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关于”用于表白“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Used for confession。以下是关于用于表白的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Used for confession


1、Objective: To obtain the procaryotic expression vector containing the antifreeze protein gene AFP.


2、I tumbled to his intention.


3、Food-originated compounds enhancing the ice-nucleation active bacteria to express the ice nucleation active protein.


4、The methods of multiple classifiers combination are proposed to classify protein-protein interaction sites.


5、Vitiligo is associated with the function loss of epidermal melanocytes.

6、it was love at first sight. 我对你一见钟情。

甲醇酵母系统由于其在表达蛋白方面无可比拟的优越性 ,已越来越得到广泛的应用。

7、Methylotrophic yeast is applied more and more widely because of its unparalleled superiority in expressing heterologous proteins.


8、The expression of porin protein was detected by SDS-PAGE.


9、The character which when preceded by an escape character represents any non-space character.

10、you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. 你是我见到过的最美的女人。


11、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


12、Bismerthiazol also has direct effect on inhibiting growth of the bacteria and showed its curative efficacy.


13、Applied for apparatus, watch winding.


14、Erbitux targets a protein known as epidermal growth factor receptor, or EGFR, to block the signal.

15、i want to talk to you. 我有话要对你说。


16、A screen designed to apply heavy coatings ensuring a flat lay of solution, excellent for direct coat applications and opaque white.


17、Combined detection of heparanase HPA and S100A4 protein expression can be used to assess colon cancer metastasis.


18、Conclusion Bradykinin activated HSF1 and induced the expression of HSP70 in tumor tissues.


19、For example Al, Zn or thin wall prts and so on, inhere the obvious white effect.


20、In the precipitate removing of low alcohol Luzhou-flavour liquor, the synthetic result in using pellet active carbon is better than in using dust active carbon.

21、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对这抄个世界来说你只是一个普通人,但是在我心里你就是我的全世界

22、White dots were used to fit niche model whereas black dots used to test model. Dark color represents high suitability, and light indicates low suitability.白色的物种分布点用于构建模型, 黑色的分布点用于校验模型, 颜色较深表明物种分布的可能性较大。

23、The expression of PI3K protein was located in cytoplasm and (or) nucleus.PI3K 蛋白表达主要定位于细胞质和(或)胞核。

24、You can buy the book for ten yuan.你可拟用十元买那本书。 c。 表示目白勺、用途。

25、Rabbit brain in vitro tubulin polymerization-depolymerization showed that jatrorrhizine and berberine can inhibit tubulin polymerization, and jatrorrhizine are stronger than that of berberine.体外兔脑微管蛋白聚合-解聚分析表明,药根碱和小檗碱均能抑制微管蛋白的聚合,且药根碱作用强于小檗碱。

英文句子26:,26、However, other scientists are skeptical and believe that the prion protein is a viral coat protein that protects a small nucleic acid that has not yet been detected.然而,另外的科学家表示怀疑,他们相信普利昂蛋白是病毒中用于保护至今还未被检测到小核酸的衣壳蛋白。

27、Being used in night blindness, cataract, corneal clouding.用于夜盲症,白内障,角膜云翳。

28、The availability of soil nitrogen in birch forest was higher than that in spruce and fir forest.白桦林土壤氮的可利用性高于云、冷杉林。森林地表凋落物是主要的土壤有机碳库。

29、Epitope tags are useful for the labeling and detection of proteins using immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunostaining techniques.在免疫印迹、免疫沉淀和免疫染色等技术中,表位标签用于标记和检测蛋白。

30、There are several techniques for preserving whitespace in the source XAML for eventual presentation that are not affected by XAML processor whitespace normalization.有几种方法可用于保留源 XAML 中的空白,以实现最终表示形式,这些方法不受 XAML 处理器空白规范化的影响。

31、The material used in the latest work is the green fluorescent protein (GFP), which is found in the jellyfish Aequorea victoria and has been used to image live cells since the 1960s.在这次研究工作中用到的材料是绿色荧光蛋白质(简称GFP),这种荧光蛋白质是从水母体内提炼的,自xx年开始就被用于表示生命细胞。

32、The character which when preceded by an escape character represents any space character.前跟转义字符用于表示任意空白字符的字符。

33、But there is a longer way before us before plant reactors are used to produce commercial medical proteins or polypeptides.一大批医用蛋白和多肽在植物中获得了表达,但是要应用于商业生产还任重道远。

34、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对这抄个世界来说袭你只是一个普通人,但是在我心里你就是我的全世界

35、The dual whitening efficacies caused by the content of vitamin C and whitening factors can release the whitening energy to conceal the flaws and renew the evenly white and stainless complexion.双重美白功效:蕴含维他命C及美白颗粒,释放美白能量,均匀作用于肌肤表面,完美遮盖瑕疵,瞬间打造白皙无暇的匀净肤色。

36、Markovitz says researchers investigated the banana protein for a very special use.马科维茨表示,研究人员研究这种香蕉蛋白质是用于一种特殊用途。

37、i want you to meet my parents. 我想让你见见我的父母。

38、Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry are traditional methods, the former serves to separate proteins while the later to identify the different proteins.传统的研究手段主要采用双向凝胶电泳和质谱技术,前者用于蛋白质的分离,后者用于蛋白质的鉴定。

39、The studies of nutrition evaluation showed that the PER, AD, BV and NPU of wall-broken corn pollen were markedly higher than those of wall-unbroken corn pollen.营养评价证明破壁花粉的蛋白质功效比值(PER)、表现消化率(AD)、和蛋白质净利用率(NPU)均显著优于未破壁花粉。

40、Because of the manchu qing palace is white, white, blue edge with Spring Festival couplets bag on outside, red stripes brigandine within.因满族尚白,清宫廷春联用白纸,蓝边包于外,红条镶于内。

41、SAA and MMPs that the most potential protein have been used to assess intensity, and monitor treatment of AS, the specificity of them are better than CRP and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.血清淀粉样蛋白A、基质金属蛋白酶表达水平在判定AS活性强度和监测治疗发挥了重要作用,其特异性要强于C反应蛋白和红细胞沉降率,是最具有潜力的功效蛋白。

42、Due to the lack of polar sites on protein conglomerates, the alcoholic leached SPC did not get enough plasticizing effect from existed water.由于蛋白质聚集微粒表面的极性吸附点减少,致使醇法大豆浓缩蛋白无法获得有效的塑化作用。

43、MS charting and mapping can be used in identifying protein.质谱蛋白全谱分析和指纹分析可用于鉴别蛋白。

44、Standard case size, general chanaracteristics parameter, Used in electronic circuits of black and white TVs radio recorders and instruments.广泛用于黑白电视、收录机、仪器仪表等电子电路中。

45、Cataract surgery is performed to treat cataracts.白内障手术是用于治疗白内障的。

46、White marks painted on the trees show the route.树上涂有白色符号用以表示行进路线。

47、It is mainly used for industrial coatings, plastics Color Masterbatch and printing ink to produce the effect of bright and white.主要用于工业涂料,塑料色母及印刷油墨等,使喷涂表面产生亮白的效果。

48、Used as desizing agent and bleach activator ;用于脱浆剂和漂白活性剂;

49、In critical juncture, luo Daquan professions to old sister-in-law eventually.在一次危急关头,罗大全终于向陈大嫂表白。

50、There have been seen melanin particles in epidermis after autografts by electronic microscope.白斑表皮移植前无黑素小体,移植有效后于表皮可见黑素颗粒。

经典英文句子51:用于表白,51、Moby-Dick, which was published in 1851, is his representative work.出版于xx年的〈白鲸〉是梅尔维尔的代表作。

52、The utility model provides a dial plate used for clocks, watches or instrumentations.本实用新型提供了一种表盘,可用于钟、表或仪表。

53、The light version uses a standard white background on the app list with black text. The dark version uses a darker version that incorporates the color of the theme with white text.Light 版在应用列表上使用标准的白色背景和黑色文字,Dark 版使用一个颜色更深的版本和白色字体来表现主题的颜色。

54、Clinical observation revealed that of low side-effects and benefited to the older patients or patients with low proliferative leukemia and myelocytooplasia syndrome.临床观察表明本法副作用小,宜用于年龄较大或低增生型白血病及骨髓增殖异常综合征病例。

55、Cladribine is already used to treat leukemia, but only for short periods of time.克拉屈滨已用于治疗白血病,但是仅能用于短期治疗。

56、Uses : used as desizing agent and bleach activator ;用途:用于脱浆剂和漂白活性剂;

57、Consists of printed manila-colored cards, predominantly sulphite or sulphate, which have been manufactured for use in tabulating.主要用亚硫酸盐浆或硫酸盐浆制成的白表格卡纸,供表格编制机使用。

58、The results showed that these two standards have not applied to assess pipeline steel banded structure.结论表示,这两个标准目前已不适用于管线钢带状组织白勺评级。

59、Objective To express nonstructural protein NS1 gene of H5N1 subtype AIV for differentiation of the infected and vaccinated chicken. It could be useful for the further study of NS1 gene function.目的表达H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)NS1蛋白,用于AIV感染与注射灭活疫苗鸡的鉴别诊断和NS1蛋白功能研究。

60、Thus, it acts in a complementary mechanism to GKRP, which also regulates glucokinase protein expression and compartmentation .这样,它对于GKRP的作用是一种补充机制, GKRP也调节葡萄糖激酶蛋白的表达和区间作用。

61、Conclusion The dual immunity group dyeing, may use in studying P53 and the cell keratin in pharyngeal cancer expression.结论双重免疫组化染色法,可用于研究P53与细胞角蛋白在鼻咽癌中的表达。

62、Phage display is not only widely used in antigenic epitope mapping, antibody engineering, but also to identify peptide-ligand and protein-ligand interactions that are of importance in infection.噬菌体展示技术不仅广泛应用于抗原表位作图和抗体工程技术,而且还可用于研究蛋白质与配体的相互作用,以揭示感染过程中蛋白与配体的相互作用机制。

63、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对这个世界来说你只是一个普通人,但是在我心里你就是我的全世界

64、The monomeric protein has lesser important contribution to the noodle extension quality than glutenin.单体蛋白对于面条拉伸特性作用小于谷蛋白。

65、i can't help falling in love with you. 我无法不爱你。

66、The profession may have been a backhanded apology for a story that many think skewered his father’s misguided sense of authority, but it could just as easily be applied to A Moveable Feast.这个表白也许是为一个故事所做的间接道歉。 许多人认为那个故事反映了他父亲权威观念的误导,这个表白同样适用于《流动的盛宴》。

67、Objective To manufacture the skin suction blister apparatus and observe the curative effect of autologous epidermal grafting in treating vitiligo.目的:研制皮肤发疱仪,并临床应用于自体表皮移植治疗白癜风,分析治疗效果。

68、The experimental results show the centroid method has an advantage over the maximum gray level method.实验结果表明,利用质心法测定的蛋白分子量比最大灰度法测定的更接近于标准分子量。

69、This review briefly introduces the main theory and types of the protein microarray, and then sum up their applications in the expression profiling and the interaction profiling of proteins.为此,文章对蛋白芯片的主要原理和类型以及近几年蛋白芯片在蛋白质组学中的应用,尤其是在蛋白表达谱图和蛋白质相互作用谱图中的应用进行了综述。

70、there will never be another you. 在这个世界上,你是独一无二的。

71、Apply to bare leucorrhoea to fall.适用于赤白带下。

72、The XDIME element is used to represent the form-based drop-down list.XDIME 元素用于表示基于表单的下拉列表。



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