可食用用英语怎么说 可食用英语翻译

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可食用用英语怎么说 可食用英语翻译

可食用翻译为英语通常说作: fit for human consumption,还网络中常译为" Edible",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到24个与可食用相关的释义和例句。


1. fit for human consumption

可食用翻译为 fit for human consumption 。

示例:而且,它们生活在开阔的田野里,那里有很多可食用的植物。 Also they live in open fields where there is lots of edible vegetation.


2. Edible

可食用翻译为 Edible 。

示例:这种树能结出美味的可食用果实,类似于香蕉、芒果和菠萝的乳脂混合。 The trees produce a delicious edible fruit, similar to a creamy mixture of banana, mango, and pineapple.


3. edible


示例:花生仅可食用吗? Are peanuts just for eating?



1. comestible(可食用的)


2. edible(可食用的

3. ducible( 可食用)

4. edible offal(可食用内脏)

5. dishabited( 可食用)

英语短语&俚语, edible esculent eatable touchable ( 可食用的 )

inedible ( 不可食用的 )

edible film ( 可食用膜 )

edible offal edible by-product ( 可食用副产品 )

inedible DO NOT EAT ( 不可食用 )

edible processing room ( 有条件可食用肉处理间 )

inedible and waste processing room ( 不可食用肉处理间 )

Cakes decorations for cakes ( 可食用蛋糕饰品 )


1. Still, you wouldn't have to be edible.

译文:这合同很新的,可以食用 这是一份可食用合同!。

2. GAMEBiRDS AND WATERFOWL are the most commonly eaten wild birds but all birds are edible if prepared correctly.

译文:鸟类和水禽是最常食用的野生鸟类。如果计算妥善,所有的禽鸟均可食用。 。

3. This new-fangled stuff is inedible.

译文:这家现代化的东西 和"不可食用。。

4. Frozen food must be completely defrosted first and cooked thoroughly .


5. You can't order it, it's not edible arrangements!

译文:你不能为了它, 它不是 可食用的安排!。

6. Edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine grown widely in warm regions of the United States.

译文:甘薯蔓生植物的可食用的块根,广泛生长在美国的温暖地区。 。

7. it's edible; it's implantable in the human body without causing any immune response.

译文:它可食用,移植人体 而不会造成任何免疫反应。

8. Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott), a tropical edible crop, contains an irritant factor in corm.

译文:芋头是热带性可食用作物,球茎含有刺激因子。 。

9. Edible apparel. i guess it's all for, uh, for-


10. 29% of edible fish have gone down by 90%.


11. had reached the national standard concerned on unharmful food and edible flower.


12. And this is how the problem is solved as the caviar was declared unedible.


13. They're like little edible penises.


14. They're cherry solverberry sweets.

译文:这是唐茱萸的果子 (注: 唐茱萸,胡颓子科,果实可食用)。

15. They spend their lives eating shit. They try to deny its existence, it turns into cancer and migraines and ulcers... bunch of shit like that.



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