禁止停车用英语说是" no parking constantly in use",还网络中常译为" Parking prohibition",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到98个与禁止停车相关的短语释义和例句。
1. no parking constantly in use
禁止停车翻译为 no parking constantly in use 。
1、Louis didn't see a no-parking sign, but he suspected that if parking were allowed there, most of the spaces would be filled.
2. Parking prohibition
禁止停车翻译为 Parking prohibition 。
示例:上午9时至下午6时此处禁止停车。 There is no parking here between
9 a.m. and
6 p.m.
3. No Stopping at Any Time
禁止停车翻译为No Stopping at Any Time。
示例:路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。 The sign by the road said 'No Parking'.
4. No Stopping
禁止停车翻译为No Stopping。
示例:Are stopping her from getting it. - Are stopping her from getting it.
1. parking prohibited(禁止停车)
2. No parking(不许停车,禁止停车)
3. no parking marking(禁止停车线)
4. unilateral waiting(一边禁止停车制)
5. noparking(adj. 不准停放\nn. 不准停车\n 禁止停车)
英语短语&俚语, NO PARKING DAY OR NIGHT No parking day and night ( 昼夜禁止停车 )
No-parking sign No-parking g sign ( 禁止停车标志 )
No parking on yellow line ( 禁止停车黄线 )
Parking Restrictions No parking marking ( 禁止停车线 )
No parking Here no stopping ( 这里禁止停车 )
No parking Here ( 此处禁止停车 )
no parking zone ( 禁止停车区 )
Fire Engine Access. No Parking ( 消防通道禁止停车 )
Outside the Park no parking ( 公园门外禁止停车 )
1. i can't park in front like this. it's a federal building!
2. Stop the car, stop the car! Please!
译文:停车 停车。
3. Excuse me, you can't park there, mate.
译文:不好意思 这里禁止停车。
4. There was no possible way that i could know that the place was a no-parking area
译文:我不可能知道这里是禁止停车的 There was no possible way that I could know that the place was a no -parking area。
5. You see that red curb, ma'am? See that "No Stopping"sign? - Oh.
译文:看见那红色标志吗 那禁止停车的标志。
6. Read the sign, buddy. No parking.
译文:看着点指示牌 哥们 禁止停车 Read the sign, buddy.。
7. - [tires screeching] - [Lulu] Whoa!
8. Stop the car. Stop. Please, stop?
9. Use whatever you have to keep the Zs from getting too close.
译文:禁止停车 不要堵门 用一切手段 阻止僵尸靠近。
10. Stop the bus, stop the bus!
译文:停车 停车!。
11. Stop your vehicle. Stop your vehicle.
12. My car had been towed away. i asked why this had been done and told that . . . it had been parked under a "No Parking Sign".
13. He took a glimpse at the 'No Parking' signs outside Jasper's gate and parked his car there.
14. Stop your car! Stop your car!
15. Let's get out of here! Let's go home.
译文:停车 停车。
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