物们——比如这些多情的两栖动物——的隐私吗?

29、A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action.戏剧以散文或诗写成的,特别是叙述严肃的故事的,通过演员扮演人物角色,表演对话与动作来表现的作品。

30、The cat is an active animal.猫是行动敏捷的动物。

31、In this case the Neoproterozoic traces were produced by animals that predated the last ancestor common to protostomes and deuterostomes.文德纪的遗迹化石可能是原口动物与后口动物共同祖先或共同祖先之前的后生动物活动的遗迹。

32、The 'mountains-horses' image in Xin Qiji's lyric indicates that the poet's association arisen by the scene is a kind of mental image, it cannot be used to verify the outer scene itself;辛词中的“群山-奔马”意象说明,由景物触发的诗人的联想是一种“心象”,它不能用来“核实”景物的原型;奔驰的马群体现的是动荡的心灵;

33、Owners have the liability to take care of their animals and give consideration to the safety of both animals and people.携带动物者须照顾自己带来的动物,并有责任顾及其动物本身及别人的安全。

34、IT CONTAINS no military adventures nor epic journeys. Yet "The Tale of Genji" is in every way Japan's equivalent of Homer's "Iliad".没有军事冒险活动,也没有史诗般的历程---然而,《源氏物语》在日本的影响力却完全可以与荷马所著的《伊利亚特》相媲美。

35、In brief, mammals are warm-blooded, lung-breathing, hairy vertebrates.哺乳动物是温血、肺呼吸和多毛的脊椎动物。

36、Kangaroos are part of a special category of animals, called marsupials.它是一种特殊的动物,叫做有袋动物。

37、Veterinaria majors help subjects that are sick or injured.兽医在动物有病或受伤时来挽救动物的。

38、Cat are warm-blooded animals, but snakes are cold - blooded.猫是温血动物, 而蛇是冷血动物。

39、An animal with a mottled or spotted skin or coat.花斑动物有花斑或斑点的皮或毛皮的动物。

40、Nails are the primate equivalent of hooves and claws on other animals.灵长类动物的指甲相当于其它动物的蹄爪。

41、人与动物应和平共处. People and animals should be peaceful coexistence.

42、London Zoo, along with other zoos in England, is currently involved in breeding programmes aimed at increasing numbers of the species.伦敦动物园与其他一些英国动物园正试图增加园内动物的种类。

43、A bone located in front of the sternum and between the clavicles in certain vertebrates, such as reptiles and amphibians.某些脊椎动物,如爬行动物和两栖动物,胸骨前和锁骨间的一块骨头。

44、Poisons spontaneously produced by living organisms are often called toxins, venoms if produced by animals.由活的生物机体自然产生的毒物通常被称为毒素,若由动物产生则称为动物毒液。

45、Yu Wing Sze was a 'trailblazer' in environmental protection at HKUST.余颖诗曾是科大生物学系的“环保先锋”。

46、They also made me think of the animals in the zoo.这两张门票让我想起在动物园看到的动物。

47、The poet can be moved along a continuum of femininity and masculinity in poems to produce the effects or characters needed.诗人还会继续在诗中运用女性气质和男性气质来创造他们想要的效果和人物。

48、The snake now joins a list of declining populations of animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.它正在加入一份数量衰减的物种清单,其中包括鱼类、两栖动物、爬行动物、鸟类,以及哺乳动物。

49、Flank plumes, display, Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg侧羽,展示用,汉堡大学动物学会和动物博物馆

50、The origin of vertebrates has always been a core question in evolutionary biology. It is well accepted that vertebrates and invertebrate chordate derived from a common ancestor.脊椎动物的起源是进化生物学研究的核心问题之一,目前人们普遍认为脊椎动物与无脊椎动物中的脊索动物起源于同一个原始祖先。

经典英文句子51:动物的诗,51、The rest are cynodonts, cold-blooded, reptile-like animals he ancestors of modern mammals.剩下的化石属犬齿兽——一种冷血、 像爬行动物的动物,它们是现代哺乳动物的祖先。

52、The article concentrates on discussing the vital and ecological materials, which influence the original creation, such as deep impression, poem of life, touch, impetus.深度感动、生命诗性、触动、冲动等是影响原创的生命生态肌质。

53、Recommendations: 1-2 weeks of acclimation to animal facility, to overcome the stress of transportation.建议动物应在手术前1-2周送达动物房,以让动物有时间消除运送所造成的紧迫。

54、We want to buy Animal Sheep Casings , Sheep Casing, Animal Casing, Natural Casing, Salted Intestine Animal Sheep Casings.我们要采购动物羊包装,羊包装,动物包装,天然的包装,盐腌的内部动物羊包装。

55、Mixed breeds are also more temperamentally sound than purebreds .混种的动物在个性上也比纯种的动物稳定。

56、During Expo 2002, see Neuchâtel's Artplage Mobile du Jura, a fascinating over-the-water construction that marries science and high-tech poetry.xx年世博会期间,我们看到了汝拉山丘的那莎塔尔移动物体,是一个科技和诗意相结合的神奇的水上建筑。

57、When Chris grew up, this poem motivated him to work tirelessly to preserve the precious wetlands and the wildlife he loved.随著年龄增长,克理斯受此诗的激励,孜孜不倦地辛劳,为要保护珍贵湿地及其钟爱的野生动物。

58、Since Song Dynasty, the official-gentry class has amused themselves by writing poems and paintings by celebrities have been regarded as gifts to friends and relations.从宋朝以来,上层社会人物通过在扇子上作诗,绘画自得其乐。有名人的的诗,画的扇子一直被当作奉送亲朋好友的礼物。

59、The nailed or clawed foot of an animal, especially of a quadruped.带指甲或爪的动物的足,尤指四足动物的爪。

60、All the animals get off the boat. Many happy animals.所有的动物都下了船很多高兴的动物。

61、Man is not a rational animal, but a rationalizing animal.人类并非理性的动物,而是善于合理化的动物。

62、Not by bread alone, but by the lyrics of poets, the wisdom of sages, the holiness of saints, the biographies of great souls.人活着不仅依靠食物,还需要诗人的诗篇、贤哲的智慧、圣人的圣善和伟人的事迹。

63、Zooplankton are the drifting and swimming animals first in line to eat algae and other plant life, called phytoplankton .浮游动物是在海中漂浮与移动的动物,位在第一线摄食藻类及浮游植物。

64、Animal glue: Glue obtained from hides, bones and hoofs of animals;动物胶:由动物的蹄,骨,和皮所组成的胶。

65、Some dinosaurs are meat-eating while some are grass-eating.有的恐龙是食肉动物,而有一些则是食草动物。

66、The first animals on this living sphere, the Earth, were primitive marine animals, and then around 500 million years ago these sea animals developed shells.在地球这个有生命的星球上,最早的动物是原始海洋动物。后来,在大约5亿年前,这些海洋动物进化成甲壳动物。

67、S. that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers.该法案规定了动物在研究,展览,运输过程中的应受的待遇以及动物贩卖者应如何对待动物。

68、the dogs is very loyal to people .are you agree with me? 我最喜欢的动物是小狗。

69、The animals in the zoon seem to be very well cared for.那个动物园里的动物似乎被照顾得很好。

70、Veterinary charity PDSA is calling on animal lovers who think their pet resembles a celebrity to take a photo and enter its annual Pets Gallery Competition.英国动物慈善组织“生病动物之家”正号召那些认为自己的宠物长着名人脸的动物爱好者们给自己的宠物拍照并参赛。

71、The phytoplankton are the base of the main marine food chain, eaten by zooplankton, which are eaten by fish, and so on.浮游植物是海洋中食物链的基础生物,浮游动物吃浮游植物,鱼吃浮游动物。。。

72、Metaphorical images represent a new relationship which a poet creates, establishes and constructs between something and something else or between things and human feelings.比喻意象是诗人在物与物、情与物之间创造、设置、构结出的一种新的关系。刘勰将《诗经》到南朝的比喻意象区分为比义和比类两种类型。

73、How does an animal communicator get the information from the animals?动物传意师是如何由动物取得资讯的呢?

74、She has contributed (several poems)to literary magazines.她给文学刊物投了(几首诗)稿。

75、David: Actually, I am a Bard. Poor mortals, their minds are simply too busy and preoccupied with cupidity and pitiful desires of animal instincts like food.大卫: 其实,我是个吟游诗人,只有那些俗世的人们才会将他们的思想还停留在专注于动物本能对于食物那点贪婪可怜的欲望上。

英文句子模板76:Poetry of Animals,76、Denial of animal welfare legislation is to give legal subject qualification or animals, animal rights.否定动物福利立法就当然赋予动物法律主体资格或者动物权利。

77、But to be a good animal trainer, he has to know well and care deeply about the animals he has befriended.不过,要做一个好的驯养师更多的是要了解动物,关心动物,和动物做朋友。

78、Amphioxus, a cephalochordate, widely considered as the closest living invertebrate relatives of the vertebrates.头索动物文昌鱼代表从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物进化过程中一个重要的过渡阶段。

79、He later wentto safari parks to meet real zoologists and meet experts in animal breeding to learn about thesepeople cared for exotic creatures.随后,他到野生动物园拜访了真正的动物学家以及动物育种专家,了解这些照料外来生物的人们。

80、Beginning. This genus is considered a chordate , and the phylum Chordata includes fish, mammals and man.的注意。因为这一类动物属于最高的脊索或半脊索动物,包括鱼类,哺乳类动物和人。


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