喉咙痛翻译为英语可以这样说: SEThroaT,在日常中也可以翻译为" Throat pain",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到67个与喉咙痛相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. SEThroaT
喉咙痛翻译为 SEThroaT 。
示例:我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。 I had a sore throat and could only croak.
2. Throat pain
喉咙痛翻译为 Throat pain 。
示例:她喉咙痛。 She had a sore throat.
3. sore throat
喉咙痛翻译为 sore throat 。
示例:我喉咙痛。 I have a sore throat.
4. throat
喉咙痛翻译为 throat 。
示例:Competition is cut-throat. Competition is cut -throat.
1. sore throats(喉咙痛)
2. throat distemper( 喉咙痛)
3. throate( 喉咙痛)
4. throatful( 喉咙痛)
5. throatfuls( 喉咙痛)
英语短语&俚语, My throat hurts I sore ( 我喉咙痛 )
Wang sore throat Teacher Wang sore ( 王老师喉咙痛 )
Carl does your throat hurt Carl ( 你喉咙痛 )
Your sore throat ( 你的喉咙痛吗 )
sore throat ( 喉咙痛吗 )
She had a sore throat ( 她有一个喉咙痛 )
Today I am sore throat ( 我今天喉咙痛 )
Judy's sore Judy's sore throat Zhu Di's sore throat ( 朱迪的喉咙痛 )
Sore throat after recruitment After recruitment will be sore throat ( 招聘会后喉咙痛 )
1. Coughing, sore throats, sniffling, and sneezing.
译文:咳嗽,喉咙痛,抽鼻子和打喷嚏。 。
2. i know your throat is sore. it'll make you feel better.
3. Great for sore throats also. And the xtra bonus, all natural.
译文:对喉咙痛也无效,而且是全自然的! 。
4. Do you have strep throat or some flu You're taking antibiotics for?
译文:你是不是感冒了喉咙痛 在吃抗生素?。
5. Epistaxis, nasal obstruction, sore-throat, dry of foreign body filling in throat and nodal mass are most frequent manifestation.
6. i had a sore throat and could only croak.
译文:我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。 。
7. "Colds, allergies, sore throat and the flu..."
译文:感冒,敏感症,喉咙痛 和流行感冒。
8. Tonsil stones, appear as white spots and can be confused with a sore throat.
9. He said to tell you he had a sore throat and thought it best to stay on in Chichester.
译文:他让我告诉你他喉咙痛 认为自己最好待在奇切斯特。
10. i feel terrible . i've got a headache , backache and a sore throat .
11. Ow, this isn't going to help my sore throat any, is it?
译文:噢,这是没有什么帮助 我的喉咙痛有,是什么呢?。
12. i said my throat is aching. Take the ice out!
译文:我说过我喉咙痛 把冰块都给我拿掉!。
13. You don't want to get a sore throat on top of your cold do you?
译文:你不想在感冒之外 还有一个喉咙痛,是吗?。
14. Mr Cheung is such a fool and ill all the time.
译文:那个张老师,傻乎乎的 整天说喉咙痛不教书。
15. Your head is probably sore, your throat is raw, and if you don't eat or drink something soon, you're going to start hallucinating.
译文:你现在可能头痛、喉咙痛 若再不进食、喝水 就会开始出现幻觉。
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