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1、What does the equation mean?


2、It is significant to identify the difference between them both in theory and practice.


3、What's the meaning of life?


4、The study of poverty will be of national significance and also world-wide significance.


5、Does the word " interdiction" mean any more, is it any more permitted?


6、The process of meaningful learning is one in which meaning is acquired, whose essence is comprehension.


7、The relationship among them consists of three kinds of meanings in semiotics: formal meaning, existential meaning and practical meaning.


8、In truth, it matters hugely - and not just to China.


9、Clearing the non-public economy socialist nature is of great significance.


10、The hour when ye say: "What good is my justice!


11、As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death---Leonardo Da Vici, Italian scientist and painter.


12、All of these concepts make sense.


13、According to socio-semiotics, translation is translating meaning which includes designative meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning.


14、Do dreams have meaning?


15、Analyzing ideographic nature of radical is meaningful.


16、Jin Yuelin thought nature has meaning and flavor.


17、What's the point? Again, you can have things that are syntactically legal but not semantically meaningful, and static semantics is going to be a way of helping us decide what expressions, what pieces of code, actually have real meaning to it. All right?


18、Originally, "Qiao" bears the meaning of "High" and "Bent".


19、The spinoff is symbolically more significant than its modest size would suggest.


20、Cavalli-Sforza stresses that his mission is not just scientific but social as well.

21、His study of Mohist theory has importance of both the history of academic studies and intellectual history.他的墨学研究不仅具有学术史的意义,也具有思想史上的意义。

22、God thinks it's meaningful.神认为这是有意义的。

23、The studies for the characteristics of transtensional basin are of importance beth in regional geology and oi…其研究既具有区域地质研究的理论意义,也具有油气勘探的实践意义。

24、That's the absolute zero.有意义的最低的温度。

25、Therefore, researches into the educational theory of Huang Yanpei possess historic and practical significance.因此,研究黄炎培的教育思想具有历史意义和现实意义。

英文句子26:,26、Therefore, the research on Huang's theories has both historic and realistic significance.研究黄炎培的职业教育思想具有历史意义和现实意义。

27、The differences of its symbolic significances will be important for the study of cultures.其丰富的象征意义对于文化差异的研究有很大意义。

28、Yeah, there are significative things.恩,都是很有意义的事情。

29、What do you find that significant?您认为这有何意义吗?

30、To prototype, the Xunwu has a copulating of turtle and snake. To integrate the metamorphosis.原型意义而言,玄武含有龟蛇交尾与蛇体自环的意义。

31、There are two aspects of word meaning: referential meaning and connotative meaning.词语意义分为两个层面,所指意义和内涵意义。

32、This product makes sense.这个乘积是有意义的。

33、This is a non-story.这故事没有意义。

34、There are, beyond the senses that can be formulated in sayable (sensical) propositions, things that can only be shown.在可说的(有意义的)命题中表述的意义之外,有些事物只能够被显示。

35、But there was no meaningful agreement.然而,有意义的协议并没有出现。

36、But again, both are meaningful as well as valuable.两者同样有意义有价值。

37、The research of present united front has great theoretical and practical significance.研究现阶段统一战线具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

38、Evolutionarily, that makes sense.这在进化上,是非常有意义的。

39、Ji has no material meaning but accessional meanings and phraseological functions.“唧”一般不表示具体的意义,但有某种附加意义和语法作用。

40、"Kairos" – has this same dual understanding.也有双重的意义。

41、statistically insignificant.此种统计是没有意义的。

42、But, for the right-hand side to make sense, and therefore for the equality to make sense, we need the vector field to be defined everywhere inside the region.但是,要让等式右侧有意义,也就是等式要有意义,需要向量场在平面区域上处处都有定义。

43、What's in a name? Well, when your name is James Bond, there's a lot.名字里有何意义?如果你是詹姆斯邦德,名字的意义可就大了。

44、Second, it can be divided into basic meaning, situational meaning and social-cultural meaning according to the vertical hierarchy.其次按照纵向层次,把意义划分为基本意义、情景意义和社会文化意义;

45、Now, think about what it would mean ? to accept a valuable container theory.现在想想它的意义,接受有价值容器理论的意义为何。

46、Dreams had symbolism.梦具有象征意义。

47、Therefore, the research on Chang Chih-tung's ideas has both historic and realistic significance.研究张之洞的实业教育思想具有历史意义和现实意义。

48、This will be an historical as well as a theoretical discussion of insurance.这对于保险业来说,不仅具有历史意义,同样具有理论意义

49、Living without you, life means nothing 生存中没有你,生命都没有意义。

50、John Lyons (1977, 1995) has divided denotation into extension and intention.莱昂斯(1977,1995)把字面意义划分为外延意义和内涵意义。

经典英文句子51:有意义,51、Therefore, discusses this question, not only has the theory significance, and has the practical significance.因此,探讨这一问题,不仅具有理论意义,而且具有现实意义。

52、The presentation is of great significance to theory and reality.这个科学论断的提出具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

53、Therefore more study to make on interdisciplinary science bears a realistic and strategic significance.因此,加强交叉科学的研究,具有重要的现实意义和战略意义。


标签: 意义

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