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关于”节约用水的措施“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Measures to save water。以下是关于节约用水的措施的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Measures to save water


1、Trial Discussion of Saving Measures of Assistant Production Electricity of Textile Mill;


2、It is pointed out that underground drainage engineering should be the main measure in pebbly-clay landslide control.


3、These include the fabrication of the Derailleur Cable Stop, and drilling the holes for both steering knuckle levels.

潘家华 为中国建设节约型社会提出了可持续建筑的开发措施。

4、If the country really wants to build a "frugal society", this is how.


5、hygiene promotion interventions – providing water purification tablets, safe water, water chlorination;


6、The measures and effects on comprehensive utilization and improvement of black water in industrial boiler. Through closed recycle usage, industrial water was saved, and environment was protected.


7、Discusses the influence on valve authority of different hydraulic balance methods.


8、Based on increasing water-saving force further, the sewage treatment of various industrial economic departments and diversion from Yellow River must be stressed.

大约有38 “措施从左肩前左边缘。

9、Measures approximately 38" from left shoulder to front left hem."


10、Prudent use of fertilisers and reductions in energy consumption on farms also cut emissions.


11、What is MillerCoors doing to reduce its water consumption?


12、Of spill or leak: flood with water to polymerize.


13、Conclusion: The drug-induced diseases can be reduced through some measures taken, such as drug-use guidance, knowledge updating among medical personnel and so on.


14、The key measures for increasing the efficiency of farmland irrigation are the development and popularization of water saving irrigation.


15、Hence it needs us to have actions to protect and enhance the present situation.


16、Spreading industrial briquetting coal in industrial furnaces and kilns is an important measure for eliminating air pollution from coal firing and energy saving.


17、The combination of conventional water conservancy project measures with ecological measures play an important role in improvement of karst waterlogging and ecological environment.


18、All state parties should actively implement the convention in their own state.


19、Then how can we build the conservation-oriented campus? Here are several measures we can take.


20、The measures for optimizing the use of fuel gas are:improving the atmospheric and vacuum heat exchange network;

21、But water is only temporary, auxiliary measures, can not be used as fundamental measures to prevent water pollution.但是引水只是临时性、辅助性的措施,不能作为治污的根本性措施。

22、Vegetation is a economic effective control of soil and water conservation.植物措施是排土场复垦初期既经济又有效的水土保持措施。

23、Spraying irrigation wastes more water than flooding irrigation, revealing huge space for water saving measures in farming.喷灌设施实际上比大水漫灌更容易挥发和浪费水资源,显示农业节水措施仍然有很大的空间。

24、The recycle of waste plastics as an energy conservation, environmental protection measures was received attention at large.废旧塑料的回收利用作为一项节约能源、保护环境的措施,普遍受到重视。

25、The new tax will force companies to adopt energy-saving measures.这项新的税收将迫使公司采用节省能源的措施。

英文句子26:,26、Water saving irrigation is an important connotation of food production. The means and measures of water saving irrigation are described.节水灌溉是粮食生产发展的重要内涵,阐述了节水灌溉的途径及措施。

27、The steam condensed water recovery(SCWR) is an important measure of the energy conservation and is applied to kinds of industries.蒸汽冷凝水回收是节能的一项重要措施,广泛应用于各行各业。

28、A adjustable weld jig is suggested to assure the size.采用标准节主弦杆焊胎可调措施,保证焊后尺寸。

29、Aquatic plants are used to purify the lake and good results are achieved.为净化水质,衡水湖采用以水生植物进行水质净化的措施,取得了良好的效果。

30、According to quantitative results and actual situation, relative countermeasures are put forward to improve the level of intensive, scientific and rational land use.根据定量化的结果和实际情况,提出了提高工业用地集约水平、科学合理利用土地的途径和措施。

31、Pointed out water resources were scarce seriously and water saving measures were lacking, they were the main factors to restrict agricultural development of Hangu Farm.指出水资源严重不足及缺少节水措施是制约汉沽农场农业发展的主要因素。

32、Common used measures in design of buildings in collapse loess area are mainly focused in three aspects:foundation treatment, waterproofing, and structure.对湿陷性黄土区的建筑物,其设计措施通常可采取:地基处理措施、防水措施和结构措施三种。

33、Wang Hao says society should take comprehensive measures to increase water use efficiency to save more water.王浩说全社会要采取各种措施提高水资源利用率,从而节约更多的水资源。

34、The derivative measures for management, engineering, economy and so on are the keys for the conflicts between water-suppling and water-using.通过对太湖流域用水的总量控制,及派生出来的行政措施、科技措施、工程措施及经济措施,一切水资源供需矛盾问题易于迎刃而解。

35、The implement of water saving rebuild programming in northern droughty areas is an important measure for sustainable use of water.针对干旱区域制定的节水改造规划就是水资源可持续利用的主要战略措施。

36、To develop WSI is an important measure to thoroughly resolve water shortage situation in China.大力推广农业节水灌溉,是从根本上解决我国农业缺水问题的重要措施。

37、The author proposals to use the result will be more economic and efficient in marsh gas fermentation management.还可节省从沼气池出、运发酵液及补加清水的用工。这是一项经济有效的管理措施。

38、At the same time, we are profundity convince that the effect of non-engineering measure cannot be substituted by the engineering measure in the facet of prevent or control flood and reduce disaster.而水文系统模型不仅是一项抵御洪水灾害的重要工程性措施,也是一项可以合理利用水能、水资源的非工程措施。

39、It explains the application of measures to save energy, water and resources in a family home for a more environmentally-aware public without compromising on style.它解释为更环保意识,风格不损害公众的措施节约能源,水和资源在家庭住宅中的应用。

40、Economise electricity consumption by close adherence to the energy saving measures;节约用电,确执节约能源的措施;

41、Catchments in sloping field can improve the use of precipitation.采取集水措施提高自然降水的有效利用率。

42、Investment-Benefit model and structure optimization model for various stimulations have been presented.建立了增产、增注以及降水措施的投入-效益模型和措施结构优化模型;

43、Article 53 For construction, expansion or reconstruction of a project, plans for water-conserving measures shall be worked out to build water-conserving facilities in support of the project.第五十三条新建、扩建、改建建设项目,应当制订节水措施方案,配套建设节水设施。

44、Start construction irrigation works and ensure the measure such as the quality of irrigation works establishment.兴修水利和确保水利设施的质量等措施。

45、Phase 第二阶段的目的是度量这些能源节约措施对总体雇员碳轨迹的影响。

2 is designed to measure the effect of these conservations measures on the overall employee carbon footprint.

46、Part seven , Promotes the Qianjiang district land to save with the intensive use measure and the suggestion.第七部分,促进黔江区土地集约利用的措施和建议。

47、It may conclude that the drainage control plays a significant role in water saving and non-point source pollution reduction.因此,控制排水措施具有节约灌溉用水和减少农业非点源污染的重要意义。

48、Oil increment and water reduction are obvious after pr…实施调剖措施后出现了明显的增油降水效果。

49、He says 63% of employees surveyed said their companies should take more steps to save PC power.他还说调查显示63%的员工认为公司应该采取更多的措施来节约电脑能耗。

50、The ecological protection measures can protect water quantity and quality for the water users in downstream.在供水水源地集水区采取生态保护措施确保了下游用水的水质和水量。

经典英文句子51:节约用水的措施,51、The results showed that all the covering techniques had significant water-saving effects, especially for film marginalized covering with chopped stalks.结果表明:这些技术措施都具有明显的节水增效作用,以膜下加盖秸秆效果最为突出。

52、Such measures should save truckers an estimated $75,000 in fuel costs during the life of a vehicle, Jackson said.杰克逊认为,采取这类措施后可以在一辆车的使用年限内节省卡车司机约75000美元的燃料成本。

53、Secondly, for tiller control, about 15cm deep-water irrigation was carried out at the peak tillering stage in the new culture technique, while draining was done in the normal culture technique.新栽培措施在分蘖盛期采用灌深水控蘖而常规栽培措施则采取传统的搁田控蘖措施。

54、This article introduces the practise of clean production of Dongguan Jinzhou Paper Co. , Ltd. The measures and experiences about water retrenching , energy saving and waste water treatment etc.本文介绍了东莞金洲纸业有限公司清洁生产实施情况,在节水、节能、废水处理等方面采取的措施和心得体会。

55、During the development of gas reservoirs, it is key to identify early water influx for producing without water and developing actively.在水驱气藏的开发中,水侵的早期识别是充分利用无水期进行生产与主动地实施治水措施的前提。

56、Acidizing is common applied in stimulation in oil and water well.酸化是油水井常用的增产增注措施。

57、It is a key factor that a prevention from the KBD disease is to improve the content of adsorbing Se for children with KBD disease by efficient methods.采用有效的补硒措施,提高和改善人体硒水平是预防大骨节病复发的关键。

58、The controlling strategies to prevent there disasters through engineering and non-engineering measures were also suggested.提出通过工程措施和非工程措施减少洪水灾害的对策。

59、And, he says, by implementing stringent water usage rules — it's illegal in Las Vegas to spray a sidewalk with a sprinkler, for instance — the city has saved millions, both in dollars and in gallons.而且,通过施行严格的用水规章(例如给人行道喷水是非法的),该市不仅节约了大量的费用,也节约了相当的水资源。

60、The controlling measures are mainly to economize on water, build sediment prevention facilities at headworks for reducing the amount of sediment diversion;这些措施主要有:节约用水,在渠首建防沙设施,以减少引沙量;

61、Measures approximately 52" from V-neck to front hem."约52”措施的v字领线到前面折边。

62、It was proposed in this article to spread resource saving and cleaning production process.提出了在该行业推行节约化、清洁化生产的解决措施。

63、Ningbo City "four measures" Let's improve the intensive utilization of land.宁波市“四项措施”让我们提高土地集约利用。

64、An Ad hoc QoS multicasting (AQM) protocol can solve this problem by previously reserving neighbor nodes for tracking resource availability.可以采用AdhocQoS多播(AQM)协议通过事先预约邻居节点以跟踪资源的有效性等措施来解决这一问题。

65、Ecological agriculture is a main measure to develop agriculture of perfect quality and high efficiency and Production save and conserve water and soil, and promote rural economics.建设生态农业是发展高效高产优质农业、节约和保护水土资源、振兴农村经济的主要措施。

66、To develop water saving agriculture is the effective way for the optimized matching of agricultural water and soil resources in Changzhi.发展节水农业是实现长治市农业水土资源优化配置的有效措施。

67、Some water factory engineering developments a measure, adopted measure for foudation pit. shoring needing to hang steel plate is super depth.某水厂工程建设场地采用施打钢板桩的支护措施。

68、It is a national measure for utilizing water resource, conserving soil and fertility and achieving high yield.是合理利用水资源,保土、保肥,能蓄能排的旱地节水农业夺取作物高产的有效措施。

69、The fifth part is proposed to promote the policy measures of the economical and intensive land use based on the basis of the first four parts.第五部分是在前四部分研究基础之上,提出促进汉中市土地节约与集约利用的政策措施建议。

70、Treatment Rinse a scratched eye with potable water for several minutes.治疗措施 用携带的净水冲洗眼睛几分钟。

71、Basing on the formulas of "the irrigation water loss efficiency", educe the corresponding formulas of "resources-type" real water saving of all kinds of saving-water irrigation project.根据推导的“灌溉水损失系数”公式导出了各种节水灌溉工程措施节水量的计算方法即本文所说的真实节水量的计算方法。

72、To develop water-saving agriculture and build up a water-saving society are becoming strategic measures in the future because of the limit of water resources.由于水资源短缺,发展节水农业、建立节水型社会成为我国未来一项带根本性的战略措施。

73、The authentication described in the previous section is user-level security.前一节介绍的身份验证方法是用户级安全措施。



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