任务的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为task,还经常被译作2840 New countryside construction is a major historic task.,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到20个与任务相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. task
示例:他们实证地处理这部分任务。 They approached this part of their task empirically.
2. 2840 New countryside construction is a major historic task.
任务翻译为 2840 New countryside construction is a major historic task. 。
示例:我们需要明确今后的任务。 We need to define the task ahead very clearly.
3. [计] Task
任务翻译为 [计] Task 。
示例:我们面临的任务令人胆怯。 The task before us is a daunting one.
4. 6187 Task scheduling is one of grid core services.
任务翻译为 6187 Task scheduling is one of grid core services. 。
示例:- Associate to builder services. 工作人员请到建材服务区 工作人员请到建材服务区 Associate to builder services. Associate to builder services.
1. undertaking(任务
2. initiating task(启动任务;初始任务)
3. secondary task(辅任务;辅助任务)
4. started task( 任务;
5. task suspension(任务挂起;任务暂停)
英语短语&俚语, historic mission historical tasks ( 历史任务 )
The Tasks of The Youth League The Tasks of The Youth League Задачи союзов молодёжи ( 青年团的任务 )
Special Duties Unit SDU Special Duty Unit ( 特别任务连 )
Mission to Mars Mission Mars Journey of a Service Droid Mission Red Planet ( 火星任务 )
EverQuest Lords of EverQuest Cinema EQ Lords of EverQuest ( 无尽的任务 )
Multitasking Multitasking Capabilities cooperative multitasking Multitask Operation ( 多任务处理 )
list of deliverables task list Task orders Task Sheet ( 任务单 )
main mandate ( 总任务 )
mission area ( 任务区 )
1. Mission accomplished, sir.
译文:任务完成 先生。
2. Mission abort, mission abort, mission abort!
译文:使命中止, 任务中止,中止任务!。
3. Determine which tasks are variant or invariant.
译文:确定哪些是变量任务,哪些是非变量任务。 。
4. Continue: "Bulldog."Delay: "Cycle."Abort is "Washdown."
译文:任务继续: 牛梗犬 任务延后: 循环 任务取消:。
5. - qualifies you for such duty.
6. MVT Multitasking with a Variable number of Tasks
7. Task design variables include task input, task condition and task outcome varia-bles, and each variable still includes some design factors.
译文:任务设计变量包括任务输入变量、任务条件变量和任务结果变量,每个变量又包含一些任务设计因素。 。
8. Your mission is completed.
9. Task design variables include task input, task condition and task outcome varia-bles, and each variable still includes some design factors.
10. Click the row for the task that you want to indent as a subtask or outdent as a summary task.
11. Leader to all units. Abort, abort. Repeat, abort.
译文:领队通知各单位 任务失败 任务失败。
12. Orders are orders. And i was given orders.
译文:你的任务是你的任务 长官 我也有自己的任务。
13. Every flyer, every mission.
14. Your mission is the mission you give yourself.
15. it's an assignment like any other.
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