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1、A minute, a minute, a minute, I have a 1440 minute to let me complete the journey which others life all with difficulty completes.


2、Soil here is mostly calcareous marl with slightly various between the southeastern half and the northwestern half.


3、The spectral imaging technology is applied to active constituent detection of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) in-vivo.


4、The result of probe in-situ by laser Raman shows that the main composition of fluid inclusions are H2O, some containing methane, propane, acetylene and other hydrocarbons.


5、The new road will bisect the town.

离心含有骨髓的生物样品, 将该样品分成不同组分,包括富含结缔组织生长成分的组分。

6、A biological sample comprising bone marrow is centrifuged to separate the sample into fractions including a fraction rich in connective tissue growth components.

7、如(Who is )the man (that) is reading a book over there把括号里的去掉,显然the man 是主语,that是修饰主语的,所以做主语。


8、English Name:Manufacturing processes forming under compressive conditions - Part

5: Indentation-forming; Classification, subdivision, terms and definitions.



9、Products that contain Shea butter and sunscreens and which moisturize the hair are recommended.


10、So many translators are exerting great efforts to try to convert the untranslatable elements into translatable ones.


11、She quartered the apple.


12、Finally, syntax.


13、Fusion zone occurred between seeds and single crystal in starter growth. The composition of mushy zone depended on the chemical composition of seeds and the single crystal superalloy.


14、Therefore, the development cost and use cost are a sort of investment into human assets.


15、SAPO-5 zeolite was obtained by hydrothermal synthesis.


16、For example, some "only fruit" strawberry jams are as little as 30% strawberries.


17、Divide it in half.


18、The nutritious health candy is prepared by using bee glue and Songlan as main components.


19、The blastocyst will divide into two parts this week.


20、Orszag: Well, there is a rhetorical component, but there is also a legislative or policy component.

21、The automotive additive ingredient may be a fuel additive ingredient such as detergent.该汽车 添加剂成分可以是燃料添加剂成分,例如去垢剂。

22、Results Identification on the four main herbs in this capsules, ingredients were found well-separately, clearly-spotted active principle and noninterference negative sample.结果各主药成分分离好,有效成分斑点清晰,阴性样品无干扰。

23、The components of flavonoids in canopy leaves are most and that in undergrowth areleast.林下生境的黄酮类化合物成分最少,而冠层生境的成分最多。

24、He used color fearlessly--they were part of his stories, and an integral part of models' makeup, which was often key in completing the worlds McQueen envisioned.他大胆地用着用着色彩——这是他的故事的组成部分,也是模特不可分割的组成部分,而这常是麦昆预想的世界的关键组成部分。

25、Active Ingredient: Eugenol (85%).有效成分:丁香酚( 85 % ) 。

英文句子26:,26、Results:When there are less principal components, CPCR is better than top-down PCR.结果:当所含主成分数较小时,CPCR法优于传统的主成分回归。

27、Generalized Body-Composition was composed by water, protein, fattiness and mineral substance etc. narrow views emphasize particularly on fat percent.广义上说身体成分包含水分、蛋白质、脂肪和矿物质等;而狭义上的身体成分主要是指身体的脂肪百分比。

28、The 30 minutes can be broken up into 这30分钟可以被分成10分钟的增量。

10 minute increments.

29、The PCA result shows that the first five principal components have their cumulative reliability of 98.75%.主成分分析表明,前

5 个主成分的累积贡献率为98.75% ,具有很好的聚类作用。

30、As the basis of assigning costs to products, accountants should compute cost rates for all cost drivers.作为将成本向产品分配的基础,会计人员应当对所有的成本动因计算成本分配率。

31、Classification relationships - Classifications are arrangements of like products into groups.分类是将相似的产品分成组。

32、Obtained: Partial Least Squares iterative algorithm to handle data sheet leaflet extraction equivalence with Principal Component Analysis.证明出,偏最小二乘迭代算法在处理单张数据表成分提取时与主成分分析相同。

33、Chinese teasel root, Chemical composition;川续断; 化学成分;

34、The distribution of chemical composition and microstructure for cracking socket of centrifugal cast ductile iron pipe, and the effect of them on the cracking behavior have been studied.分析了离心球铁管开裂承口的组织、成分分布,探讨了组织、成分对承口开裂的影响。

35、We can fuse the various ingredients into glass.我们可以把各种成分熔合成玻璃。

36、Analyses are made for the influence factors of moulding characteristics such as coal type, size, distribution water content, moulding pressure and briquetting rate.分析了影响成型特性的因素,如煤种、粒度、水分、成型压力和成型率等。

37、After conjugation, both ATG12-ATG5 and LC3-II become structural components of the double- membraned cisterns or APs and are thus redistributed among the membrane fractions.连接后,ATG12-ATG5 和LC3-II 均成为自噬双层膜结构或自噬小体的结构性组成部分,并在膜成分中重新分部。

38、Any branch could be the Done branch.任何分支都可以是“完成”分支。

39、The results showed only two samples of them were positive and the content of transgenic components was 结果显示有两份样品含有转基因成分,其转基因成分含量分别为1.4%和0.4%。

1.4 % and 0.4 %, respectively.

40、Component of prokaryotic RNA polymerase holoenzyme.原核生物RNA聚合酶全酶的组成成分。

41、Real Madrid winger Ronaldo had 233 and Xavi had 170.皇家马德里队的边锋罗纳尔多得到233分成,哈维得到170分成。

42、Quizzes are scored on a 100-point scale.随堂考试以100分为满分计算成绩。

43、The contribution rate to total variation of population from first to fifth of principal component reached over 86.57 percent.前五个主成分对变异的贡献率达86.57%。一个优良的自交系应是第


44、The calculating method of the material cost, the salary and welfare, the power expense, the depreciation and so on;产品成本计算方法的选择、产品成本计算的品种法、产品成本计算得分批法、产品成本计算的分步法。

45、An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso- topic dat…并从矿石物质成分、典型矿物组合、同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及矿化分布和相关分析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

46、把它分成两半。Divide it in half.

47、Separate your first aid kit into two sections.把你的急救包分成两部分。

48、Modern life is compartmentalized into work and leisure.现代生活分成工作和闲暇两部分。

49、Learning, , all alike, hard regardless of our fools, success or failure, regardless of their talent, time, prove that achievement.学习,不分贵贱,勤奋不分聪愚,成败,不分天才,时间,证明成就。 㪰。

50、The first step is to mix the dry ingredients in one bowl, and the wet in another.第一步是将干燥的成分放入一个碗内,将含水分的成分置于另一个碗内。

经典英文句子51:成分,51、You'll need these ingredients.你将需要这些成分。

52、The properties are not only a function of composition.属性不只是组成成分的功能。

53、The diverse geographic distribution patterns of genera were characterized by 52.51% of temperate zone components and 44.06% of tropical zone components.外来植物属的地理分布多样,温带成分占优势(52.51%), 热带成分丰富(44.06%);

54、Deets suggests that "backbone monomers probably play a role in stability as large or larger than that of end caps, but end caps are crucial chemical elements in controlling a resin's flow."单体成分和封端成分发挥了同样重要的作用,单体成分主要起到增加树脂稳定性的作用,封端成分掌控着树脂黏度。

55、The composition of the protolith is also one of the main factors controlling the composition of clinopyroxene.另外,原岩成分也是控制单斜辉石成分的主要因素。

56、ResultsThe contents of six samples in fatty oil and petroleum ether extracts had no difference, but they had significant difference in water extracts, ethanol extracts, aesculetin and esculin .结果各地千金子样品脂肪油组分、醚溶性成分差别不大,水溶性成分、醇溶性成分、秦皮乙素和七叶树苷差异较大。

57、Finish goods sorting machine.成品分选机;

58、An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso- top…并从矿石物质成分、典型矿物组合、同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及矿化分布和相关分析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

59、The robofish bodies are continuous (i.e., not divided into different segments), flexible and made from soft polymers.机械鱼的身体是个整体(而非分成几部分),它由软的聚合材料制成,十分灵活。

60、Natural gas is quite variable in composition, but the major constituent (>60%) is methane.天然气在成分上不大稳定,但主要成分(60%)是甲烷。

61、Goal: Run a Six- (or Seven- or Eight-) Minute Mile目标:让一英里成绩达到6分(或7分或8分)

62、The thesis includes two parts: the first part is about the study on the constituents of Edgeworthia chrysantha; the second part is about the study on the constituents of Curcuma Wenyujin.本文包括两部分内容:第一部分为结香化学成分的研究,第二部分为温郁金化学成分的研究。

63、Result:61 components were separated and 38 compounds being identified within them, and they were 85.09% of the total essential oil.结果:共分离出61种成分,共鉴定出38种成分,所鉴定的组分占挥发油色谱总峰面积的85.09%。

64、The cost rate is the cost per cost driver.成本分配率是指单位成本动因应负担的成本。

65、Most lipstick contains fish scales.绝大部分的唇膏里都含有鱼鳞成分。

66、Make what you do part of your daily life, part of who you are.让你所做的成为你日常生活的一部分,成为你自己的一部分。

67、An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso- topic data, the miner…并从矿石物质成分、典型矿物组合、同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及矿化分布和相关分析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

68、Divide into 平均分成6份后搓成饼状;

6 equal portions and shape into patties.

69、Totally 32 compounds were separated, among which 29 were identified, mainly including aldehydes, alcohols, esters, and furans.共分离出32 个峰,鉴定出29 种成分,其中主要包括醛类、醇类、酯类和呋喃类芳香成分。

70、With the improvement of lateral well technology, branch wells will be an important part of the development of the smart wells.随着分支井技术的提高,分支井将成为“智能井”发展内容的重要组成部分。

71、Students according to grade placement test scores.根据学生的考试成绩分班分级。

72、The cells showed high proliferative ability in the proliferative media and could form myotubes in differentiation media.延迟分瓶或分化培养基促使细胞分化形成骨骼肌细胞并最 终融合形成肌管。

73、Results Identification on the four main herbs in this tablets, ingredients were found well-separately, clearly-spotted active principle and noninterference negative sample.结果各主药成分分离好,有效成分斑点清晰,阴性样品无干扰。

74、The main mineral of Carboniferous series tonstein in North China is kaolinite (above 90%). The chemical composition of the tonstein is similar to that of kaolinite.研究了中国北方石炭系高岭石夹矸的矿物组成和化学成分:主要矿物是高岭石,占90%以上,化学成分近似于高岭石的理论成分;

75、An acidic ingredient.一种酸性成分。

英文句子模板76:Ingredients,76、An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur is…并从矿石物质成分、典型矿物组合、同位素组成、稀土元素丰度型式,以及矿化分布和相关分析等方面、探讨了成岩成矿的物质来源及成因问题。

77、The information has not been compartmented"John H."“情报没有分成几个部分”小约翰H。

78、Receive 接收10名学生的成绩,并且统计学生的总成绩、平均分、最高分、最低分以及各分数段的人数。

10 pupils and students in a total score of Statistics, the average points, the highest score and the scores of sub-minimum number of paragraphs.

79、Yellow lines divide the field into sections.几道黄线把场地分隔成几部分。



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