篮球场英语单词 英语

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篮球场用英语翻译为"basketball court -",还经常被译作basketball court,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到14个与篮球场相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. basketball court -

篮球场翻译为 basketball court - 。

示例:右边是一个足球场,两个篮球场。 On the right there is a football field and two basketball courts.


2. basketball court

篮球场翻译为basketball court。

示例:当我回到篮球场时,一阵微风吹过我的脸。 A gentle wind caught me on the face as I returned to the basketball court.


3. basketball court

篮球场翻译为 basketball court 。

示例:迪奥普在篮球场,更重要的是在教室获得了长足进步。 Diop progressed on the basketball court and, even more important, in the classroom.


4. basket court

篮球场翻译为 basket court 。

示例:A side of slaw and some potato salad. -fried basket of cod.



1. maples(n. 篮球场地板(maple的复数形式))


2. basketball(篮球

3. playing course(球场)

4. playing court(球场)


5. play basketball( 打篮球;

英语短语&俚语, a basketball court ( 一个篮球场 )

On the basketball court ( 在篮球场上 )

sports car in the court ( 篮球场上引擎轰鸣 )

I'm going to basketball ( 我要去篮球场 )

basketball court ( 篮球场地 )

a basketball field ( 篮球场领域 )


1. He even figured out the bounce you got off different kinds of wood... on college basketball courts.

译文:他算出了篮球场上... 不同木材质地板的弹性。

2. Carmen has a strong feeling about a basketball court.

译文:卡门 对篮球场有很强的直觉。

3. Diop progressed on the basketball court and, even more important, in the classroom.


4. -Dick, i'm working on the office pool.


5. i volunteered to help repair the basketball court.


6. This inner section allows entry to all services and leads to the main arena through "vomitories".

译文:从内部可通往所有分区和篮球场。 。

7. it's no secret what Delonte West can do on the basketball court.

译文:德隆特·韦斯特可以在篮球场上做任何事这已经不是什么秘密了。 。

8. Now, there are two basketball courts in town.


9. Yeah, but if it's got a court with a roof and uniforms that match, then i wanna coach there.


10. He was on the basketball court on the way out of town.

译文:你去了哪里 Where did you? 他出城的路上去了篮球场 He was on the basketball court on the way out of town.。

11. The basketball court Stojakovic helped refurbish in Cut Off was just one initiative of Courts for Kids.


12. Diop progressed on the basketball court and, even more important, in the classroom.

译文:迪奥普在篮球场,更重要的是在教室获得了长足进步。 。

13. i said, "They're on the football gridiron, or they're posting up in the paint."

译文:(拳击作家 史蒂夫金姆) 在橄榄球赛场上 要不就在篮球场上。

14. ...all for the heart... and lay it out on the basketball court.

译文:手伸出来 我们全心全意 在篮球场上比赛。

15. The slight woman with short, spiky hair stood up in the middle of the basketball court.



标签: 单词 篮球

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