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1、Already formed the undergraduate course to educate, the postgraduate education, the higher vocational education and the continuing education multi-level school pattern.


2、Education, education, education! That's what our tome is all about.


3、The university education of modern times is the precious inheritance in Chinese education history.


4、Such education, completely take the knowledge education as a core, take enters a higher school the education as the guidance, education disassimilation for athletics education.


5、Life long education is composed of three main modes: family education, school education and professional education.


6、to formulate developing policies and basic teaching documents for common senior middle education, preschool education and special education;


7、The educating ability includes manners education, collective discipline education, and moral character education.


8、Some problems need to be solved in the policies of transnational education, such as the administration of transnational education, education market, education equality, and education quality.


9、Family education, school education, social education play the role of infection for college students to enhance the capacity of self-guided.


10、Expanding options for schooling, such as nonformal schools and distance learning


11、Engaged in the modernization of education services, to expand the educational resources for spreading education information.


12、Jaspers referred it in What is Education as human's soul education.


13、Teacher education is a machine tool that develops educational undertaking.


14、Graduate education adheres to the combination of general education and specialty education, whereas postgraduate education focuses on high-level specialized education.


15、The farmer, professional education consists of record-education and non-record education.


16、Educational equality is a social ideal of education and the goal of educational policy, with equalization of education opportunity as its kernel.


17、Special education and general education are two fundamental models of education nowadays.


18、If we want to advance combination of humanity education and science education, we should strengthen humanity education and implement quality education.


19、Moral education fundamentality of school education.


20、At present, education in China is faced with the transition from traditional education to quality education including personality education.

21、Next, moral education in high school is kind of "psyche " education, and it is primary.其次,中学德育教育是“灵魂”教育,是第一位的教育;

22、Real moral education is life-oriented education and fOr-1if e education.真正的道德教育乃是生活教育,是为了生活的教育。

23、The core of quality education is the personality cultivation, and moral education is new and necessary part of health education in the university.综合素质教育的核心,是做人教育和养成教育,道德健康教育既是新观念,又是大学健康教育的题中应有内容。

24、Industrial education and General education, Teacher education constituted the main elements of Chinese modern education.实业教育与普通教育、师范教育一起构成了中国新式教育的主要内容。

25、This include strengthening their ideas and beliefs, enriching their knowledge, enhancing the education on duty and profits, on the choice of jobs on the sustainable development;主要包括强化理想信念教育、加强现代知识教育、加强社会主义义利观教育、择业观教育、可持续发展教育。

英文句子26:,26、Developing network education optimizes the resources of education, contributes to the popularity of higher education optimizes and construction of lifelong education.发展远程教育是优化教育资源,实现高等教育大众化和构建终身教育的需要。

27、Modern frontier education includes frontier national education, frontier political education and common sense education which is for the common people.近代边疆教育包括边疆民族教育、边政教育及面向国民的边疆常识教育等三个层面。

28、How can quality-based education, originality education be conducted in modern schools?现代学校教育如何进行素质教育、创新教育?。

29、The third section is about how to carry national defence education into execution in university, It mainly explored several pathways: Basic education, Practice, Expandation, In-depth education.第三章是高校国防教育中心理战教育的主要实施途径。主要研究了实施途径中的基础教育、实践教育、拓展教育和深化教育的途径。

30、On the other hand , on the education contents, including learning mental education, self-consciousness education , interaction relation education and frustration education.二是从校园心理剧的教育内容出发,分别阐述了校园心理剧对学生的学习心理教育、自我意识教育、人际关系教育和挫折教育。

31、The teachers have a great challenge in teaching students well, im-proving self qualities education, talent education and innovation education.教师面临着当好“学生”,自我“充电”,加强素质教育、能力教育、创新教育、情商教育的艰巨任务。

32、The self-education of subject is, as the core of it, the education that aims at the subject himself as the object.主体自我教育是教育主体以自身为对象的教育,这是主体教育的核心问题之

33、Teachers' professional sensitiveness is their acute ability to perceive and discern the educational merits embodied in educational phenomena, problems and events.教师的职业敏感性是教师对教育现象、教育问题、教育事件等蕴含的教育价值所具有的敏锐的感知和辨别的能力。

34、The school has formed undergraduate education, graduate education, international education and continuing education, multi-type, multi-level educational pattern.学校形成了本科教育、研究生教育、留学生教育和继续教育等多类型、多层次的办学格局。

35、On Promoting the Communication of Education With Record of Formal Schooling and Without Record of Formal Schooling;第十五条高等教育包括学历教育和非学历教育。

36、The thinks it necessary to combine setback education with patriotism education, existence education and crisis education.同时,认为实施挫折教育,必须与爱国主义教育、生存教育、危机教育等相结合。

37、Qilu Deng as an education novel, demonstrates the education folklore, reflects education problems.《歧路灯》作为教育小说,展现教育民俗事象,反映教育问题。

38、In education, we focused on strengthening compulsory education, especially in rural areas.在教育方面,重点加强了义务教育特别是农村义务教育。

39、The college education is still the elite education.大学教育仍然是精英教育。

40、Article 第十六条高等学历教育分为专科教育、本科教育和研究生教育。

16 Higher education for academic qualifications includes special course education, regular course education and graduate program.

41、A leader in early-years education, it is also applauded for its vocational, technical and agriculture schools.该州不仅是幼儿教育的先驱,职业教育、技术教育和农校教育也搞得有声有色上。

42、So, the gym instructors should carry out moral education according to the feature of P. E. teaching and the stu-dents' psychology tendencies and growth conditions. At the same time…因此体育教师应根据体育教学的特点和学生的心理趋向及生长发育状况进行思想品德教育,把思想品德教育有机渗透在体育教学、体育锻炼过程中。

43、As for the social right, the judicature should differentiate the compulsory education stage and the non-compulsory education stage to give the relief of various degrees .对作为社会权的受教育权,司法应区分义务教育阶段的受教育权和非义务教育阶段的受教育权予以不同程度的救济。

44、Bagley wrote prolifically on the subjects of teacher education, curriculum, educational theory, educational psychology, history of education, and numerous other fields related to education.巴格莱在教师教育、学校课程、教育理论、教育哲学、教育史及其他与教育相关领域著述颇丰。

45、Master Sheng Yen established three education programs - college, universal and counseling education.圣严法师创立三大教育,分别是大学院教育、大普化教育和大关怀教育。

46、Educators change the educational knowledge into educational actions, which is the social movement of the educational knowledge.教育者把教育观念转化为教育行为,这是教育知识的社会运动。

47、As the foundation of elementary education, the development of higher teacher education must match up to the development of elementary education.高师教育作为基础教育的基础,意味着高师教育发展必须与基础教育发展相匹配。

48、The naissance of Chinese higher engineering education came with Chinese higher education synchronously. "Chasing after Western education" is the characteristic of Chinese higher engineering education.与西方高等教育不同的是,我国高等工程教育和高等教育同步诞生,追赶型教育是我国高等工程教育的特点。

49、Education in Science and technology museum is usually generalized to three main forms: education-through-exhibition, education-through-experiment and education-through- training.科技馆教育通常归纳为展览教育、实验教育、培训教育三种主体形式。

50、The pre-school education is an important part of elementary education, and it is the stage of foundation of schooling and the lifelong education.幼儿教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段。

经典英文句子51:教育,51、Diathesis education, as a part of education's reform aim at the future education.作为教育改革一部分的素质教育是面向未来的教育。

52、The teacher education in our country pertains to professional teacher education.我国的教师教育是专业型教师教育。

53、The requirements of the new English curriculum for English teachers make it urgent to reform our pre-service English teacher education model.我国当前急需推进英语教师教育改革,提高教师教育质量,调整教师教育的课程,构建新的教师教育的培养模式。

54、It is the full incarnating of the modernization of traditional education, of the technological education, of the innovative education and of the quality education.它既是传统教育的现代化体现,也是科技教育、创新教育和素质教育的体现。

55、Then we discuss the absent of justice of education for the disabled from opportunity of learning, process of education and result of education.在残疾人的教育方面提出了“全纳教育”等理念,并从入学机会、教育过程和教育结果三个方面展现了残疾人教育公正性的缺失。

56、Higher vocational education in our country belongs to higher education which is important part of live-long education.我国的高等职业教育,属于高等教育阶段的职业技术教育。高等职业教育是终生教育的重要组成部分。

57、Citizen's educated right consist of compulsory education right, equal education right, lifelong education right and properly education right.我国公民受教育权的内容包括受义务教育权、平等受教育权、终生受教育权和恰当受教育权。

58、Education should be a process of cooperation and coordination between educators and students;教育应该是教育者与被教育者之间合作、配合的过程;

59、Article16 Higher curricula education is divided into specialty education, undergraduate education and post graduate education.第十六条高等学历教育分为专科教育、科教育和研究生教育。

60、The Chinese private education, including basic education, career education to high education, has developed rapidly these years.近几年,我国民办教育迅速发展,办学范围覆盖基础教育、职业教育、高等教育等各个领域。

61、As one of educationist, he had never stopped brought forward the idea of "learned education", set great store by moral education and held in esteem literary education in his life.作为一个教育家,他一生从教从未间断,提出“博雅教育”思想,重视道德教育,推重文学教育,研究他的教育思想对当代中国教育事业的发展有一定启示作用。

62、The requirement of education reform in our country is to change examination-oriented education to quality education;我国教育改革的要求变应试教育为素质教育;

63、To launch Health Quotient education in School PE, re-education on PE teachers' Health Quotient should he strengthened;学校体育开展健商教育,应加强体育教师健商文化的再教育;

64、It is helpful to improve educative benefit and effect.教书育人有助于提高教育效益和教育效果;

65、The education on geographical information technology includes major education and universal education.地理信息技术教育包括专业教育和普及教育。

66、It is the necessary result of education development for educational techniques to replace audiovisual education.用教育技术取代电化教育是教育发展的必然结果。

67、Thh development of economy will push education forward greatly, enlarge education scale, raise new demands in education, renew education content and improve the means of education.经济发展对教育也具有强大的带动作用,扩大了教育规模,提出了教育的培养目标,更新了教育内容,改善了教育手段。

68、The author puts forward some opinions for middle school students' science-humanism education of the educational sense, content, methods, evaluation and so on.本文在中学生科学-人文精神教育的教育理念、教育内容、教育方法、教育评价等四个方面提出了一些看法;

69、So, the gym instructors should carry out moral education according to the feature of P. E. teaching and the stu-dents' psychology tendencies and growth conditions. At the same time, they should combi…因此体育教师应根据体育教学的特点和学生的心理趋向及生长发育状况进行思想品德教育,把思想品德教育有机渗透在体育教学、体育锻炼过程中。

70、Preschool education is an important component of elementary education, and it is also the fundamental stage of school education and life-long education.学前教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段。

71、The contents of teachers' psychological training should include emotional quality training, psycho-hygienic training, and healthy classroom management.教师心理素养教育的内容包括情感素养教育、心理卫生教育、健康课堂管理教育。

72、Education Leadership, Higher Education, and International Education (EDHI)教育领导学,高等教育,国际教育专业。



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