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关于”唐诗“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Tang poetry。以下是关于唐诗的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Tang poetry


1、Wang Weis late landscape poetry is a very suitable specimen for reviewing the aesthetic experiences of the flourishing Tang literati.


2、Han Shan's influence has crossed the bounder of China and entered eastern Asian countries.


3、There are two results of such combination: for one thing, it helped produce a refined and versatile language style; for another, it enhanced the lyrical effects of Tang legends.


4、Foresight, that I really appreciate the Chinese Wang Huan's poem: sun mountain to do, the Yellow River into the ocean currents.


5、This text attempts to probe into Meng Haoran and his poem in the foundation that forefathers study promptly, In order to can to hold literature Tang and hold culture Tang have one deep understanding.

但也有辞而不受的。 无是感激还是辞让,都生动体现了唐代诗人的政心态。

6、However, either attitude to these governmental positions shows vividly political psychology of poets in the Tang Dynasty.

陆羽,生于唐代,被誉为茶圣。 是一个诗人,历史学家和艺术家。

7、Lu Yu & Tea scriptureLu Yu, called TeaSaint, lived in Tang dynasty, a poet, historian and artist.


8、Yang Zai set out to pursue the unique aesthetic Tang spirit and style with the whole life.


9、This dynasty is famous for its highly civilization, its artists and craftsmen, and most of all its poets.


10、Scholars with similar destinies in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties established DU Fu's status as a poet of epics and created a great many realistic literary works by imitation.


11、Though he knew the lovely T'ang poem, "For a thousand li view , ascend another flight of stairs, " he did not take the elevator.


12、Both Li Shang-ying and Du Mu are well-known Poets of the Late Tang Dynasty. Once Li Shang-ying gave his two poems to Du Mu but the latter did not give his ones back to the former.


13、Under Heaven is inspired by Chinese history: the magnificent Tang Dynasty and its brilliant poets.


14、The synthesizing discussion of Tang poem of Mr. Lin Geng is the model of ancient literature res…


15、Tang poem reflected the real society of Tang Dynasty. We might clearly see the various cultural shapes and the social pictures about Chang'an city in Tang Dynasty.


16、He expresses and pays his concern to the imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty, which helps us to have better understanding of the position of the imperial examination in the Tang society.


17、Wei Yingwu(737-790)was a well-known poet of the Tang Dynasty and served as a local official in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.


18、He works with nature prevail, independence or a landscape garden, and uniformity, one of the palace poems are in sharp contrast to a brilliant splendor along Shiyuan.


19、Qilu poems were brought to the literary stage by a group of highly accomplished scholars, with Du Shenyan and Shen Quanqi as their representative figures.


20、In history, Zhouyi have profound influences on rhetoric, especially regulated verse in the Tang Dynasty.

21、He was proficient in presenting his emotional world with mild and roundabout artistic methods, which were characterized in his untitled poems.李商隐是晚唐杰出的诗人,他善于用婉曲的艺术手法表现自己的情感世界,他的无题诗就体现了这一特点。

22、Has the much- spotlighted Tang- Dy- nasty poetry ever exerted negative impact on Chinese literature or even on the society of china?处在在赞誉中的唐诗对中国文学甚至中国社会有没有负效应?

23、The art style of Tang Yin is represented by "Huailoutu", in which feelings mingle with scenes and poems mingle with drawings.《怀楼图轴》充分体现出唐寅绘画情景交融、诗画共汇的艺术风格。

24、The poem never questions that, and it's ridiculous to lay his death at the church's door.这是诗从未对此质疑过,并且把他的死归罪于教会也是十分荒唐的。

25、Don Hall and I are "poets in residence, " so we can do whatever we like.唐和我是属于那种“居住诗人”,所以我们可以做任何我们想做的事情。

英文句子26:,26、Tang Zheng query Tang Li ever for tang sugar, let tang sugar what to do.唐正质问唐力有没有为唐糖想过,让唐糖怎么办。

27、Don Hall and I are "poets in residence," so we can do whatever we like.唐和我是属于那种“居住诗人”,所以我们可以做任何我们想做的事情。

28、唐五代“红叶题诗”小说自它产生之日起便盛传不衰。The novels written by "Poems on Red Leaf" in the Tang & Five Dynasties have long enjoyed popularity since their emergence.

29、By Wang Zhihuan(688-742), a famous poet from early Tang Dynasty. The last two lines are particularly famous for the positiveness and the philosophical meaning in them.王之涣(688-742),唐代诗人。本诗中“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”广为传诵,用来表达奋发进取的愿望。

30、The Tang poetry involves rich descriptions of sericultural production, constituting a brilliant part of Chinese silk cultural historical records.唐诗中有许多反映蚕桑生产的内容,是我国丝绸文化史册中灿烂的一页。

31、Scholars with similar destinies in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties established DU Fu s status as a poet of epics and created a great many realistic literary works by imitation.相似的文人命运使唐末五代文人首先确立了杜诗的“诗史”地位,并效仿之创作了大量的现实主义作品。

32、Tang Xin, born in 1962 in Xi'an, now living in Beijing, published Running in the Rain in 1999.唐欣,xx年生,西安人,现居北京。xx年出版诗集《在雨中奔跑》。

33、Beppo , A Vision of Judgement, and Don Juan more than justify his reputation as a great poet.《别波》、《审判的幻景》和《唐·璜》这三部作品证明他的伟大诗人的名望是当之无愧的。

34、Four people in wealthy tangs keep TangZheng side, TangLi to TangZheng deep remorse.唐家四人守在唐正身边,唐力对着唐正深深的自责。

35、The museum is dedicated to Du Fu, one of China's greatest poets, who wrote 240 poems while living in Chengdu in the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907).该博物馆是用来纪念唐代(公元618-xx年)中国最伟大的诗人之一杜甫的,他在成都居住期间写了240首诗。

36、Stars shining in the sky Tang Lee Du most bright, future generations of their study also the most fully.在群星闪耀的唐诗天空中李杜最为光亮,后人对他们的研究也最为充分。

37、Han, Wei and Six Dynasties time in our country are from the stable development of Yuefu to big turning point, and its brilliant poems, under the Sui and Tang Kai.汉魏六朝时代是我国乐府诗由稳定发展到大转折时期,其诗作辉煌灿烂,下启隋唐。

38、As a important literature school in the middle of Tang dynasty, the collection of Hanand Meng poetic school has some inevitability.作为中唐时期的重要文学流派,韩孟诗派的聚合有其必然性。

39、Du Fu Cottage The Du Fu Cottage, built at Chengdu, Sichuan Province, was the former residence of the poet's retreat in Tang dynasty.杜甫草堂在杜甫草堂,成都,四川省建,是诗人的撤退唐故居。

40、"Huang gone, clouds golden empty leisurely, " Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hao's poem so that the "clouds Yellow Crane" has become one of Wuhan's impression.“黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠”,唐朝诗人崔颢的诗,使“白云黄鹤”成为人们对江城的印象。

41、The creation tendency of Yuan Jie was different from the one in prosperous Tang Dynasty, but played an enlightening and exemplary role for "New Yuefu Movements" in mid Tang Dynasty.元结这种创作倾向表现出不同于盛唐诗坛的特点,而对中唐的新乐府运动起到开启和示范作用。

42、That scenario could not help but make me think of the Tang dynasty poet He Zhizhang's "Yong Liu", the poem reads: "Jasper makeup into a tree height, 10000 dropped the green silk sash.那情景不由得使我想到了唐朝诗人贺知章的《咏柳》,诗中这样写着:“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。

43、Early Tang and Middle Tang;初唐和盛唐时期;

44、Owing to historical reasons and the writers, the short stories in the Tang have distinctive poetic features, as reflected in characters, themes and forms.由于历史的、时代的、作家自身的种种原因,唐传奇呈现出了鲜明的诗化特征,具体表现为人物、主题、形式的诗化。

45、Glorious age of Tang poetry economy developed, the culture is prosperous, for poets extreme enthusiasm and high self-confidence.盛唐经济发达,文化繁荣,给了诗人们极度的热情和高度的自信。

46、Liu Taizhen, the poet of Tang Dynasty, is not from Nanjing or Xuancheng, but from Lishui of Jiangsu;唐朝诗人刘太真是今江苏溧水人,而非南京或宣城人;

47、In mid-Tang Dynasty, poems invented by Henan poets is prosperous, coming forth many famous poets and many genres.中唐是河南人诗歌创作的高峰时期,名家荟萃,流派众多,创作丰富。

48、He was worried that her parents would know it because her mom was very kind to him.他还怕唐唐的父母知道,因为唐唐的妈妈对他很好。

49、The name of the Muzhou Poem School first appeared in Xieho's Xifa Collections, including ten poets born in Muzhou in Tang Dynasty, but strictly speaking it is not a school of literature.睦州诗派之称谓首见于谢翱《唏发集》,包括唐代十位睦州籍诗人,然并非一严格意义上的文学流派。

50、Tang Zheng ride around the Tang Li, Tang Zheng wants to help the tang sugar and superior convince Tang Li, let Tang Li trust process.唐正约了唐力一起骑车,唐正想要帮着唐糖和超群说服唐力,让唐力信任程超群。 。

经典英文句子51:唐诗,51、The study of Li He′s poems is a hot focus in the study of the literature of Tang Dynasty in the New Age.李贺诗歌研究是新时期唐代文学研究中的一个重点和热点。

52、So he idealized the poetry of late Tang dynasty, and took it to the level of Feng and Ya.为此,他有意无意的将晚唐诗加以理想化,将之提升到“《风》、《雅》之遗音”的高度。

53、Joe Ng, Lujiang people. Scholars cite the first surname of the time, Shi Gong Yuan Wailang to the test. Poetry volume.伍乔,庐江人。南唐时举进士第一,仕至考功员外郎。诗一卷。

54、Wang Changling (698 - about 756), the poet of the Tang Dynasty, Yang (Taiyuan, Shanxi Province today) people. Poems written by military frontier fortress forceful momentum, and high style.王昌龄(698-约756),唐朝诗人,晋阳(今山西太原)人。所写边塞军旅诗气势雄浑,格调高昂。

55、Han Meng Poets, an artistic original school, which were filled with high individual characteristic, have always been followed with interest by people in its features of innovation.韩孟诗派作为中唐诗史上一个极富个性特色的艺术创新流派,其创新特色历来为人们所关注、探讨。

56、The novels written by "Poems on Red Leaf" in the Tang & Five Dynasties have long enjoyed popularity since their emergence.唐五代“红叶题诗”小说自它产生之日起便盛传不衰。

57、The History Discussing Style's emergence during the Middle and Late Period of Tang Dynasty had deep historical and cultural causes.中晚唐史论体咏史诗的产生有深刻的历史文化原因。

58、The South Dynasty and Tang Dynasty is the period of development and there is little difference in the subject.六朝以及唐代是游仙诗的发展期,就主题思想而言变化不大。

59、The certain culture and research background of Tang Dynasty comprised of the reason of Si Kongtu's poem theory.唐代特定的文化学术背景构成了司空图诗论主张形成的直接原因。

60、They have also inherited the artistic styles of both Huan You poets from other regions and local poets while they promote Jia Dao, Yao He and create Late Tang Dynasty Style.在推崇贾岛、姚合,创作“晚唐体”的同时,他们也继承了温州外来宦游诗人和本地诗人的艺术风格。

61、In the Tang Dynasty poems for mountains-and-waters paintings, aesthetic time is eternal and surrealism, and aesthetic space is broad and embodying.唐代山水题画诗中的空间则具有广远性和包容性的审美特点。

62、The famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei wast made a criterion Landscape Paintings Paintings in the poem.而唐代著名诗人王维则提出了山水画意境的一个准则八千二百一



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