宣传单用英语怎么说 宣传单英语翻译

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宣传单用英语怎么说 宣传单英语翻译

宣传单在英语中的翻译是" Flayer",还可以翻译为leaflet,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到76个与宣传单相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Flayer

宣传单翻译为 Flayer 。

示例:你可以索要一份免费的宣传单。 You can request a free copy of the leaflet.


2. leaflet


示例:节日期间散发了数千份推广这项旅游的宣传单。 Thousands of flyers advertising the tour were handed out during the festival.


3. propaganda document

宣传单翻译为 propaganda document 。

示例:我在给你邮寄来自另外两家提供类似服务的公司的宣传单。 I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service.


4. Flyers

宣传单翻译为 Flyers 。

示例:We will organize searches, put up flyers. 组织搜寻队,张贴启事。 We will organize searches, put up flyers.



1. leaflet drop( 空投宣传单)


2. emagazine( 电子杂志;

单张报纸\n 小报;新闻宣传单)

3. news sheet(na. 同“newsletter”;


4. handbill(传单


5. leaflet(传单

英语短语&俚语, flyer color leaflets Leaflet ( 宣传单张 )

Leaflet Design Promotional Leaflet Design ( 宣传单张设计 )

Flyer advertising page single page detaling aid ( 宣传单页 )

deliver pamphlets ( 派宣传单 )

Flyer Design ( 宣传单设计 )

Designed by Casularm ( 蚩尤战团宣传单 )

leaflets and handouts Leaflet ( 广告宣传单 )

Maintain and update promotional flyers ( 保持并更新促销宣传单 )


1. i'm gonna go get it, okay? Hold on.


2. There still is announce handbill inside.

译文:里面还有宣传单。 。

3. And she called, and she said, "i'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flyer."

译文:“我真很苦恼该如何在宣传单上 介绍你。” 。

4. And she called, and she said, "i'm really struggling with how to write about you on the little flier."

译文:她在电话里说: “我真很苦恼该如何在宣传单上 介绍你。”。

5. On the leaflet i threw out.

译文:宣传单上 我扔掉了。

6. Well, there's a leaflet through the door for happy hour at the bar which might be interesting.

译文:在门那里有一张宣传单 那是酒吧的欢乐时光介绍,也许会很有趣。

7. The flyers didn't say a thing


8. Publications : books, reports, factsheets, case studies, booklets, proceedings, flyers, etc.;

译文:出版物: 书籍、报告、字幕新闻、案例分析、小册子、会议记录、宣传单等; 。

9. Product auto feeding, Hot Melt Applicator, Leaflet inserter, Date coder.

译文:全自动灌装,热溶装备,宣传单塞装机,日期打码机。 。

10. Why don't you send me some of your literature and we'll see what we can do.

译文:你不如把宣传单寄给我 我再看看怎么安排。

11. A Jew cannot be the managing editor, publisher... or member of an editorial staff... capable of exerting influence on the editorial direction... of any periodical or journal.

译文:犹太人不准从事编辑出版业 或受雇于任何报纸杂志的新闻宣传单位。

12. Find Wolly's rewards flyer.


13. i was thinking about maybe getting me a career in pictures.

译文:我在想 许能从宣传单上找份工作。

14. When i was in the alley off the main street, there was a flyer for a lost dog.


15. - Did she ask you to hand out fliers?

译文:你 没被那个女人贴宣传单吧。


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