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1、"We've spoken to Gucci and apologized for the mistake," Zimmer said.

负责人Julianne Lein博士表示学区对所发生的事表示歉意,并正采取措施纠正此类情况。

2、Superintendent Dr. Julianne Lein said the district apologizes for the incident and is taking steps to remedy the situation.


3、We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


4、That said, we apologize for Mr. Sampson’s inconvenience.


5、I apologized to him for having broken my promise.


6、Priscilla won't even give me a sporting chance of saying sorry for what I did the other day.


7、AKIO TOYODA: "I am deeply sorry for any accident that Toyota drivers have experienced."


8、Although Perkins said the reporter already had many of the details, "Perkins apologized" to Fiorina, the article said.


9、We’d like to express our sincere apologies for the poor quality of the products.


10、We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.


11、We are doing our best to resolve the issue and apologise for any inconvenience caused.


12、More than two months of disdain and cold, really regret of the table.


13、"TriMet sincerely apologizes to the girls and their families for this incident," Hansen said in the statement.


14、1The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese.


15、I'll admit that my reciprocated actions were out of character and I apologize.


16、After much soul-searching, Tom said sorry to his wife for neglecting her feelings.


17、To apologize for leaving so early,I brought you a little gift.


18、We apologize for any inconvenience. You may try placing the order with correct information. -- Best Regards.


19、When he received the letter he offered to apologise and to change his comments, but the club rejected this.

I definitely appreciated and enjoyed the humor.我在此表示歉意……我真的很感激和享受里面的幽默。

20、Sorry about that …

21、I want to make the most sincere apology for the troubles and inconvenience caused by my recklessness and rashness!对于我的鲁莽和冒昧给你带来的不便和麻烦,表示最诚挚的歉意!

22、In the letter, Emil apologized for not having written for six years, but offered to make good on his promise to bring Kostya to the free world.在信中,埃米尔对xx年没跟他联系表示道歉,但表示仍然愿意兑现自己的承诺,把克斯特亚带到自由世界来。

23、I express my sincerely sorry again about the inconvenience caused by us.对您造成的诸多不便,我再次表示诚挚的歉意!

24、Thank you for your golden chariot hotel management company's support and love all the staff I apologize to you!感谢您对金辇酒店管理公司的支持与厚爱我公司全体员工向您表示歉意!

25、Rice, who was in Tokyo yesterday on an official visit, said: "We just regret deeply that this happened.昨日,赖斯在东京的一次正式访问中说,“我们为此表示深深的歉意。

英文句子26:,26、First off, allow us to apologize for the abductions.首先,请容许咱们为绑票地球人而表达歉意。

27、I apologize for the inconvenience brought by the redecoration.对装修给大家造成的不便,深表歉意。

28、In Chinese culture, people make serious apologies to others by pouring them tea as a sign of regret or submission.在中国文化里,人们用倒茶的方式向他人道歉,表示悔意或谦恭。

29、When the journalist asked her (in Chinese) if she was OK, Fu said: "I didn't swim well enough this time, " and apologized to her team-mates.记者问她还好吗,傅园慧说: :“这次没有游好。”还向队友表示歉意。

30、They are awfully sorry for the inconvenience.他们对于由此带来的不便深表歉意。

31、Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem on the incident to apologize.叙利亚外长穆阿利姆xx日就这一事件表示歉意。

32、"I apologise to Figueirense's supporters," he said. "I hope nothing happens to the club."他说“我要向菲格伦斯俱乐部的球迷们表示歉意。我希望此事不会给俱乐部带来什么负面影响。”

33、Turan said, "I told the NATO air strikes killed Afghan civilians 图兰说,“我向在北约空袭行动中不幸丧生的9名阿富汗平民表示诚挚的歉意。

9 to express my sincere apologies."

34、Apologies for that, and please excuse me for the simplification.对此谨表歉意,请原谅!

35、When the journalist asked her (in Chinese) if she was OK, Fu said: "I didn't swim well enough this time, " and apologised to her team-mates.记者问她还好吗,傅园慧说:“这次没有游好。”还向队友表示歉意。

36、Wang Ping: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.王萍和客户汤姆约好时间见面,但因事迟到,她表示歉意。

37、The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese.由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。

38、We apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.对于由此造成的不便,我们深表歉意。

39、Hanfeng looked up at her. Before he could form an apology, she said there was no need for one.瀚峰看着她 ,还没有来得及表示歉意,她就说没有关系。

40、When he did hold a news conference, he apologized for "inconveniencing the customers."而即便在他召开新闻发布会时,他也仅仅是对“给顾客带来不便”表示歉意。

41、We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.对于由此造成的不便,我们深表歉意。

42、The Marines couldn't find him and apologized to his mom in a telegram.官兵们找不到他老爸,就发了封电报给他老妈表示歉意。

43、He apologized and has worked to mix lighter and heavier subjects.他向大家表示歉意,把一些轻松和严肃的主题混合在一起。

44、Suchen apologized and said she did not watch TV, and Walter seemed disappointed.苏晨表示歉意说她不看电视,瓦尔特似乎有点失望。

45、We extend our sincerest apologies for the recent mistake that occurred with your order of Beijing 2008 Olympics T-Shirts.贵公司定购的xx年北京奥运会圆领汗衫出现装运错误,我方表示真诚的歉意。

46、But now…” His voice trailed off and he shrugged apologetically before signaling the waiter to bring us the check.但是现在……”他渐渐闭嘴不出声了,向我耸耸肩表示抱歉,然后向服务员示意买单。

47、We apologize for any inconveniences the above change may have caused you.我们对上述改变对各位考生带来的不便表示歉意。

48、Hereon, I want to say sorry to those friends who are concerned about the growth of my blog.在此,我想对那些所有关心我博客成长的朋友表示歉意。

49、Renault on Sunday apologised after Sebastian Vettel suffered his second engine failure in as many days at Valencia.周日,瓦特尔在巴伦西亚的这些天里遭遇了第二次引擎故障,之后,雷诺表示了歉意。

50、We apologise and are in the process of pulling down the image.我们深表歉意,并且正在将图片撤下。

经典英文句子51:表示歉意,51、AOL took the information off it's website. The company apologized and called the release a screw up .AOL把资料从网上去掉。该公司表示歉意,并要求释放。

52、If I have wronged journalism without intention, because of the professional embarrassment I caused the establishment, I apologise.我虽然亵渎了新闻业,但非我本意。我对自己的行为给记者这项职业带来的难堪表示歉意。

53、So, again, let me thank my colleagues, let me apologize for being a little late in coming to this important meeting.让我再次感谢我的同事们,让我为今天这一重要会议晚到了一会儿表示歉意。

54、Then recall the woman they know, the men came to a bear and a flower girl to apologize.接著女的回想他们认识, 男的过来给女一个熊和一朵花表示歉意。

55、He says she asked how he was doing, and apologized for the hardship she had caused.她问他最近过的怎么样,并对她给周先生造成的困苦表示歉意。

56、Myanmar has apologized for the collateral casualties on the Chinese side, and thanked China for taking care of its citizens crossing the border.缅方对事态造成个别中国边民伤亡深表歉意,对中方善待缅甸边民表示感谢。

57、"It was not intended to cause offence and we apologize if it has, " he told the New Zealand Herald on Sunday.他上周日向《纽西兰先锋报》表示:「我们无意冒犯,如果有,我们深感抱歉。」

58、The hospital has since tightened procedures and apologized to the families.医院方面现在已经对停尸房的各项工作程序进行的严密地控制,也向两家人表示了歉意。

59、Express regret when you are not able to give the caller an appointment and try to schedule one on a future date.当你不能为访者安排预约时表示歉意,并且尽量在将来的某个时间安排预约。

60、When Mary finally appeared, she made her apologies to Mrs Madrigal .最终露面时,玛丽向马德里加尔夫人表示了歉意。



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