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词汇量的英语说作"lexical resources",其次还可以说成" Lexical Resource",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到18个与词汇量相关的短语释义和例句。


1. lexical resources

词汇量翻译为lexical resources。

示例:他讲话不成熟,词汇量也有限。 His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.


2. Lexical Resource

词汇量翻译为 Lexical Resource 。

示例:孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。 A child's vocabulary expands through reading.


3. vocabulary

词汇量翻译为 vocabulary 。

示例:他的词汇量丰富而且语法也很棒。 His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.


4. vocabulary size -

词汇量翻译为 vocabulary size - 。

示例:Vivid imagination, expansive vocabulary. expansive vocabulary.



1. large vocabulary(巨大的词汇量)

2. vocab(abbr. vocabulary 词汇, 词汇量)


3. tyen( 江雁;


4. wordage(词汇


5. lexis(词汇

英语短语&俚语, Expand vocabulary And Enlarge Your Vocabulary ( 扩大词汇量 )

Stock of words (名词词组 )

LVCSR Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition ( 大词汇量连续语音识别 )

Expanding your vocabulary ( 扩充词汇量 )

I vocabulary is limited My vocabulary is very limited ( 我的词汇量很有限 )

Large Vocabulary ( 大词汇量 )


1. Well, it's nice that you've extended your vocabulary from words like hot and mega hot.

译文:真高兴你拓宽了你的词汇量 不再只说辣和超辣了。

2. it has stunted my vocabulary

译文:. 它妨碍了我的词汇量 .。

3. i mean they have much larger vocabulary.

译文:我是说她们有更多的词汇量。 。

4. A child's vocabulary expands through reading.

译文:孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。 。

5. And when you expand their palates, you expand their vocabulary.

译文:当你让他们感到吃惊时,你也同时拓宽了他们的词汇量。 。

6. That's 500,000 more words. So that's a lot.


7. You know a lot of good words 'cause you write stories.

译文:你是作家 词汇量肯定很大。

8. Having been away from Chinese studies for a year after graduation, i could feel my vocabulary gradually evaporating.


9. Also this improves your oratory skills to a large extent and also makes a significant.

译文:而且这还会大幅度地提高你的演讲能力、丰富你的词汇量。 。

10. i choosey English major, i must care for my vocabulary. How do i increase my vocabulary?


11. The words "i can't"weren't in her vocabulary.

译文:本字 "我不能"都不在她的词汇量。。

12. Even though the students memorize a great number of words, they do not seem to develop the corresponding competence of lexical use.


13. There's Kate, who's

11, and she has yet to go through puberty so she's still a sort of cheerful girl.

译文:当我们xx岁时 已经拥有了超过一万字的词汇量。

14. Reading will increase your vocabulary.

译文:阅读会增加你的词汇量。 。

15. Within a period of 60 days, his vocabulary went from two to three words to 300 words.

译文:60天之内, 他的词汇量从两三个单词 提高到300个单词。。


标签: 词汇

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