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关于”单词生成的软件“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Word Generation Software。以下是关于单词生成的软件的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Word Generation Software


1、The single minded, all-encompassing applications of today will begin dying off in favor of multi-celled, specialized solutions.

网络虚拟化把硬件和软件网络资源以及网络功能组合成单一的基于软件的管理实体 — 虚拟网络。

2、Network virtualization is the process of combining hardware and software network resources and network functionality into a single, software-based administrative entity—a virtual network.


3、Chinese characters are produced and edited by using Chinese Character message and menu, the software package possesses plentifully interactive functions.


4、Software distribution makes use of a simplified single content packaging format called the software package.


5、Prepare guidelines for deciding when to create separate bibliographic records and when to create a single record for manifestations.


6、One of my friends recommends me the software called EASYLY TO RECITE NEW WORDS. I often used it and felt very useful.

冒险使用的这个可能会搅乱软件工程,需求管理领域的单词其实就是 过程。

7、At the risk of using a word that disturbs many in the field of software engineering, requirements management is just a process.


8、Each of the Iterations produces a working piece of software as its output.


9、CCD array detector, frame-grabber card, image acquisition software constitute the image acquisition unit. The image processing software can store, display, process GeneChip image.


10、This produces deployable software at any time.


11、In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness.


12、The second word is picked “as random as possible because that’s the goal of these operational names, ” says Elliot.


13、The vocabulary gcneration is tipically performed on a computer using non-real time software.

这个 pom 文件是对 清单

14、This pom file has been modified in several ways from the original that was generated in Listing


1 中生成的原始文件进行了多处修改而生成的。

这词和另外一个词“遗留”类似 - 微软用来指代所有非微软软件。

15、It’s like that other term, legacy, that Microsoft uses to refer to all non-Microsoft software.


16、They are reasoning concerning the document of the monumenting instrument.


17、It is composed of software and hardware, with single chip AT89C51 and DTMF decoding chip MT8870 as its cores.


18、The article also introduces the Program Instrumentation based Branch-Cover test cases generating model for path testing.


19、The practice of grid generation indicates that BIGG can decrease the consuming time and improve the grid quality.

“全毬词典”(Worldwide Lexicon,缩写为WWL)这款软件就可以使远程繙译成为可能,它是由一系列相互关联的免费软件组成的,其创始人是旧金山的软件开发员布莱恩·麦康奈尒。

20、One way to make this happen is to use the Worldwide Lexicon (WWL), a series of interlocking pieces of free software created by Brian McConnell, a software developer based in San Francisco.

21、Firstly, ATMC software can support device type single.首先,ATMC软件能支持的设备类型单

22、Strategy 策略

1: Software-generated IRQ

1:软件生成 IRQ

23、Member of Shanghai Software Development Association.上海市软件行业协会会员单位。

24、After the hardware being built up, its software modules and ways of design are being laid out.在简单介绍该系统硬件构成的基础上,详细说明了其软件构成模块和设计方法。

25、There is no separate cost involved for procuring separate software and hardware for this suite.获取此套件的单独软件或硬件不涉及单独成本。

英文句子26:,26、Pattern: Deployers, or headless processes, can type a single command to generate working software for users.模式:部署者或无头流程只需输入单一命令,即可为用户生成有效的软件。

27、Software lacks a measurable standard unit of work.软件缺乏一个可度量的标准单位。

28、Finally, proved the word-building characteristic of the new born color word and social phenomenon which it reflect briefly.最后,简单谈了一下新生色彩词的成词特点及其所影射的社会现象。

29、The Micro professor single board Microcomputer implements performance of logic control using software structure.小教授单板机是利用软件设备来完成逻辑控制的功能。

30、The structure and the principle of auto board shears have been introduced with the design method of hardware and software implemented by 8051 single chip microcomputer.介绍了自动剪板机系统的结构组成和工作原理,叙述了8051单片微机实现其生产过程控制的硬件与软件的设计方法。

31、As a result, Ovation’s sole contribution to computing history is this: their nonexistent software is supposedly the reason why the term “vaporware” was coined.结果, Ovation公司对于电脑发展史的唯一贡献是:他们公司子虚乌有的软件产品据说是人们制造“雾件”这个单词的缘由。

32、With the dictionary, users can easily find the meaning of the gestures made by fingers, arms and even facial expression by facing a computer installed with the dictionary software.一旦完成,使用者在安装该词典软件电脑的摄像头前重复某个手语“生词”,比如手势与手臂动作或面部表情,就能查到其含义。

33、Article Twevele The producer shall hold or be franchised or licensed the copyright of the software they produce.第十二条 软件产品生产单位所生产的软件产品应是本单位拥有、持有著作权或经过著作权人或其他权利人的授权或许可其生产的软件。

34、Common tannin descriptors include smooth, velvety, mouth-drying and rough.常用于形容单宁的词汇包括圆滑、柔软、干口和粗糙。

35、They create an acronym which didn't want to be created.他们违背了单词的“意愿”硬生生创造出来一个缩写词。 Indigo并不希望成为WCF,它只想继续做Indigo。

36、I introduce unit testing to my students early in the software engineering course.在早期的软件工程课程中我向我的学生们介绍过单元测试。

37、I need to develop a verb conjugator.我需要开发一个动词搭配软件。

38、So, what's the six-letter word that determines success in life?所以,决定人生成功的六字母单词到底是什么呢?

39、Web browsers that support the KEYGEN form tag eliminate the need for external software to generate a keypair.支持 KEYGEN 表单标记的 Web 浏览器不需要其他软件就可以生成密钥对。

40、This record was generated when the text file produced for Listing 该记录是在生成为清单

3 was generated.

3 产生的文本文件时生成的。

41、Objective To discuss the psychological meaning of the N400 in the word recognition.目的探讨单词识别过程中事件相关电位N40 0成分的心理学意义。

42、The results of the retention test in English single glosses condition are the highest.英语单项注释条件下习得的词汇延时成绩最高。

43、Class is the basis composition of object-oriented software, class testing is the key to object-oriented software testing.类是面向对象软件的基本构成单元,类测试是面向对象软件测试的关键。

44、The chondira part of hypochondria means “cartilage.”而单词hypochondria中chondria的部分则有“软骨(cartilage)”的意思。

45、Boys and girls, we have learned so many words and the sentences about jobs. Can you finish this form now? OK, make a survey in your groups.学生四人一组,调查小组成员父母的职业,组长汇报结果。课件呈现课外的职业单词,以供学生参考。 。

46、Without the licensing by the co-creator, to publish or register the software created jointly as one created by his own;未经合作者许可,将与他人合作开发的软件作为自己单独完成的软件发表或者登记的;

47、Vectors are generally generated by such software as CorelDRAW saved as PLT files which can be directly used by many kinds of marking software.矢量图一般是图形处理软件生成的PLT文件格式,可以被目前的许多打标软件直接利用。

48、It introduced an embedded video converter composed by MCU, MAX4358, and etc, It described its operation process, hardware constitution and software design.介绍了一种由单片机、MAX4358等组成的嵌入式视频切换器,简述了其工作过程,硬件构成和软件设计。

49、It features character selection and density controls, advanced masks and password templates, words and custom strings in passwords, full database support, and pronounceable password generation.该软件特别推出字符选择和密度控制,高级掩码和密码模板,在密码当中的单词和定制字符串,完全数据库支持,以及生成可发音的密码的功能。

50、It stores all the cells found along the way that make up the word.它存储在生成那个单词时所遍历的所有细胞。

经典英文句子51:单词生成的软件,51、So, what’s the six-letter word that determines success in life?所以,决定人生成功的六字母单词到底是什么呢?

52、It adds randomly-generated patterns of notes to a song.该软件添加随机生成的记录样本到一首歌曲当中。


标签: 单词

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