寓教于乐用英语怎么说 寓教于乐英语翻译

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寓教于乐用英语怎么说 寓教于乐英语翻译

寓教于乐的英语是"edutainment",其次还可以说成" Edutainment",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到99个与寓教于乐相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. edutainment


示例:作出一种寓教于乐的尝试。 An attempt was made to intertwine the amusing with the educational.


2. Edutainment

寓教于乐翻译为 Edutainment 。

示例:寓教于乐也许正是“汉语桥”取得成功的重要原因。 Making learning fun is a sure recipe for success, and that explains why the "Chinese bridge"a success.


3. teach through lively activities

寓教于乐翻译为teach through lively activities。

示例:它承诺提供科教类节目来丰富观众的生活,并寓教于乐。 It promised to bring educational and scientific programming designed to elevate our lives with the light of knowledge.


4. the joyful natural disposition -

寓教于乐翻译为 the joyful natural disposition - 。

示例:Joyful, joyful Lord, we adore thee 喜乐喜乐 我尊崇主



1. edutainment(寓教于乐

2. edutained( 寓教于乐)

3. edutainers( 寓教于乐)

4. fossoriality( 寓教于乐)

5. paregorical( 寓教于乐)

英语短语&俚语, Education art ( 引进幽默寓教于乐 )

edutainer ( 寓教于乐工作者 )

instilling pleasure into teaching ( 寓乐于教 )


1. Again, education, class entertainment.

译文:(大笑) 这叫寓教于乐。。

2. These things, they teach through.


3. i started getting very interested in Maria Montessori and her methods, and the way she went about things, and the way she thought it very valuable for kids to discover things on their own rather than being taught these things overtly.

译文:我开始对玛利亚•蒙特梭利和她的教育方法 以及她的处事方式感兴趣。 她很重视让孩子们自己去发现, 而不是直接明白地向他们灌输这些知识。 她会设计一些寓教于乐的玩具, 。

4. An attempt was made to intertwine the amusing with the educational.

译文:作出一种寓教于乐的尝试。 。

5. it wasn't nearly as edifying as Bimbos Of The Sky, was it, Connie?


6. (Laughter) Again, education, class entertainment.

译文:(大笑) 这叫寓教于乐。 。

7. And she would design these toys, where kids in playing with the toys would actually come to understand these deep principles of life and nature through play.

译文:她会设计一些寓教于乐的玩具, 使孩子们可以一边玩一边懂得一些 有关人生和自然的深刻道理。。

8. Edutainment? No Thanks. i Prefer Playful Learning.

译文:寓教于乐?不,我更喜欢好玩的学习。 。

9. Coming from a more entertaining source,


10. And this drive to not only teach but also to entertain resulted in some of the strangest anatomical illustrations.

译文:这种对寓教于乐的向往, 带来了一些极其诡异的解剖插画。 。

11. Bond Emeruwa: So while we're entertaining, we should be able to educate.


12. - They'd be entertained and get information.

译文:- 这正是寓教于乐。

13. Bond Emeruwa: So while we're entertaining, we should be able to educate.

译文:我们应当能够寓教于乐 。

14. Remember, folks, it's entertainment and it's also educational.

译文:记住, 父老乡亲们, 它寓教于乐.。

15. - i'll call you it's important to play with her children, according to Marcel Rufo.

译文:我得提醒你 教育孩子很重要的一点是 寓教于乐 这是马塞·拉夫说的。


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