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关于”中的种类“的英语句子30个,句子主体:in the kind of。以下是关于中的种类的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:in the kind of

人 科 中的灵长类,其中智人是唯一现存的种类。

1、A primate of the family Hominidae, of which Homo sapiens is the only extant species.


2、This particular gorilla demonstrates syndactyly of the third and fourth toes, a common congenital malformation also found in humans.

群落中乔木和附生、藤本植物种类较少, 而灌木和草本植物种类较多;

3、The species richness is higher in the shrub-herb layer than in the tree layer .


4、They are distributed all the water layers, most of them are the settling mild fish.


5、There are many kinds of local operas in our country.


6、The number of species and total individuals of zooplankton decrease with the increasing chlorinity from the upper to the lower reach.


7、Pomelo is a group of popular cultivars of citrus in China.


8、Phytate is the primary storage form of phosphorus in cereals and legumes.


9、A new record species of mosses in China.


10、Dan is nominated in the Best Actor and Male Hottie Categories, Goblet of Fire is nominated in the Best Movie Category, and Emma Watson is nominated in the Best Actress Category.


11、More than half of Southeast Asia's coral species diversity is found in the South China Sea. 75 species of sponges and 118 species of echinoderms in the South China Sea are endemic.


12、Ferrous metals clad with another ferrous metal are to be classified as products of the ferrous metal predominating by weight.


13、This is an addendum to the book.


14、In Shanghai, the epiphytic bryophytes of trees were investigated in

18 quadrats and found to total 43 species composed of 39 mosses and

4 liverworts.


15、The results suggested that: The grasshopper species of Ceracris Walker can be sorted into two groups, Short-wing group and Long-wing group.


16、Among 54 local breed species, 37 species distribute in Oriental.


17、In collected 1055 grain samples, 50 species of stored-products mites were identified. Among them

18 species are new records and the list of these mites in Jiangxi Province was set out.


18、A key to the species and Chinese and Latin descriptions of the new species are provided.


19、Preparing process for tussah silk weaving;


20、It contains multiple chemical constituents, including alkaloid, glycoside, flavonoid, amino acid and inorganic elements etc.

21、Objective To study the species and distribution of Delia known in China.目的调查研究中国已知地种蝇属的种类及其分布。

22、Compared with the data in 2001, the bird species increased greatly. Thereinto, as for Shaanxi Province, 62 bird species were new recorded and for the Qinling Mountains, 与xx年资料比较,本研究记录的鸟类种类大为增加,其中属陕西省鸟类新纪录62种,秦岭区域鸟类新纪录14种。

14 species were new.

23、This report had recorded mothes 23 families, 362 species, in which there are 80 new record species of Jilin Province.对中、俄、朝边境珲春地区蛾类进行了调查,已鉴定出的种类共23科362种,其中吉林省新记录种80种。

24、In tick communities, Ixodes persulcatus are dominant species for all rodent hosts.蜱类群落中,全沟硬蜱为不同鼠种体外蜱类群落的优势种。

25、Among them, there were 其中15种属于“三有”保护动物,10种鸟类属于留鸟,6种鸟类属于夏候鸟。

15 beneficial species with economic and scientific research values,

10 resident bird species and

6 summer migratory bird species.

英文句子26:,26、One type or multiple types of teams.此中一类或多品种型的步队。

27、Two forest specialists showed significant increase in densities, one is native and the other is exotic species.两种树林种类的密度有显著増加,其中一种是本土种,另一种是外来种。

28、The majority of cultivars of northern areas in China were clustered together, and cultivars of southern areas in China were clustered together.将供试中国李品种分为五类,其中第一类是原产我国北方地区的一些品种,第二是原产我国南方地区的一些品种;

29、There are 32 species of fish in Yili River. 我国伊犁河现有鱼类32 种,其中经济鱼类

9 species are catch to utilize in

15 species of economics fish.

15 种,被捕捞利用的

9 种。

30、By the survey of butterflies in Hubei Ying mountain natural preservation fields, 68 species of butterflies are recorded, belonging to 45 generns and 对湖北省应山自然保护区蝶类资源进行调查研究 ,共发现蝶类 68种 ,隶属 8科 45属 ,其中豹蛱蝶亚科的蝶类为保护区蝶类中的优势种群 。

8 families.

31、Set only one of the media types, which corresponds to the media type produced in the JAX-RS web service, in the Accept header.在 Accept 中只设置一种媒体类型,该类型与 JAX-RS Web 服务中生成的媒体类型对应。

32、Chinese commodities available for export are varied.中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。

33、The results were as follows: There was a great diversity of HMW-GS among Chinese wheat, 结果显示,我国小麦品种(系)的HMW-GS变异类型非常丰富,总共发现了19种变异类型,其中包括4种稀有变异类型;

19 HMW-GS variation types were found including

4 unusual types.

34、Bird species richness and density in evergreen forests and shrubs were significantly higher than that in nursery and park.结果表明,常绿乔木林与灌丛中的鸟类物种数最多,常绿乔木林中的鸟类密度显著高于灌丛中的鸟类密度。

35、The grain weight of different type variety is all increased compared with CK, but the setting rate of mid_early mature and middle mature is higher than that of late mature type.不同类型品种千粒重都有所提高,但结实率中早熟和中熟类型品种都略高于中晚熟和晚熟类型品种。

36、Description: The Yixian formation of China contains a panoply of exquisitely- preserved insects, vertebrates, and plants.描述:中国的义县组产出的化石种类精美绝伦,种类繁多,昆虫、脊椎动物,还有植物。

37、Objective:To study on species distribution and classification of Culicoides (Beltranmyia).前言: 目的:调查研究中国带纹库蠓亚属的种类分布和分类。

38、Three numerical approaches to the classification of Chinese species of genus Abelia.标题 三种数值方法在几种六道木分类中的应用。

39、Those distributed in China-Europe, China-Asia-Australia and China-Europe-Africa amounted up to 233 species, accounting for 中国-欧洲、中国-亚洲-澳洲、中国-欧洲-非洲分布的种类高达233种,约占已知种类的

15.0% of all known species.


40、About 综述了现已掌握的中国崖豆藤属11种植物提取的天然化合物132种,包括黄酮类、萜类、甾体类等。

11 Chinese species of Millettia had been studied and 132 compounds isolated from them were reviewed.

41、They include one fungus, one fern, 其中真菌和蕨类各1种、裸子植物5种、被子植物153种。

5 gymnosperms and 153 angiosperms.

42、Liliaceae owns the most edible wild plants and occupies 50% of all.其中种类最多的是百合科植物,占食用植物全部种类的50%。

43、Among of which, 其中2种为新种,5属为中国海洋鱼类单殖吸虫的新记录。

2 are new species and

5 genus are new records in China.

44、In C4 plants there are two types of chloroplast.在C4植物中有两种类型的叶绿体。

45、A card stacker in card sorter.卡片分类机中的一种接卡箱。

46、Thomisidae new species new record taxonomy Gaoligong Mountains China.蟹蛛科 新种 新纪录种 分类 高黎贡山 中国。

47、There are 193 mangroves bird species, among them 89 species are waterbirds.记录到193种红树林鸟类,其中89种是水鸟。

48、The second kind is exemplified by China Witkey.第二种类型例如中国威客网。

49、Of the many classes, we will look at three.在这许多种类中,我们将看到三类。

50、Chlorophyta is represented by the most species with 49 species, accounting for 41.2% of total species.主要类群中以绿藻门最多,共计49种,占保护区藻类总种数的41.2%;

经典英文句子51:中的种类,51、Our fat babies make us unique among land-dwelling mammals.我们的胖小子,使人类成为陆栖哺乳类中独一无二的物种。

52、An identification key of Chinese Ophichthidae is provided for each of the 对中国已有种类进行了详尽的整理,编制了包括13属33种蛇鳗科鱼类的属种检索表。

13 genera and 33 species recognized.

53、In the forage value type structure, the species of middling and lowness quality take the most even 52%, but those of high and fine quality only take 23%.饲用价值类型结构以中、低等质量的种类最多占52%,而优、良牧草种类只占23%。

54、Salticidae new species taxonomy China.跳蛛科 新种 分类学 中国。

55、People can see many of these kinds of dogs at dog shows.人们可以在狗类选秀节目中看到许多种类。

56、ADR injection drug type in Chinese medicines for the total number of cases of adverse drug reactions 91.6%;ADR药物种类中注射液类中药占全部药物不良反应例数的91.6%;

57、The reef also features the highest diversity of coral reef fishes in the world.珊瑚礁中也生活着世界上种类最丰富的鱼类。

58、Notes on some xerophytic mosses in China.中国几种早生藓类的新分布。

59、There are 沾化凹陷区中生界发育2类6种油气藏类型。

2 kinds with

6 types of oil gas reservoir.

60、Three of eight subspecies of tiger, the Balinese , Javan, and Caspian are already extinct.八类虎类亚种中的三种——巴厘虎、爪哇虎和里海虎——已经灭绝。

61、Analyze and evaluate the various types of evidence for various types of claims.分析和评析各种类型的发言中所使用的不同种类的证据。

62、Education is a kind of objective existence.教育是人类社会中一种实然的存在。

63、Each language under consideration provides support for various types of input and output.考虑中的每种语言都支持各种类型的输入和输出。

64、The effects of neutralization degree, drying condition, the type and concentration of photoinitiator, neutralization agent type and structure of prepolymers on the curing rate were discussed.考察了光引发剂种类、用量、干燥条件、中和度、中和剂种类及结构对光固化速度的影响。

65、Most species of harrier are included in the genus Circus.大多数种类的鹞包含在鹞这个种属中。



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