学英语记单词的软件 英语

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学通常被翻译为" Hochschule"的意思,还经常被译作learn,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到49个与学相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Hochschule

学翻译为 Hochschule 。

示例:这孩子刚学走路。 The baby is just learning to walk.


2. learn


示例:孩子学东西时快时慢。 Children do not learn at an even pace.


3. 184 So it is reasonable to study Xunzi’s thoughts by centering the concrete chapters of“Xunzi”.

学翻译为 184 So it is reasonable to study Xunzi’s thoughts by centering the concrete chapters of“Xunzi”. 。

示例:那些孩子学东西很快。 The kids were quick to learn.


4. learn

学翻译为 learn 。

示例:How about... Did you ever hear anything so...? but I want to learn...



1. manabu(学)

2. mycolog(真菌学,霉菌学)

3. sphygmology(脉学, 脉搏学)

4. choreology(动作学 舞蹈学)


5. ethogenics( 发生学;

英语短语&俚语, social science social science s The Social sciences Social Studies ( 社会科学 社科 )

Science of Logic Science of Logic Wissenschaft der Logik logic ( 逻辑学 )

natural philosophy Philosophy of Nature Natural Philosophy philosophy of nature Philosophy of Natur( 自然哲学 社科 )

Phenomenology phenomenology Phaenomenologie Phenomenological ( 现象学 心理 )

the philosophy of art Kunstphilosophie The Philosophy of Art Philosophie de L'Art Philosophie der K( 艺术哲学 )

ensure legislation in a scientific way Laws must be legislated scientifically scientific legislatio( 科学立法 )

learning Study Studies practise ( 学习 心理 )

Anthropology anthropology Humanities anthrop ( 人类学 人类 )

natural science s Physical Sciences ( 自然科学 )


1. How am i going to do that?

译文:怎么学? 几时学?。

2. i tried to make you tough.


3. Why don't you learn the weather as well?


4. Studies of Historical Literature (including Paleography and Studies of Dunhuang)


5. Parkes. You follow what i do. You follow what i do.

译文:我跟我学 跟我学。

6. Learn to swim! Learn to swim!

译文:学游泳去 学游泳。

7. The course of SEFD may be divided into classical SEFD, the schools of epidemic febrile diseases the science of internal miscellaneous diseases, TCM lemology, and experimental SEFD.

译文:温病学课程有待分化为:经典温病学、温病学派杂病学、中医传染病学、实验温病学。 。

8. The occult, demonology, exorcisms.

译文:神秘学 魔鬼学 驱魔术。

9. Study to be what? A head nurse?

译文:还学什么 学做护士长。

10. No, don't act like a bird! Do something else!

译文:别学小鸟, 学些别的。

11. First learn how to drive a stick shift


12. Botany, Entomology Herpetology, mammalogy, and ornithology.

译文:收藏植物学、虫学、虫学、乳动物学和鸟类学。 。

13. The collections of the museum includes the specimens of plant and animal , ornithology , herpetology, and ethnography.

译文:收藏动植物标本、鸟类学、爬虫类学及人种学。 。

14. You copy them, and they copy from a television show.


15. - Hmm? - He's learning well. And he's learning fast.

译文:他学的不错 而且学的很快。


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