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保质期翻译为英语的说法为:expiration date,还可以翻译为quality guarantee period -,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到87个与保质期相关的短语释义和例句。


1. expiration date

保质期翻译为expiration date。

示例:我们的防龋牙膏有保质期。 Our anticavity toothpaste has expiration dating.


2. quality guarantee period -

保质期翻译为 quality guarantee period - 。

示例:如果商品快到保质期,那样会很危险。 If goods are not in date, they may be dangerous.


3. shelf life -

保质期翻译为 shelf life - 。

示例:新鲜的蔬菜需要呼吸以获得最佳的保质期。 Fresh vegetable need to respirate for optimum shelf life.


4. quality guarantee period -

保质期翻译为 quality guarantee period - 。

示例:The quality has the guarantee, the service is thorougher! 质量有保证,服务更周到!



1. long shelf life(保质期长)

2. shelfworthy( 保质期)

3. vouchsafers( 保质期)


4. under guarantee( 在保修期内;

5. Guarantee Date( 保质日期)

英语短语&俚语, be past its sell-by date ( 过了保质期 )

Milk That Lasts ( 牛奶的保质期 )

Under warranty within the warranty period In the warranty period ( 在保质期内 )

In warranty Warranty Period Shelf life ( 保质期内 )

Time-critical shelf lives ( 短的保质期 )

My Food Reminder Pro ( 食品保质期提醒 )

There is no warranty dream Dream no shelf life ( 梦想没有保质期 )

u Product shelf life control ( 货品保质期管理 )


1. Heavy-duty professional machines can preserve wines for up to a year after the bottles are open.


2. Overwrap protects and extends the shelf life of the chocolates within.

译文:外包装保护和延长保质期的巧克力内。 。

3. Well, then they're incompetent, and so is your florist, 'cause those flowers up there are two weeks past their sell-by date.

译文:好吧 他们太不称职了 你的花匠也是 因为那些花已经超过保质期两周了。

4. Our anticavity toothpaste has expiration dating.

译文:我们的防龋牙膏有保质期。 。

5. i guess passion can have a shelf life.


6. And women do have a shorter shelf life than men, don't they?

译文:而女人的确比男人的保质期要短 不是吗。

7. She also said the shelf life of Tamiflu has been extended from five to seven years.


8. i can't feel shit! They're old. You think they lost their potency, huh?

译文:这药片时间长了 是不是超过保质期了。

9. This ain't no Whole Foods. Don't throw them out. Change the date.


10. Due to high dehydration rate, the lyophiled mango powder requires no preservative and can be stored for more than

5 years at normal temperature.

译文:由于脱水率很高,无须添加防腐剂,在常温下保质期可超过xx年。 。

11. instantaneous UHT milk has higher temperature in sterilization treatment, so has long shelf life, but lose more nutrients.


12. All products have a shelf life, so it's normal for new things to come along with every new generation.

译文:所有的商品都有保质期 每个世代都有新产品相吻合 是很正常的事。

13. Anyone who cares about expiration dates will not get in the way of the glory train!

译文:在意保质期的流浪汉 宛如花电车的前进道路 变成蛀虫就没什么好怕了!。

14. Production dates are sealed bag ShelfLife:2years.

译文:生产日期见封口,保质期:xx年。 。

15. Out here they have absolutely no shelf life.

译文:到了这里它们 就完全没有保质期。



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