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栈桥的英语翻译是"loading stage",还网络中常译为"trestle -",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到95个与栈桥相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. loading stage

栈桥翻译为loading stage。

示例:现在几乎再也没有人去造新的栈桥了。 Almost no new piers are being built now.


2. trestle -

栈桥翻译为 trestle - 。

示例:这就是栈桥的写照。 This is the essence of piers.


3. trestle bridge

栈桥翻译为 trestle bridge 。

示例:自然灾害往往成为压垮栈桥所有者的最后一根稻草。 A natural disaster is often the last straw for pier-owners.


4. boardwalks

栈桥翻译为 boardwalks 。

示例:Some of the new boardwalks may be concrete or synthetic. 一些新的海滨木板路将会使用混凝土或合成材料。



1. gauntree(栈桥)

2. framed trestle(构架式栈桥;栈桥)

3. trestle stand([化] 栈桥; 栈桥架)

4. trestle work([化] 栈桥; 栈桥架)

5. ferry trestle bridge(轮渡栈桥)

英语短语&俚语, Zhan Qiao ( 青岛栈桥 )

Steel Trestle Steel Pier ( 钢栈桥 )

timber trestle bridge Wooden trestle wooden plank bridge ( 木栈桥 交 )

floating pier floating passenger landing floating landing stage landing stage ( 浮栈桥 )

ZhanqiaoHotel ( 栈桥宾馆 )

Landungsbrucken ( 靠岸栈桥 )

trestle bay ( 栈桥跨距 )

haulage gantry ( 运输栈桥 )


1. Archaize timberwork pontoon, landscape pontoon, steel structure pontoon bridge, waterfront architecture.

译文:仿古木浮桥、景观浮桥、钢结构浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、滨水景观建筑。 。

2. We also go along with wooden trestle.

译文:我们还一起走木栈桥。 。

3. Piers were a marine version of the parkland walks at spas, sedate and quiet.


4. From the trestle to Bower Bridge.


5. Grand balls, art exhibitions and royal visits took place on them, while the plebs bobbed below on small boats and craned their necks to see.

译文:盛大的舞会、艺术展、皇室接见在此举行,而那些平民们只能在栈桥下的海里随着他们的小船起伏,伸长脖子看看热闹。 。

6. Standing on the pier in Qingdao, sea breeze blowing Xuxu De, you can smell the flavor of sea fish, they are deeply penetrating your nostril, and then break into your Heart and.

译文:站在青岛的栈桥上,吹着徐徐的海风,你可以嗅到海里鱼虾的味道,它们深深钻入你的鼻孔,然后侵入你的心脾。 。

7. Trestle was not built. What a pity. However, the fascinating scenery in front of door is still intoxicating.


8. in Britain pleasure piers grew from every nook of the coast just as the Empire expanded, and the blare of military bands along their decks echoed the triumphal march of colonisers overseas.

译文:在英国,随着帝国的扩张,华丽的栈桥也布满了海岸线上的每一个角落,桥面上军乐队嘹亮的鼓号声与海外殖民者胜利的凯歌交相呼应! 。

9. Look over the rail on any pier, and the rust is inch-thick and flaking from its girders.

译文:看看那些栈桥的栏杆吧,足有几寸厚的铁锈正从梁柱上剥落。 。

10. The structure and construction technique of the Jiangyin Ferry Trestle Bridge on Xin-Chang Railway Lines were introduced.

译文:对新长铁路江阴铁路轮渡栈桥的结构和施工情况做了简要介绍。 。

11. You wouldn't believe it. They hire gangs to go out and tear up tracks and chop down trestles.


12. Constructional technology of deep water basic bridge of tressel


13. in Talien New Port, the bridge which joins coast land to the off shore deep water oil tanker wharf is composed of nine spans of 100 metres all welded open web trusses.

译文:在大连新港工程中,连接陆地和油码头的栈桥是由九跨百米、全焊的空腹桁架组成的。 。



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