高二必修一英语单词 英语_高二要求词汇71个

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1、 Convention Abolishing

中文翻译: 关于取消要求外国公文书认证的

例句:-Are we having a convention? 翻译:-Are we having a convention?。

2、 low abundance

中文翻译: 低丰度

例句:And this collision, in itself, draws in life in abundance. 翻译:draws in life in abundance.。


3、 acne vulgaris

中文翻译: 寻常痤疮 普通粉刺

例句:Rampant adolescent acne vulgaris. 翻译:瞫见獵ぶ 诘紿。



例句:And will acquit your duty accordingly 翻译:尽心履行你们的职责 否则 以神的名义。



例句:This pouring is true, in addition to so outside 翻译:in addition to so outside。

6、 Date Adjust

中文翻译: 调整日期

例句:Now i'll have to move on again. 翻译:it took me time to adjust to Taiwan。

7、 adoption society

中文翻译: 群聚 收养公会

例句:i got through to the Sacred Heart Adoption Society in Cork this morning. They referred me to the irish Adoption Board, who referred me back to the Sacred Heart Adoption Society. 翻译:我今早给考克的圣心收养院打了电话 I got through to the Sacred Heart Adoption Society in Cork this morning. 对方又把我转回圣心收养院 who referred me back to the Sacred Heart Adoption Society.。



例句:is this the aforementioned report? 翻译:这是你所提的报告吗?。

9、 medical aid

中文翻译: 医疗救护 医疗补助

例句:Those not needing medical aid... 翻译:那些不需要医药救治的人请离开这里.。

10、 about aids

中文翻译: 关于艾滋病

例句:We're gonna break down These barricades 翻译:Everyone has AIDS,AIDS,AIDS,AIDS,AIDS。



例句:"Would through the airy region stream so bright 翻译:"Would through the airy region stream so bright。

12、 alluding and omposing poems

中文翻译: 题咏派

例句:Dedicate your poems to Cherevichkina from now on 翻译:Dedicate your poems to Cherevichkina from now on。




例句:This is the Anglican Cathedral, in the Ghanaian capital, Accra. 翻译:这是位于加纳首都阿 克拉的圣公会大教堂。。



例句:"Rather, as war and antagonism are the natural states of man, 翻译:与战争和对抗一样, 是人之本性。

15、 antagonistic contradiction

中文翻译: 对抗性矛盾

例句:there's a contradiction in terms. 翻译:there's a contradiction in terms.。

16、 Chimeric Antibody

中文翻译: 免疫 嵌合抗体

例句:it is suggested that the splicing ways of chimeric genes may affect the activities of fused proteins expressed by the chimeric genes. 翻译:研究表明,嵌合基因的不同拼接方式对融合蛋白的活性可能有一定的影响。。




18、 where applicable

中文翻译: 在适用情况下

例句:Stepping plates where applicable. 翻译:能铺的地方都铺上踏脚板 Stepping plates where applicable.。

19、 arbitration law

中文翻译: 仲裁法

例句:DSU Arbitration; international Commercial Arbitration; Jurisdiction; the Application of the Law; 翻译:DSU仲裁机制;国际商事仲裁;管辖权;法律适用;。

20、 independent assortment

中文翻译: 遗 自由组合 自由组合孟德尔第二定律 自由组合定律 自由配合

例句:Teenagers, living out a fantasy of being independent. 翻译:living out a fantasy of being independent.。

21、 stand in awe before

中文翻译: 望而生畏 望而却步

例句:it kneels before it in awe. 翻译:敬畏臣服在它的跟前。

22、 awful weather

中文翻译: 气候恶劣 非常糟糕的天气

例句:With this weather, the smell must be awful! 翻译:这种天气 一定臭气熏天了吧。

高二常见词汇:1,23、 barrel roof

中文翻译: 建 筒形屋顶

例句:A distal end of the barrel defines a roof , and an elongate tip, in fluid communication with the barrel, extends from the roof . 翻译:注射筒的远端限定出顶部和从顶部延伸并与注射筒流体连通的细长尖端。。

24、 baseline data

中文翻译: 基线数据 基线资料

例句:Just getting a baseline reading for the data loggers. 翻译:只是准备点基本信息 记录数据日志用的。

25、 iron bastions

中文翻译: 铜墙铁壁

例句:We've got propane, wiring, rock salt, iron nails... 翻译:iron nails。

26、 Bird's Beak

中文翻译: 鸟嘴式线脚

例句:i say, this one's got a dollop in its beak. 翻译:this one's got a dollop in its beak.。

27、 how beautiful

中文翻译: 如此美好 美极了

例句:Doesn't the snake look beautiful in the soup? Yes, but it'd be more beautiful in my stomach. 翻译:how beautiful the snake lying in the soup is!。



例句:Birthdays mean having fun with friends Not getting lots of stuff 翻译:Being there will be enough。

29、 beleaguered detail

中文翻译: 被围困的

例句:Detail, detail and detail again. 翻译:细节 细节 还是细节 Detail, detail and detail again.。

30、 Pennington Biomedical Research Center

中文翻译: 生物医学研究中心 潘宁顿生物医学中心 医药研究中心

例句:"Sugar is sugar, " said Dr. Bray, professor of medicine at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La. 翻译:“糖就是糖,”洛杉矶巴吞鲁日Pennington生物医学研究中心的医学教授Dr.Bray说道。。


中文翻译: 安东尼奥

例句:♪ rock like this, rock like this ♪ 翻译:『Rock like this rock like this』。

32、 Bittersweet Li

中文翻译: 甜蜜的人生

例句:Yeah, how did you even get in? 翻译:- 嗨 Li。

高二重点词汇表:1,33、 downshift blipping control

中文翻译: 补油控制

例句:Max, downshift and put it in reverse. 翻译:麦斯。



例句:Don't worry. it's not short for "bondage." 翻译:但不是"bondage"的简称。



例句:That boutique has a lot of new arrival! 翻译:那间Boutique有好多新货到了 That boutique has a lot of new arrival!。

36、 bravery and strength

中文翻译: 勇与力

例句:The tiger symbolises bravery and strength. 翻译:虎象征勇猛刚强。

1、 。



例句:This ends the KBAL broadcast day. 翻译:This ends the KBAL broadcast day.。

38、 little brother

中文翻译: 小兄弟 副气旋

例句:You learned all your tricks from me, little brother. 翻译:little brother.。

39、 The White Man's Burden

中文翻译: 白人的负担 白种人的负担

例句:♪ From that day on he was no white man's friend ♪ 翻译:# From that day on he was no white man's friend #。

40、 sugar candy

中文翻译: 冰糖 甜蜜的东西

例句:Swizzle Candy Sugar; 翻译:糖果; 。

41、 paddle one's own canoe

中文翻译: 独立自主 自力更生 做自己的事 划自己的独木舟

例句:You fail, there's a paddle. 翻译:there's a paddle.。

42、 electron capture detector

中文翻译: 电子俘获检测器

例句:it all began more than three decades ago when Lovelock devised the electron-capture detector.

1、 翻译:这一切是从超过xx年前Lovelock设计了一个电子捕捉探测仪开始的。

2、 。

高二高级词汇表:1,43、 Ceremonial Speech

中文翻译: 礼仪祝词

例句:Everyone, please grab a moon cake for the ceremonial speech, followed by the ceremonial eating of the moon cakes, followed by the ceremonial ceremony. 翻译:然后一起为节日吃下手中的月饼 然后一起为节日而欢庆。

44、 Champagne-Ardenne

中文翻译: 香槟 香槟省 阿登大区

例句:¶ with your champagne eyes 翻译:# with your champagne eyes # #。

45、 Fairly Cheaply

中文翻译: 相当便宜

例句:You live cheaply, eat cheaply. 翻译:eat cheaply.。



例句:Mom, i didn't ask for this. 翻译:Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.。

47、 A Christmas Story

中文翻译: 圣诞故事 圣诞节的故事 圣诞节小故事

例句:This is the story of Christmas. 翻译:这是圣诞节的故事。。


中文翻译: 由西提鸟

例句:Visit the Basilique du Sacre Coeur, then to Notre-Dame, sightseeing in the ile DE la Cite and the ile St-Louis.

1、 翻译:巴黎-上午去巴黎北部圣心大教堂,下午去巴黎圣母院,游览斯德岛和圣路易岛。

2、 。



例句:And this is random, right? 翻译:And this is random, right? - A coaster?。

50、 coerce into

中文翻译: 迫使做 强制

例句:Coerce the President at your own peril. 翻译:那你就去迫使总统置身险境 Coerce the President at your own peril.。

51、 Colorful Aquarium

中文翻译: 多彩水族箱 少彩水族箱 七彩水族馆 炫彩水族馆

例句:All right, who puts a 300-gallon aquarium in their trailer? 翻译:-gallon aquarium in their trailer?。

52、 Dimitri Commented

中文翻译: 迪米特里评论

例句:And the little Dimitri. Give me a kiss. 翻译:-小Dimitri!。



例句:Researching dynamics of communal living. 翻译:研究社区生活的动态 Researching dynamics of communal living.。

54、 confront t

中文翻译: 面对 面临 使对质 遭遇

例句:- And you could confront him. 翻译:And you could confront him.。



例句:The connector of the utility model is composed of a connector main body and a sheathed hoop sheathed on the connector main body. 翻译:本实用新型的连接接头由一个接头主体和可套装于其上的套箍构成。。

56、 continue to do

中文翻译: 继续做某事

例句:And i will continue to do so! 翻译:- And I will continue to do so!。



例句:Quite the contrary, Hessler. 翻译:Quite the contrary, Hessler. 正相反,赫斯勒。

58、 convene parliament

中文翻译: 召开议会

例句:Before we know it, they'll be running for Parliament. 翻译:they'll be running for parliament.。

59、 geocentric coordinate system

中文翻译: 地心坐标系

例句:The definition of the China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 is identical with that of the international Terrestrial Reference System. 翻译:中国大地坐标系的定义,与国际地球参考系的定义一致。。

60、 correct exposure

中文翻译: 适度曝光 适当曝光 正确的曝光

例句:We need help! Please send an ambulance. 翻译:is that correct?。

61、 cash Costly

中文翻译: 现金代价高昂 现金不惜血本

例句:What does she see in him? Ass, gas and cash. 翻译:gas and cash.。



例句:David gorcyca, oakland county prosecutor. 翻译:Oakland county prosecutor。



例句:it was a closed trial, so no one outside of the courtroom saw it. 翻译:so no one outside of the courtroom saw it.。



例句:What you doing here, Crab? 翻译:Crab?。

65、 crux moves

中文翻译: 可以用来对付难点

例句:This is the crux of the biscuit: 翻译:天啊 那才是问题的所在。

66、 daddies older men

中文翻译: 爸爸老男人

例句:Older men are gentle, but young men... 翻译:人岁数大了就比较稳重些,但年轻时可不见得那样。



例句:# Like you carry dairy there # Carry dairy there # 翻译:* Like you carry dairy there * Carry dairy there *。



例句:Who wish to decline this opportunity, 翻译:想要拒绝这次机会 who wish to decline this opportunity,。

69、 on demand

中文翻译: 见票即付 即期

例句:in the name of the goddess, Anisette, i demand audience with Orin Tuck! 翻译:I demand audience with Orin Tuck!。

70、 demographics of thailand

中文翻译: 泰国人口

例句:Brother Sam, how was the trip to Thailand? 翻译:how was the trip to Thailand?。

71、 dependency relationship

中文翻译: 依赖关系

例句:So the idea of this one is to create a relationship between the patient of the treatment but a relationship of dependency. 翻译:这个想法就是要在病人 和药物之间建立起一种关系 即一种依赖关系。

72、 calculate determine

中文翻译: 确定 计算

例句:# Calculate the magnitude # 翻译:# Calculate the magnitude #。


标签: 高二 单词 词汇

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