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关于”很酷的短句“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Very cool short sentences.。以下是关于很酷的短句的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Very cool short sentences.


1、I enjoyed reading your "What's cool?" article in the school magazine.


2、I liked the chance to be behind the camera. It was really cool.

“对于外空生物学,在火星上的事情看起来是很严酷的”,Christopher F。

3、"Things looked so grim for exobiology on Mars, " said Christopher F.


4、I would imagine that the laid-back Harry Redknapp, a cool Cockney if there ever was one, must have found it difficult to hide his feelings with that one.


5、I still remember a professor in our School of Youth League saying:"Today is cruel, tomorrow is even more, but the day after is wonderful, however, most people die on the second night."


6、Cool. Well, I love your dressing style, especially your bracelet.


7、It's eclectic and versatile and has some cool vocals.

8、But everyhing is changed so far,I have lost your good in my heart. 也许 时间真的是很残酷的东西 它改变了一切。


9、But they may just have a great story to tell their grandkids.


10、Roseanne: Oh, my favorite brand is Puma because it looks really cool!


11、MW goes to meet HW but she is cold toward him.


12、Well who doesn ' t? Their cool tho . Buy a few presents for people.


13、Chloramine resistance – for long life under the harshest water conditions.


14、Phoebe, how could I put it, was a very weird yet cool, kind and generous lady.


15、There is a lot of advice on the internet about trying to be cool.


16、The white silk shirt and the blue and lilac tie felt cool and smooth under his fingers.


17、"Disappeared" persons are often at high risk of torture or extrajudicial execution.

她很美丽,总有男生在追她。 我的朋友们也都很喜欢她,都觉得她很酷。

18、She was really pretty, she always had boys all over her, all of my guy friends liked her - they thought she was cool.


19、As the climate is so inclement few people live in this region.

圣Swithun花自由,重复很快 , 特别是严酷的,可靠的。

20、St. Swithun flowers freely, repeats very quickly and is particularly tough, and reliable.

21、it's not a really big event here, but it's still something cool.返校日在这里不算是大活动,但是还是很酷。

22、You're going to need to be tough in general, sometimes downright ruthless.你需要很强悍,有些时候甚至要残酷无情。

23、Maybe the kids who drink think they’re cool, but if they really were cool, maybe they would not have to try do hard!也许喝酒的青少年认为自己很酷,但如果他们真的酷的话,也许他们不需要如此费心证明自己。

24、The maggots also provide a cool, pre-industrial expiration date.而这蛆还有一个很酷的,工业化以前的终止日期。

25、Unfortunately, these Lamborghini Gallardo shoes are just a concept.兰博基尼高跟鞋,很酷吧,可惜仅仅是个设计。

英文句子26:,26、Appealing names and cool-sounding terms do not make products safe.有吸引力的名字和很酷的条款并不会使产品更安全。

27、Bottom line: Stay tuned to the new Ku6 Media, which could be involved in some major M&A in the next 一句话: 关注并购后的酷6,未来xx年这家公司可能会有重大的并购举动。

12 months.

28、Yeah! That would look cool. Maybe some scrolls or traditional paintings.是啊!那样很酷。也许一些书法作品和中国国画。

29、I love observing everything around me and many times this also means I am less productive.我酷爱观察周围的一切,很多情况下这也意味着我的效率很低。

30、Poor land-use methods have done much damage to the soil.残酷的土地使用方法对土壤造成了很大的损害。

31、That's why it is so cool to live here in Shanghai, I just feel like it is one of the coolest cities in the world.这就是为什么住在上海是一件很酷的事情。 我觉得它是世界上最酷的城市之

32、Andrea: The first boy said that a dog is like a legal weapon.这些年轻人认为家里养条恶犬是件很酷的事情。

33、Ok , please try this one on and I ' m sure you will look very cool .好,试试这一套吧,你穿起来会很酷的。

34、Life is a maze and love is a riddle.生活是座迷宫,爱情是个谜。

35、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充

36、These cool floor lamps show 下面这9款很酷的落地灯是从Vibia设计收集来的。

9 models from the Vibia Design collection.

37、Do you want to design your own cool Hot Wheels car?你想自己设计一款很酷的风火轮赛车吗?

38、"That's pretty cool, especially after we just won one yesterday," she said.她说:“那真的很酷,尤其是当我们昨天刚摘得一枚时。

39、All right, when you're finished, it's cool if you flick it.好的,当你结束的时候,弹掉它会显得很酷。

40、And what happened is that, by trying to be cool but not being cool, we wound up creating a new version of cool that's really uncool.反而因为我们想要变的很与众不同,但事实没有,我们创造了新版本的酷——那就是真的不酷!

41、When work is a pleasure, life is a joy!当工作是一种乐趣时,生活才是一种享受。

42、so you have few cool underground galleries and clubs and all that.有几个很酷的地下美术馆、俱乐部和诸如此类的地方。

43、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。

44、However, soon I was violently disillusioned by the bottom-line and hard facts.然而,我的美梦很快就在残酷的现实中破灭了。

45、It provided a good summary of some of the cool web development features coming with Visual Studio "Orcas".它对随Visual Studio Orcas而来的一些很酷的web开发特性提供了一个很好的总结。

46、We shoved it into the market anyway because it was "cool".我们强行将它推向了市场因为它很酷。

47、As an added perk, your kids will think you’re cool.另外还会有意外收获---你的孩子们会觉得你很酷

48、It was a cold, hard smile, and it made John feel un-comfortable.那是一种冰冷、严酷的笑,它使约翰感到很不舒服。

49、Really? -Yeah. You need to go and be a Grand Marshall or something, man. -That's cool!真的? - 是。你需要去那里当大元帅,伙计。 - 很酷!

50、He is also a nice and funny guy, not the ice-cold person that people think.他也是一个很友善,很有趣的人,并不像人们想的那么冷酷。

经典英文句子51:很酷的短句,51、Laura: Cool. And I notice that the tea cups are very small.罗拉: 好酷。我还注意到这些茶杯都很小。

52、、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。


标签: 英文 短句

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