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1、But carto are quite seaworthy .


2、Old stories fit with retreads.


3、And that should suit Anelka.

选 择合适的hashing算法。

4、Choose the right hashing algorithms.


5、Ten oclock suits me better.


6、An empty suit dropped to the ground.


7、The script didn't stage well.


8、Choose the right pillow.


9、Asymmetrical lacing design for extra pizazz and a snug fit.

适合所有鱼类菜肴。最适合配香草意大利米饭, 所有的头盘以及奶酪。

10、All fish-based dishes. Perfect maching with herbs risotto, all first course dishes and cheese.


11、Elegance, delicate, practical kitchen suits to cook luncheonette already, suit to prepare royal late dinner again.


12、Carto are quite seaworthy.


13、This year fits this formula.


14、Hook-and-loop closure for a secure and adjustable fit.


15、Not suited to make-up at all.


16、Go ahead if you think the job suits you and don't if not. It's all up to you decide.


17、But not for this product.


18、Dist. Please pray for the right place, right setup (even right landlord), right staff, right arrangement and financial needs.

19、适合出口海运包装 Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export

崔乔伊适不适合 计程车司机那个角色?

20、How about Joey Tribbiani for the part of the cab driver?

21、And a lightweight, on-ear fit provides hours of comfortable listening.和重量轻,对耳适合提供小时的舒适聆听。

22、Just right for self-feeding.正好适合自我喂养。

23、Step 第三步:穿合适的鞋袜

3: Wear appropriate footwear

24、Purebred German Shepherds are poor sled pulling dogs as are the other domesticated breeds brought in.纯种德国牧羊犬不适合拉雪撬﹐其它带进来的驯化种也不适合。

25、This wine will go with oysters.这酒适合佐牡蛎。

英文句子26:,26、The price and the color are both all right for my mother…价钱战色彩皆很合适自己妈妈。 …那价钱战色彩皆十分合适自己地妈妈…

27、Mr. Wang, do you think my figure is suitable for a cheongsam?王师傅,您看我的身材适不适合穿旗袍?

28、That coat really suits Porl.那件大衣很适合Porl。

29、Does this design suit me?这个款式适合我吗?

30、They were made for each other.他们是合适的一对。

31、Will the date suit you?这个日期对你合适么?

32、Use it as you see fit.看着合适你就用吧。

33、Is there a perfect amount?这个金额合适吗?

34、These shoes dont fit right.这双鞋不太适合。

35、What age is suitable for love ???什么年龄适合谈爱?

36、Then select the microfiber towels that suit your purpose and your vehicle's needs.然后选择适合你所需的用途以及适合你的车辆需要的超细纤维毛巾。

37、That color suits your complexion.那颜色适合你的肤色。

38、Spooky… but for various reasons hawthorn seems to suit Draco as holly suits Harry.由于种种原因,山楂木很适合德拉科,就像冬青木适合哈利一样。

39、In contrast, the dissent frames the case in a way that is particularly unfavorable to Leonard.相反,不同意见在某种程度上适合该案,特别不适合列昂纳德一案。

40、Buy clothes that r fit for u. Don't envy what others have.买适合自己的衣服、饰物。适合你的就是最好的,所以不必羡慕别人的行头。

41、Perfect. It fits you well.好极了,你穿着正合适。

42、That long - sleeve blouse fits you well.长袖衬衫适合你。

43、The color really suits you.这个颜色很适合你。

44、Go ahead if you think the job suits you and don't if not. It's all up to you to decide.你要觉得合适就干,不合适就不干。你自个儿看着办吧。

45、Not suitable for twisted timbers.不适合于锯切曲木。

46、I'm only fit for a roustabout.我只适合干码头工。

47、If your problem set is a good fit for Haskell, that higher abstraction will work for you.如果您的问题集恰好适合 Haskell,那么更高级别的抽象就适合您。

48、Please set it for a formal occasion.请上发卷作适合正式场合的发型。

49、This is why it is so important to associate a not-fitting rule with the right level of authority.这 解释了为什么要把不合适的规则放在合适的权力级别。

50、This dress is suitable for her.这洋装很适合她。

经典英文句子51:适合,51、Improper arms of bobbin holder.筒管支架不合适。

52、Suitable for masts and yards.适合做桅杆和帆桁。

53、is this one suitable for you? 这只适合你吗?

54、Serve slightly chilled (10?—12?C). Delicious with most fish and seafood dishes, pasta with creamy sauces, and cheese.适合室内10-12度,适合与鱼海鲜香肠鱼酱和芝士一起享用。


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