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关于”赞美人的诗意“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Praise people's poetry。以下是关于赞美人的诗意的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise people's poetry


1、Whatever: the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm.


2、Aryan beliefs and daily life are described in the four Vedas - collection of poems and sacred hymns, composed in about 1500 BC.


3、Men wrote poems and songs in honour of women and their purity.


4、Beautiful is a serious and approving description, suggesting elegance and perfection.


5、You have to commend their honesty: A full 95 percent of Filipinos saythey enjoy good food, and 82 percent admit to simply not having thewillpower to resist it.

Mrs. Smith does not mind being valued in any ways. …Mrs Smith doesn't care about …我喜欢赞美我外表的话用英语咋说? 我不介意人们怎样看我用…

6、Mrs Smith doesn't mind others' comments on her …

双鱼座 ——双鱼座女性的男性意向是诗人、救世主以及完美的灵魂伴侣。

7、This animus is a poet, savior and consummate soul mate.


8、Some are sincere. Some are quite the opposite.


9、People from all corners of the world prayed, sang hymns and waved their national flags. Many were Polish who came in to honor their native son.


10、If I have to do a poll here,most people, guaranteed,would say praise people.


11、They desalinate wars, beautify hardships and portray the life of soldiers with a poetic flavor.


12、Wise men seek instruction; fools fall for applause.


13、As hakka female poetry created needlecraft arts, it has awfully taste value and abundant humanity meaning.


14、Hymn cycles extolling redeeming knowledge were sung to focus believers' attention on the beauty of Paradise, where rescued souls dwelt.


15、Praise the Lord, all his hosts, all his servants who do his will.


16、Chorales hymns were also turned into cantatas with instrumental accompaniment by principally Lutheran composers at this time.


17、The Psalmist is going to use this motif when he denounces social injustice, exploitation of the poor and so on.


18、Divine Hymn mana costs has been increased from 35% of base mana to 63% of base mana.


19、They are a sort of literary manifestation and aesthetic design about humanity' poetic existence.

她爱好穿着打扮,要人 赞美 她。

20、She loved clothes and wanted people to admire her.

21、People who praise everybody are no better than flatterers.那些想赞美所有人的人跟马屁精没两样。

22、He who admires the same poem, or the same picture, and admires them exactly as I do, must surely allow the justness of my admiration.如果一个人和我一样欣赏一首诗歌,一幅画,他也肯定赞成我的审美观。

23、When the minister had finished his eulogy with prayer a hymn was sung and the pall-bearers took their places beside the bier.当牧师以祷告结束了他的悼词,一首赞美诗唱响了,抬棺人在棺材架边各就各位。

24、Professor John Rogers: Milton is typically cited by literary historians as one of the first major English poets to praise in verse the institution of marriage.约翰·罗格斯教授:文学家们说弥尔顿,是英国早期诗人中,赞美婚姻制度的一员。

25、Then all the people turned, startled, and their hymn-books fell from their laps .所有人都惊讶地转过头去,他们的赞美诗集从膝头上滑落下来。

英文句子26:,26、John paid lip service to Helen's new hairstyle .约翰无诚意地赞美海伦之新发型。

27、“The Kingfisher rises out of the black wave like a blue flower, ” wrote poet Mary Oliver, paying tribute to the dashing river bird on its feeding rounds.“黑色的波浪里开出蓝色的花,那是小翠蹿出的身影。” 诗人玛丽•奥利弗这样赞美哺育期的翠鸟。

28、Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm.无论城市或会议室里的人多么愚昧无知,海浪依然歌唱,唱着赞美诗。 收藏。

29、Our hymn-books resound with a melodious cursing of God and enduring Him forever.我们的赞美诗中响起了诅咒上帝的旋律,永远是在忍受他。

30、And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.约在半夜,保罗和西拉,祷告唱诗赞美神,众囚犯也侧耳而听。

31、Why not sing a verse of 'To God be the glory, Great things he has done'?让我们一同齐唱赞美诗「荣耀归于真神」,来称颂神为我们所成就的一切。

32、25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.约在半夜,保罗和西拉,祷告唱诗赞美神,众囚犯也侧耳而听。

33、Psalms119:164-165 Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous laws. Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.诗119:164-165 我因你公义的典章,一天七次赞美你。爱你律法的人,有大平安。什么都不能使他们绊脚。

34、I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.(大卫的赞美诗)我的神我的王阿,我要尊崇你。 我要永永远远称颂你的名。

35、The verses were copied out, handed about, sneered at, admired, passed from coterie to coterie .这些诗,有人抄录,有人传阅,有人鄙夷,也有人赞美,从一伙人传到另一伙人。

36、He cherishes naturalism aesthetic standards on cinema, and breaks through the traditional demarcation line between beauty and ugliness.蔡明亮受布烈松、巴赞、特吕弗等人的影响,其美学观是自然主义的,其电影打破了传统意义上美与丑的界限。

37、Then there's British actor Ben Whishaw, dandied up as Arthur in tribute to Dylan's admiration for the French symbolist poet Arthur Rimbaud.然后是英国演员本威士肖令人称赞地扮演了亚瑟,以此向迪伦欣赏的法国天才诗人亚瑟兰波表示敬意。

38、He serves his people heart and soul has earned applause from many people.他全心全意为民服务,获得许多人的赞美。

39、"At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." (Acts “约在半夜,保罗和西拉,祷告﹑唱诗﹑赞美神;众囚犯也侧耳而听”(徒十



40、The depict of Green combines the sound and visual effects. Which enables the reader to achieve a direct appreciation of natural, sensuous, humane and poetic beauty.《绿》的描绘,更具有音画效果,使人在感性和知性之间、有意与无意之间产生一种强烈的直觉感受,从而真正领会其自然之美、感性之美、人情之美和诗性之美。

41、If I'm a poet, I'll write impressive poems with great passion to sing for the vast ocean and vault of heaven, then present them to you, my broadminded and erudite teacher.如果我是一个诗人,我将以满怀的热情写下动人的诗篇,赞美大海的辽阔和天空的遂远。然后把它献给您——我的胸怀博大、知识渊博的老师!

42、Compliments heard second-hand have more credibility within the intended recipient.二手赞美比刻意在人前奉承更能取信于人。

43、Maybe there be enough clouds in my life to make a beautiful and poetry sunset.愿我的人生中有够多的云翳,塑造美丽而又诗意的黄昏。

44、"You're a good man, "chorused the drivers.“你是一个好人。”所有的车夫都赞美道。

45、Are we only wanting others to praise the way we speak, teach, sing or work?我们是否只希望别人留意我们的说话、教导、唱诗或事奉,并不时给予赞赏?

46、While it is quite acceptable to say how nice your valentine's eyes are, do not stray into slightly more risqué complements, Valentine cards are ③meant to be sophisticated.虽然说赞美你的心上人的眼睛是多么地美丽漂亮也是不错的选择,但千万别陷入露骨的赞美中,情人节卡片必须是复杂而又有深意的。

47、the _Occasional Oratorio_, that grand epic hymn to the menaced mother-country, and the God who defended her, reproduced, in the third part of this composition, the finest pages of _Israel_.(亨德尔当时正在创作)《应时清唱剧》,这部伟大的史诗赞美诗在第三部分重现了《以色列人在埃及》的精彩段落,祈祷上帝保佑英国。

1、 亨德尔当时正在创作一曲恢宏壮阔的赞美诗《应时清唱剧》,敬献给处于危机中的祖国和护佑她的上帝;


48、" People of all sizes around the leisure time to get together on "the Bible", to sing hymns, words between neighbors less, drink less.周围大大小小的人一到闲暇时就聚在一起读《圣经》,唱赞美诗,街坊邻里之间口舌少了,喝酒的少了。

49、He is also known as the Binder of What is Known, and is the Patron of Bards .他也被称为所被知道的装订工人,并且是吟游诗人的赞助人。

50、Also, put some worship music on your iPod or MP3 player this week and don’t be afraid to sing along. It will recharge your soul and give you the God-given strength to love others.另外,这一周在你的iPod和 MP3播放器里放几首赞美诗,别怕只是你一个人在唱,因为赞美能够滋养你的灵,使你得到神的大能来爱你身边的人。

经典英文句子51:赞美人的诗意,51、It's especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned.赞美更值得赋予在一些往往不被人们注意或提及的努力上。

52、Large crowds gather in the High Street and on Magdalen Bridge to listen the hymns, until they disperse for other activities.人们聚集在高街和莫德林桥上聆听赞美诗,直到他们为别的活动而分散了注意力。

53、All these expressed that the epic was a work that blazons forth individualism and exalts personal hero, so, individualism is th.这些都显示史诗是一部宣扬个人主义思想、赞美个人英雄的作品,个人主义是作品一以贯之的主体文化精神。

54、Your character and spirit can be summed up by the word, which is burning! As lofty as the sky is your mind, like the mountains, like deep is your Enqing, please accept my sincere good wishes bar, Happy Teacher's Day 收起 猫又mzio 20140918 如果我是诗人,我将以满腔的热情写下诗篇,赞美大海的宽广和深远。

55、Carolers opened the ceremony Thursday night as several thousand people gathered in the cold of a field south of the White House.星期四晚上的仪式以歌唱赞美诗开始,数千人在寒风中聚集在白宫南面的一处开阔地。

56、They sang the same hymn at the end of every Passover meal and they've done it for thousands of years.他们在逾越节筵席结束时吟唱着同一首赞美诗已有上千年之久。

57、As the last notes of the hymn died away the widow ran to the coffin, cast herself upon it and sobbed hysterically.赞美诗的最后一个音符消逝不闻后,未亡人冲到棺材边,扑到上面歇斯底里地呜咽。

58、N'deh, one of the riders, salutes Josh with a formal gesture of honor.N'deh,骑手之一,向杰克充满敬意地做了一个赞美的手势。

59、And he carved her a pair of wooden feet and some crutches, and taught her a psalm which is always sung by sinners;刽子手用木头为凯伦雕出两只脚和拐杖,然后教她唱罪人唱的赞美诗。

60、How appropriate that the whole book of Psalms ends with a stirring exhortation to give God all the praise that his creatures can give.诗人以感人的话劝告所有受造之物极尽所能来赞美神,整卷诗篇以此为结束,真是何等恰当;

61、Miss Birbili thinks giant, high-tech blades, looming over the wine-dark sea, could become an equally welcome sight. But it may be a while before a new Homer hymns them in verse.所以伯比莉女士考虑用巨大的,高科技的叶片来代替,叶片将笼罩着酒暗海(荷马曾用词,意即深深的大海-译注),这将成为一个新的旅游景点,不过要有荷马新的赞美诗来赞美它们才行。

62、Professionals are humble and generous in their praise of others.专业人士在赞美它人时应是谦逊和慷慨的。

63、I don't intend to mindlessly heap praise on Nausicaa.我并没有刻意在堆积对《 风之谷》的赞美。

64、The score was in manuscript, the name of the composer being at the head, together with the title of the hymn: "The Foot of the Cross."乐谱还是稿本,作曲人姓名和赞美诗题名《十字架下》都标在稿本上端。

65、Have you ever prayed like that?Have you ever said, 'I am going to praise God in my prayers this time and not ask him for anything?你曾否试过像诗人一样,全心全意地向神发出颂赞,不向神求取任何东西?

66、The mountain fir, in its rustling, modulates the memory of its fights with the storm into a hymn of peace.山上的仁魃成车响,把它与风暴战斗的回忆调节成和平?赞美诗。

67、Everyone admires his spirit of doing boldly what is righteous.人人都赞美他这种见义勇为的精神。

68、Members generally sing congregational hymns and offer personal prayers during the distribution.在分发圣餐过程中,会众成员通常可以唱会众的赞美诗,也可以进行单独祷告。

69、Many people would approve of prettifying towns and cities, but guerrilla gardening is not strictly legal.许多人赞同美化城镇,但是游击队式园艺从严格意义上讲并不合法。

70、In fact, most prayers, if the Psalter is a true guide, are not.事实上,如果整套诗篇真正起到指导作用的话,大多数祷告都不能被冠以赞美之名。

71、Do it up right with a sentimental card that explains how really great they are (remember the flattery tactic above).送一张善解人意的卡片,写上他们有多么好(记住上文提及的赞美技巧)。

72、The psalm emphasizes the goodness, omnipotence, and providential care of God for which He deserves to be praised.这篇诗篇强调上帝的良善、无所不能、及照顾,所以祂当受赞美。

73、Murmurs of "Praise God" went around the circle.周围的人群发出了“赞美主”的低语声。

74、Surveys show those are the areas men are most self-conscious about.调查显示男人最在意对这两处身体部位的赞美。

75、If my slight Muse do please these curious days, The pain be mine, but thine shall be the praise.我卑微的诗神如可取悦于世, 痛苦属于我,所有赞美全归你。

英文句子模板76:Praise people's poetry,76、The virtues endorsed by the poetic tradition of which Aristophanes is the great representative here the great inheritor and representative the virtues of this tradition were the virtues of a warrior culture of war-like peoples and men at war.诗学传统赞同的美德,亚里斯多芬尼斯是,最佳的代表性人物,最佳的继承人与代表性人物,这项传统的美德,是战士文化的美德,关于好战人士及战场上的人。

77、Praise God for the church in WENZHOU, which sends business people and missionaries to the ends of the earth. Ps. 48:10为温州的教会赞美主。此地差派了许多生意人和宣教士到世界各地。诗48:


78、They heard mighty Chorales , overwhelming brass hymns – but failed to see them tottering at an abyss of tonal deterioration.他们听到浩浩的圣咏、震撼人心的铜管赞美诗——却看不出它们正在调性倾颓的深渊边上步履蹒跚。


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