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关于”为加油“的英语句子43个,句子主体:for refueling。以下是关于为加油的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:for refueling


1、Many people cheered the red team.


2、We provided tax credits to gas stations for installing E85 fuel pumps.


3、In order to make sure the safety of every gas station, it is very important to reinforce safety education among the employees in gas stations.


4、To reduce heating energy consumption in crude oil transportation, solar energy can be used to heat crude oil.


5、The coking waxen oil can be added the material of the coking equipment to increase the productivity of the gasoline and diesel oil.

中国石化股份有限公司茂名分公司炼油厂为加工进口含硫原油采用了渣油加氢脱硫- 重油催化裂化组合工艺。

6、A combination process of residual oil hydrodesulfurization and heavy oil catalytic cracking for processing imported sour crude oils was adopted in the Refinery of Maoming Petrochemical Company.


7、Show our love to flood-stricken people!


8、We yelled our good-byes as the bus left.


9、It is difficult to make a directness certification of compartmental oil driving water while oil invading water like piston forwarding.


10、Let's cheer for her. Corne on!


11、Mutual solubility, press 10-15% to join such as mechanical oil, diesel oil into fuel tank can use. For cutting, lubrication and oil.


12、The Amygdalus ledebouriana chlecht seed could be developed as a resource of high-quality edible oil.


13、For some reason the gas stations are covered up and passangers must exit the car before the driver goes to the gas station.


14、Known as ' hypermiling ', the method can double gas mileage, even in gas-guzzling vehicles that would normally get less than

20 mpg.


15、Check oil level in gearbox . Add oil until oil begins dripping from over flow tube at bottom of sump.


16、Modifications to B-50 bombers as receivers for the boom-equipped tankers commenced simultaneously.


17、B: So do I. Let’s cheer for them.


18、I have to refuel, Adeline must not fall.


19、Will there be a possibility to refuel your car? If so, how is the fuel-consumption calculated?


20、After fueling up your car more than

10 times at one gas station, you will be offered a

10 to

15 percent discount as part of a gasoline loyalty program.

21、S8:I'm going to shout to the players, "Come on, Chinese!"我会为运动员呐喊:“中国队,加油!

22、Residue hydrotreating technology had been used widely to process sour residue and poor quality residue.为适合加工劣质、含硫渣油的需要,渣油加氢处理技术得到了广泛地应用。

23、He thought it wasn't hurt to leave the key in the truck when he filled his gas tank at a self-service gas station.他在自助式加油站给油箱加油的时候认为把钥匙留在卡车是没什么害处的。

24、To distribute the oil throughout the engine, oil must be pressurized. this is done with an oil pump.为了将机油分送到整个发动机,必须对机油加油。这是有机油泵来完成的。

25、Beijing Olympics, we refueled for you!北京奥运,我们为你加油!

英文句子26:,26、We cheer for you, China and Chinese athletes!支持奥运健儿,为中国加油!

27、Why is Bulgarian Rose Otto so expensive?为何保加利亚玫瑰油这么贵?

28、“Sometimes the cheapest gas is on the side roads,” says Cochran, because “the high-traffic areas may not need to lower the price.“有时最便宜的油是在那些辅路附近加油站里找得到,”科克伦说,“因为交通繁忙地区加油站不需要低价吸引顾客。”

29、We for eighth-grade refuels!我们为xx年级加油!

30、At the end of oil can? stuff as withdrawal of dilute for the plus colouring materials as ink into backing or business card printing and membership card.底油能在加填料后作为撤淡剂,或能在加着色料后作为油墨打底或制卡和会员卡制作。

31、In order to solve this problem, lubricity improvers need to be added to diesel fuel to restore the diesel fuel lubricity.为了解决这一问题,需在柴油中加入柴油润滑剂来提高柴油的润滑性能。

32、Unrefueled range is 不执行加油任务的航程为11,500英里。

11,500 miles.

33、“Sometimes the cheapest gas is on the side roads, ” says Cochran, because “the high-traffic areas may not need to lower the price.”“有时最便宜的油是在那些辅路附近加油站里找得到,”科克伦说,“因为交通繁忙地区加油站不需要低价吸引顾客。”

34、The influence of additives on the detergency of biodegradable two-stroke oil was researched by engine bench tests.研究了添加剂对以合成酯为基础油的生物降解二冲程汽油机油(简称二冲程油)清净性的影响。

35、Let us together for the Olympic athletes refueling!让我们一起为奥运健儿加油吧!

36、Summed up, supplementations of rapeseed, rape oil, and fatty acid calcium increased milk yield, especially that of rapeseed is the best one.从而认为在日粮中添加油菜籽、菜油、脂肪酸钙可以提高奶牛产奶量,其中以添加油菜籽的生产效益最好。

37、Residue fixed-bed hydrotreating is one of the most effectively means of residue oil hydroprocessing .渣油固定床加氢处理是合理利用渣油的最为有效的手段之

38、Jieai here for the dead, pray for the victims, to rescue those refueling.在这里为死者节哀,为伤者祈祷,为救援者加油。

39、They are also seeking ways to build stronger fuel tanks for the tanker.还在设法为油轮制造更加坚固的油箱。

40、The lest results have shown that I he highest recovery of coal is 99% and deash efficiency is 20% using neutral oil of liquified fuel and waste cooking oil as agglomeration oil.试验结果表明,用煤炭液化中性油与家庭用过的废油作为添加油,油添加量为20%以上时,煤的最大回收率为99%,脱灰率约达20%。

41、This method provided technical support for characterization of heavy gas oil and the investigation of hydrogenation mechanism of polycyclic aromatic compounds.该研究为重馏分油芳烃组分的准确定性提供了新的技术手段,为加深对油品加氢规律认识提供了技术支持。

42、Cheers for Olympic Games! China refuels !为奥运喝彩!中国加油!

43、Once in a while, someone recognizes the "San Diego Highwayman " and his pieced-together vehicle at a gas station and insists on filling the tank, which eases the sting of fuel costs.偶尔,有人会想起“圣地亚哥公路助手” 和他停在加油站的组装汽车,以及坚持遵守燃油费为油箱加油。

44、For bathing, the usual mix is 洗澡时加入精油,精油和基础油的混合比例一般为:10-30滴精油滴入20茶匙无味白色洗剂里, 然后再将这一混合物加入洗澡水.

10 to 30 drops of essential oil in

20 teaspoons of an unscented white lotion. Simply add this mix to the bathwater.

45、Biodiesel is made from processed vegetable or plant oil, and can be used in diesel engines on its own, or blended with petroleum-based fuel.生物柴油是以菜油或是植物油加工而成的燃油。 可以单独用于柴油机,也可以和以石油为基础的燃油混合使用。

46、The average price was $3.46 a gallon last month.上个月的平均油价为每加仑


47、Just like overfilling your gas tank won't make your car run better.因为就像给汽车油箱超额加油,并不会使你的车行驶得更好。

48、HIRI 312 cold rolling oil is formulated utilizing synthetic base oil and incorporates several additives. 20-50 times water (V/V) should be added to form emulsion before using.本产品是以合成油为基础油,加入多种功能添加剂而制成,在轧制时加入轧制油的20倍到50倍的水配制成亚稳定状态的乳化液。

49、He must regularly "fill his lamp with oil".他要经常“为他的灯添加油”。

50、Why does Bulgarian Rose Otto solidify at times?为何保加利亚玫瑰油经常凝固?

经典英文句子51:为加油,51、The state with the lowest gas prices is South Carolina, where a gallon of gas costs $3.905 on average.加尼福尼亚南部油价为全国最低,每加仑约为


52、Customs have been imposed on the initial processing of petroleum products at much lower tariffs, so the oil companies to avoid tariffs on crude oil with minimal processing.海关本来对初加工石油产品征收低得多的关税,因此石油公司为避免原油关税而对原油进行最低限度的加工。

53、Let’s cheer for them.让我们为她们加油吧。

54、During the manufacture of soy, using cellulase to raise output and flavour of soy, quicken fermentation inversion, shorten production period. The result is obvious.在生产酱油中,使用纤维素酶,提高酱油产量,增加酱油风味,加快发酵转化,缩短生产周期,效果较为明显。

55、About half of the components of domestic diesel fuel are straight-run products.我国柴油组分构成中一半为直馏柴油,其余为催化裂化柴油等二次加工产品。

56、Standard Oil of California had hired me for its oil-tanker fleet.我那有学识的爸爸十分高兴,因为加州 标准 石油公司录用我为它的油轮队工作。

57、When the oil is heated, the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol.油加热时最早升起的蒸汽冷却后就为最好的汽油。

58、Thermal production, which is used in Liaohe Oil Field as a main method to explore viscous oil, gives rise to the artificial increase of CO2 content in the crude produced from well.辽河油田稠油开发主要以热力采油为主,人为地使油井采出物中二氧化碳的含量增加。

59、MethodTubing and casing are used as heater to heat the oil in the tubing directly.方法利用油管和套管作为发热体直接加热油管内的原油。

60、Steam heating oil in the condensate water, sometimes there may be due to the heating pipe leakage, which will bring oil in the boiler.加热油地蒸汽发生地凝水,有时有可能因为加热管地走漏,从而将油带进汽锅中。

61、They are also seekign ways to build stronger fuel tanks for the tanker.他们还在高法为油轮制造更加坚固油箱。

62、Grassland Kang God flaxseed oil into every family, health for more people to refuel.让草原康神亚麻籽油走进每个家庭,为更多人的健康加油。

63、Compared with 推进特性耗油的增加率为

18.17% of the non-diesel oil material, the diesel oil saves much fossil fuel attributed to

2.02% of the rate of rise of oil consumption for driving power and

1.84% for load.




64、Molly Maloney, xx岁的Molly Maloney 当她给她的丰田凯美瑞车加了40美元的汽油时吓坏了,该加油站的混合油通常售价为

17, winced the other day as she pumped $40 worth of gas into her Toyota Camry at a station in Westlake, Ohio, that was selling its regular blend for $2.75 a gallon.


65、For easy refueling and storage I pour the used oil into a container (in this case the empty olive oil bottle).为了便于加油和存储I倒入容器中所使用的油(在这种情况下,空橄榄油瓶)。

66、Heat in a pot the butter, honey, mustard and curry powder (soy and garlic, is using). Heat and stir until butter is melted.将黄油、蜂蜜、芥末及咖喱粉入锅加热(亦可添加酱油和蒜盐),不停搅动,至黄油熔化为止。

67、Good luck----we will all be rooting for you.祝你好运,我们都将为你加油。

68、A low pouring 150SN is used as base stock and is packaged with additives. The properties of the engine oil thus formulated meet the tentative requirements of 10W/30 QE/CC grade engine oil.该油以低凝150SN中性油为基础油,添加复合添加剂而成,油品性能符合10W/30 QE/CC级通用内燃机油暂行技术条件的要求。

69、She looks really sad. Let me go pump her up.她看起来很伤心。让我为她加油打气。

70、Only olive oil, sesame oil and peanut oil allow themselves to be heated, olive oil being the healthiest of the three because the other two contain omega-6.只有橄榄油,芝麻油和花生油是可以加热的,其中橄榄油是三种油中最健康的,因为其它两种含有ω –


71、Liaohe oil is a low sulfur, intermediate-base heavy crude. The yield of Its<350℃ fraction is only 30%.辽河管输原油为一种低硫中间基的重质原油,它的<350℃馏分只有30%,为了提高轻质油收率必须深度加工。



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