导盲犬用英语怎么说 导盲犬英语翻译

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导盲犬用英语怎么说 导盲犬英语翻译

导盲犬通常被说作:" a guide-dog for the blind"还可以翻译为seeing eye dog,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到22个与导盲犬相关的译文和例句。


1. a guide-dog for the blind

导盲犬翻译为 a guide-dog for the blind 。

示例:导盲犬训练学校非常努力地根据导盲犬的性格匹配训犬员。 Guide dog training schools work very hard to match handlers with guide dogs according to the compatibility of their personalities.


2. seeing eye dog

导盲犬翻译为seeing eye dog。

示例:但是没有导盲犬的盲人怎么正常地生活呢? But how does a blind person without an eyes-seeing dog live a normal life?


3. Guide Dog

导盲犬翻译为 Guide Dog 。

示例:导盲犬可以为盲主人引路。 A guide dog can lead its blind owner.


4. seeing eye dog

导盲犬翻译为 seeing eye dog 。

示例:Too proud to be a seeing eye dog. 因被当作导盲犬而过于兴奋了



1. guide dogs(na. 盲人引路犬\n 导盲犬;


2. hearing dogs(助听犬;


3. Seeing Eye(导盲犬训练所;


4. Seeing Eye dog( 导盲犬;


5. rnzfb( 新西兰皇家盲人基金会;


1. Take, for example, providing a guide dog for a blind person.

译文:让我们从为一名盲人提供导盲犬为例。 。

2. And i was able to return to college because of the senior citizens who invested in me, and also the guide dog and skill set i had gained.

译文:是因为那些老人对我的投资 和导盲犬以及我得到的技能 。

3. Gaby, this is steve. He's the head trainer at the dog school.

译文:Gaby 他叫Steve 导盲犬培训中心的总训练师。

4. Or maybe it's a service dog, Like a seeing-eye dog.

译文:也可能那狗是辅助犬 比如导盲犬。

5. You're more like a sleeping-eye dog than a Seeing Eye dog.

译文:你更像是一个沉睡的眼狗 比导盲犬。。

6. Oh, no, he's a guide dog. it's okay.

译文:哦 不 他只是一只导盲犬 没事的。

7. Runs in the family. They have to get him a guide dog.

译文:家族遗传病 他们得帮他找条导盲犬。

8. Out of shock and compassion, he and his playmates decide to train Puppy into a guide dog to help Grandpa Liang.


9. - Have you ever thought of a guide dog?

译文:- 你没想过用导盲犬吗?。

10. Just play "i'm a seeing-eye dog"now.

译文:现在演奏我是一只导盲犬 Just play "I'm a seeing -eye dog"now.。

11. Well, for a dog who's supposed to help us, she sounds kind of limited.

译文:作为帮助我们的导盲犬 我觉得她能力有限。

12. We're the only guide dog school in the area.


13. Guide dogs were first trained after World War i when many soldiers returned home sightless .


14. Too proud to be a seeing eye dog.


15. Could get you one of them seeing dons.



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