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关于”所有句型转换的方法“的英语句子57个,句子主体:All methods of sentence pattern conversion。以下是关于所有句型转换的方法的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:All methods of sentence pattern conversion


1、T he effectiveness of interval velocity time-depth conversion processing is mainly dependent on the correctness and rationality of the built velocity model of ti me-depth conversion.


2、Synthetic sonic logging is an effective lateral prediction technique, it converts seismic reflection section into lithologic logging section so as to investigate reservoir distribution.


3、Now you have all the states and transitions in place.


4、What is the best way to convert an array to a hash?


5、If in doubt, consult your organization's legal staff before converting and redistributing electronic publications that your company does not own.

处理转换图的最常见算法是在 确定性有限自动机(DFA)中转换它们。

6、The most common algorithm to process transition diagrams is to convert them in a deterministic finite automaton (DFA).

AspectWerkz 和 JBoss AOP 使用元数据将类的语义转换为一个方面、将数据字段转换为一个切入点、将方法转换为一个通知,等等。

7、AspectWerkz and JBoss AOP use metadata to change the semantics of a class as an aspect, a data field as a pointcut, a method as an advice, and so on.


8、If it is red-chip, all shares can be converted .


9、The theory of constraints is about thinking processes, it's a subset of logic. In other words, the scientific method.


10、In this communication, we propose a tree-net architecture based all optical conversion scheme from binary number to its MTN form.


11、This article describes a new method of changing the varible of state active RC filter to corresponding current filter-replacing method.

通过 装箱和取消装箱,可以将值类型转换为引用类型,然后再转换回值类型。

12、It is possible to convert a value type to a reference type, and back again to a value type, by using boxing and unboxing.


13、An example and a feasible method to solve the unkown parameter are provided.


14、Another approach is to create a converter component, which is a component that consumes an action of one type and produces a property of another type.

15、The transitions into a state on the screen flow shown in Figure

4 map to the additional methods on the OpenOrder.

4 所示的屏幕流上的到某个状态的转换映射到 OpenOrder 上的其他方法。


16、Axial steel struts of crisscross section need to be checked on torsional buckling.


17、To convert data by the use of a code in such a manner that reconversion to the original form is possible.


18、In other words, a pattern cannot be created because values cannot be predetermined.

OutsideIn 转换器无法工作

19、OutsideIn convertors not working


20、Global Recognition Method(GRM) is worth study in the research field of engineering drawing vectorization.

21、Empirical conversion and exact conversion methods from the results of self balanced method to the results of traditional loading tests are put forward.根据与传统静载试桩对比试验结果,提出了该法测试结果向传统静载试桩结果转换的经验转换法及精确转换法;

22、Convert all results into a response message.将所有结果转换为响应消息。

23、You can simply switch Dizi and be ready to play another 你可以通过换笛子的方法来转其他的调。

3 keys.

24、The simulation result verifies the validity of the method, and proves the function of the design.得到的仿真结果证明确实实现了模数转换器的功能,验证了所提出方法的可行性。

25、Compared with the conventional current-fed full-bridge converter, the studied topology presents high conversion efficiency.与一般的电流馈入全桥转换器相较,本文所研制的电路拓朴会有更高的转换效率。

英文句子26:,26、This article describes the design methods of CPLD employed in A/D, D/A, data supervision, control and processing.介绍了可编程逻辑器件在模数转换,数模转换,数据监控与处理的设计方法。

27、No patients underwent adhesiolysis or received immunosuppressive therapy. All patients were switched to hemodialysis.无病人接受黏连分割或免疫抑制疗法,但所有病人均转换至血液透析疗法。

28、The results of tests with different methods proposed by three countries of Soviet Union, America and German because of different properties of oil and pumps used in these methods.新方法的试验结果与三国的换算方法都有差别,其原因是各国换算方法所用油品的物性及泵的性能不同。

29、Active matrix substrate, electro-optic device, method of manufacturing active matrix substrate, and electronic device.有源矩阵衬底,电光转换装置,有源矩阵衬底的制造方法以及电子仪器。

30、This article's example program (see Download) -- NumberInput, shown in Figure 本文的样例程序(参见 下载) —— NumberInput,如图

1 -- is a Swing application that lets you explore several methods for converting textual input to a numerical value.

1 所示,是一个 Swing 应用程序,该程序考察几种将文本型输入转换为数值的方法。

31、Currency conversion codes B, M, K, L and N are calculated for all accounts using these.对所有使用这些货币转换码的账户计算货币转换码 B、M、K、L 和 N。

32、After translating from information model to ontology, mapping results were generated by the dynamic adaptive multi-strategy ontology matching.该方法将信息模型转换为本体后,通过动态适应的多策略本体匹配得到映射结果。

33、If you want to do the opposite process, you simply "cast to an int from a char."如果你想做相反的转换,你就告诉计算机,“把那个char型数据转换成int型处理“

34、A test strategy of model-based measurement for the nonlinearity errors of D/A converters is presented. A modeling technique and an algorithm for selecting optimal test points are described.本文提出了模型化测量D/A转换器非线性误差的方法,讨论了建模技术和选择优化试验点的方法。

35、The new code is based upon an easily observable assumption about a class, namely that it defines the vast majority (usually all) of its methods before an instance of the class is created.新的代码基于对类的一个很容易观察到的假设,换句话说,在创建类的实例前它会定义好绝大多数方法(通常是所有方法)。

36、A convertible issue of litte value because the underlying stock has fallen below the conversion price.指因标的股票的市价跌至转换价下方,转换权的价值接近零的可转换证券。

37、This article describes a new method of changing the variable of state active RC filter to corresponding current, filter-Replacing method.文章给出了一种把状态变量有源RC滤波器转换成相应电流模式滤波器的新方法——替换法。

38、You can rename, move, and safe delete symbols; introduce and inline fields, variables, and parameters; convert properties to auto-properties and methods, static to extension methods, and a lot more.可以重命名,移动,安全删除标识;导入和内联①字段、变量和参数;


39、Sequel typecasts data when it is retrieved from the database, while ActiveRecord delays typecasting until use.Sequel执行类型转换是在从数据库获取数据时就进行转换,而ActiveRecord直到使用数据时才延迟进行转换。

40、Because this state can transition often, the code in these two methods should be fairly lightweight in order to avoid slow transitions that make the user wait.因为这个状态经常转换,所以在这两个方法中的代码应该是轻量级的,以避免因为转换慢而导致用户需要等待。

41、Such a novel algorithm for implementing A/D conversion using a V/F conversion chip is presented.介绍了一种由V/F变换器件实现的A/D转换的新算法,该算法在保证A/D转换精度的前提下,提高转换速率,可以适应更多的应用场合。

42、The helper methods take the appropriate data type and do the necessary conversions to store the data as a string.助手方法采用适当的数据类型并执行必要的转换以便将数据存储为字符串。

43、For this article, we'll convert the code to use a load-time modification approach, and to support pattern-matching for specifying the classes and methods to be timed.对于本文,我们将把代码转换为使用加载时修改方法,并将它转换为可支持模式匹配,用以指定要定时的类和方法。

44、One way to log objects is to convert them into XML.记录日志对象的一种方法是将它们转换成 XML。

45、The last is transitional positioning, including transition from monosyllabic adjectival antonyms to repeated internal structure and that from different sentence elements to external functions.其三为变异性分布,包括单音反义形容词转换成叠合式的内部结构变异,也包括不同句法成分转换的外部功能变异。

46、A powerful approach to getting re-started is to switch up the scenery by tackling your project in a new place.重新开始的一个有效方法是转换工作地点。

47、The real magic in MochiKit.DOM is its willingness to flexibly coerce various types of objects into the right types during method calls, including doing so recursively.DOM 真正的魔法在于它在方法调用过程中积极而灵活地把各种对象类型强制转换成正确的类型,包括在递归过程中。

48、Exchange data from XML documents to database follow many strategies. In the general case, DTD-based object schema mapping suits for all XML documents.XML与数据库信息交换的策略有多种,基于DTD的对象模型映射方法可应用于所有XML文档。

49、More than half of a person's body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary ---- in other words, work without conscious direction .人体多半由肌肉纤维组成,它们绝大部分是非自觉的——换句话说,运转没有意识方向。

50、This dissertation proposed Lanzhou dialectal speech generation methods based on speech conversion.本文提出了利用语音转换实现兰州方言语音的生成方法。

经典英文句子51:所有句型转换的方法,51、Alternatively, an application could use a custom class that provided type-safe methods for accessing configuration data, internally using the configuration API and performing type translation.或者,应用程序可以使用一个定制的类,该类提供用于访问配置数据的类型安全的方法,由这些方法在内部使用配置 API 和执行类型转换。


标签: 方法

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