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1、There is too many spelling mistakes, so take it to amend.


2、English writing assessment is an important part of the English process writing.


3、" And "Alice's adventures of the rewriting is who?


4、I provide you source material to rewrite.


5、We all have our reasons for rewriting history.


6、They are never rewritten, but re-interpreted on the basis of a changed world.

7、②Our first trip will be (in Xi'an).(对括号内提问)


8、They in turn revised its orthography and added a number of written vowels.


9、All the corrections are made in red pencil.


10、The student writers all stress the indispensability of error correction and its help with their boosted confidence for future writing.


11、Rather than judge whether it be redrafted, it was not to return to the secondary deposit.


12、This is an adaptation of another book.


13、The film star insisted that his part be completely rewritten.


14、Literature is constantly being refashioned, if not actually rewritten.


15、Third, the joint reading of Jones writing changed, but so.


16、Working late every night after my regular job, I wrote and rewrote.


17、Finally, the writing style shifted again, to left to right, which is how it is still written today.


18、Process writing is applied in experimental class, that is, pre-writing, drafting, peer reviewing, revising, teacher commenting and publishing.


19、Is that the correct spelling of"schedule"?


20、You might even think he woulda written it himself.

21、Two projects make up the rewrite.改写后的方案由两个项目组成。

22、This one is like their little mark.这写改动也是他们留下的一点标记。

23、I write the paragraph, then I'm crossing out, changing words, trying to improve it.奥斯特说,“我每写完一段,然后删改、变换一些用词,努力改进它。

24、It overwrites the entries you added earlier.它将改写您前面添加的条目。

25、So when overwriting an existing template with a new one, make sure that you are overwriting the correct template, or you may accidentally overwrite a template of a different content type.所以当用新模板改写已存在的模板时,确保您所改写的模板是正确的模板,否则您可能会无意改写不同内容类型的模板。

英文句子26:,26、After writing Read it aloud. This is the best proof reading method that is proven.写完了读一读,赶脚哪里不顺的再改改。

27、The speech had already been redrafted 22 times.演讲稿已经改写过22遍了。

28、method, but just the upcase method returns a copy of the string with case changed.方法修改,但 upcase 方法只返回大小写修改后的字符串副本。

29、how many chais are there in the dinning room自己翻译,望采纳

30、Renamed in order to support, modify, extension, case, etc. , including the bulk editing MP3 ID3 music information.支持按顺序改名、修改扩展名、大小写等,包括批量修改MP3音乐的ID3信息。

31、Reform and opening-up pou, write them.改革开放。普写新篇。

32、This rewrites history.这涉及改写历史。

33、This model will not be overridden by the task.这个模型将不会被这个任务改写。

34、Please rewrite the Five Commandments in prohibitions.请将五戒改写成「禁止式」。

35、He reworked the first paragraph time and again.他一再改写第一段。

36、Edit for clarity, repetition, spelling and grammar.修改歧义,重复,拼写和语法。

37、Keys are lowercased. Values are not modified.所有键名被转为小写,而值不会被修改。

38、But if you write it oncet once, write it that way throughout.但是一旦你写oncet,那就不要再改了,一直写oncet。

39、Even your decision toswitchtopics while prewriting is a type of revising.甚至在写作前构思时决定要更改题目也是一种类型的修改。

40、If I could re-arrange the alphabet.如果我可以改写字母表的话。

41、With Beijing real estate market matures, gradually developing to a buyer's market, this situation needs to be rewritten , is also rewritten .随着北京房地产市场日趋成熟,逐渐向买方市场发展,这样的情况需要被改写,也正在被改写。

42、I am hesitant to do a Form tutorial because of the proposed changes.我很犹豫是改主意写一篇表单教程,还是按原计划写写容器和自定义服务?

43、According to the rewriting theory put forward by Andre Lefevere, translation is the rewriting of the source text by the translator.勒菲弗尔的改写理论认为,翻译就是译者对原文本的改写。

44、Transpose the verse into prose.把韵文改写成散文。

45、Data is modified, and the affected rows are re-written.更改数据后,重新写入相应的行。

46、Another common case where white-space rules override formatting is between content and the end tag.另一种空白规则改写格式设置的常见情况是,改写内容和结束标记之间的格式设置。

47、Please correct the mistakes in your written book. 在写字本上改正错的题目。

48、I was learning to rewrite.我学着修改写的东西。

49、This play is adapted from a novel.这个剧本是根据一本小说改写的。

50、Please correct any misspellings in this letter.请把信中的拼写错误都改正过来。

经典英文句子51:改写,51、Germany has just introduced a spelling reform, so that's an advantage.德国刚进行了一场拼写改革。

52、We won't meet you in Beijing.②Our first trip will be (in Xi'an).(对括号内提问)

53、To change a printer to print upper -case letters(and various symbols) instead of lower-case .将打印机打印小写字符改变成打印大写字符(及各种符号)。

54、A writer or adapter of plays; a playwright.写剧本的人戏的作者或改编者;

55、Reforms and new regulations are necessary, he writes.现在需要改革和新规范了,他写道。

56、I need 500 words article rewrites and original.我需要500字的文章改写和原始。

57、He fixed my bad composition.他校改了我写得不好的作文。

58、Only the last change must be written to disk.只有最近的更改才必须写入磁盘。

59、Correct my spelling if it's wrong.如有拼写错误,请予改正。

60、Writing tests before I write code has revolutionized my life as a programmer, and it can do the same for you.在编写代码前编写测试极大地改变了我作为程序员的生活,它同样也可以改变您的生活。

61、The first line of code changes field1 to uppercase.第一行代码将 field1 更改为大写。

62、Change permissions to allow everyone read-and-write access.修改权限,允许每个人的读写访问。

63、I write to change the world.我想为改变世界而写作。

64、Q2 is the rewritten table name by the query rewrite.Q2 是该查询改写的表名。

65、可能拼写有错误 帮我改下吧··· dear baby ,the boy who time to a man withan bink

66、The preface has been reworded.序言已经改写。


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