出去用英语怎么说 出去英语翻译

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出去用英语怎么说 出去英语翻译

出去翻译为英语可以这样说: get out,还网络中常译为" be out",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到62个与出去相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. get out

出去翻译为 get out 。

示例:他们乘汽车出去旅行。 They took the car out for a run.


2. be out

出去翻译为 be out 。

示例:天太热,不能出去。 It was too hot to go out.


3. go out

出去翻译为go out。

示例:她穿上外套,出去了。 She put on her coat and went out.


4. get out

出去翻译为get out。

示例:What the hell are you doing in my garage? ! Get out of here!



1. goes out to(出去)

2. going out to(出去)

3. gone out to(出去)

4. Out you go!(出去!)

5. shoulder out(挤(出去),冲(出去))

英语短语&俚语, the “go global” strategy the "go global"strategy ( 走出去战略 )

going global walk out Go outside Step Out ( 走出去 )

the spread of Chinese culture overseas ( 文化走出去 )

taking Chinese culture to the global stage ( 中华文化走出去 )

Jump Tripping out jump out TS ( 跳出去 )

Chinese companies should expand overseas presence at a faster pace ( 企业加快走出去步伐 )

speed up the implementation of the "going global"strategy ( 加快实施走出去战略 )


1. Comin' out... comin' out... (spell)

译文:出去... 出去...。

2. Out! Out! Get out of here!

译文:出去 快出去!。

3. Get out of here. Go on, get out.


4. -Out, out, out. Let's go. Out, out.


5. Get out. Move out. That's a direct order.


6. Just get outta here, Get out!

译文:快出去 出去!。

7. Hey, get out! Get out! Finish it.

译文:出去 出去 都出去。

8. Ah, go on, bye-bye. Go on.

译文:出去, 掰掰, 出去。

9. Don't do that! Get out! Get out!

译文:住手 出去 出去。

10. - Up yours. Up yours. Up yours.

译文:- 出去,出去,出去。。

11. "People Rocking People,"to sold-out arenas worldwide.

译文:出去 出去 都出去 现在 出去。

12. i won't sell to you! Get out! Get out!

译文:出去 出去 不卖 快出去。

13. - Come on! Come on! - All right.

译文:出去 快点 出去。

14. Elizabeth: Get out! Get out! Get out!


15. - You, go away ! - No, mom ! - Air !

译文:―你出去 ―不妈妈 ―出去 出去。


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