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工作的英语是"690 Conclusion The Nurses’ Job Satisfaction Scale has acceptable construct validity.",在日常中也可以翻译为"job",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到31个与工作相关的短语释义和例句。


1. 690 Conclusion The Nurses’ Job Satisfaction Scale has acceptable construct validity.

工作翻译为 690 Conclusion The Nurses’ Job Satisfaction Scale has acceptable construct validity. 。

示例:这些工作组将按惯例工作。 These working parties will be going over well-trodden ground.


2. job


示例:他们不想工作。 They don't want to work.


3. [科技] Job

工作翻译为 [科技] Job 。

示例:很多从事这种工作的人往往工作时间很长。 Most people in this kind of job tend to work long hours.


4. 957 Network reference service represents the developing orientation of lib rary reference work.

工作翻译为 957 Network reference service represents the developing orientation of lib rary reference work. 。

示例:Virtual Reference Service(VRS) is the important way of Reference Services under the network environment. VRS是网络环境下参考咨询的重要方式。



1. did work(工作)

2. hard at it(拼命工作, 工作卖力)

3. working dinner(工作正餐,工作晚餐)

4. working head(工作水头;工作压头)

5. working volume(工作容积;工作体积)

英语短语&俚语, social work MSW Master of Social Work Diplomado en Trabajo Social ( 社会工作 )

the general principle of seeking progress while keeping performance stable to seek progress while w( 稳中求进工作总基调 )

work experience Working Experience Experience Job experiences ( 工作经验 )

the Government Work Report Report on the Work of the Government ( 政府工作报告 )

ideological and political work the ideological and political work Thought political work ( 思想政治工作 )

Work Experience occupational history business background ( 工作经历 )

social worker caseworker LCSW medical social workers ( 社会工作者 )

Hard work work hard working hard Hard graft ( 努力工作 )

Hataraki Man ergomaniac a work addid ( 工作狂 )


1. That's home. That's work, that's home.

译文:工作 家 工作 家。

2. Work, work, work, work, work!

译文:工作, 工作, 工作, 工作, 工作!。

3. i'm working here. Working!

译文:我在工作呢 工作。

4. Ladies, you go work your magic..


5. i got offered a job here,a good one.

译文:这有份工作 不错的工作。

6. - He works. - Ah, well, we worked.


7. You work and work and work.


8. Working hard or hardly working, eh, Mac?


9. i was workin'. i was workin'.

译文:我在工作 我正在工作。

10. - You done good, Swifty. You done good.


11. What work? i'm unemployed?

译文:什么工作 我没工作呀。

12. Aii you ever hear is, rules, rules, rules... and work, work, work.

译文:听到的全是规矩,规矩,规矩... 工作,工作,工作。

13. The huckleberries are particularly delicious today.

译文:你呢,工作怎样? 工作?。

14. i got a job. i got a job. A good job.


15. Oh, i work over-- You work?

译文:噢, 我工作 -- 你工作?。


标签: 单词 工作

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