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关于”赞美学科“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Praise the discipline。以下是关于赞美学科的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Praise the discipline


1、James Schaefer, director of the Environmental & Life Sciences Graduate Program at Trent University, told Discovery News that he supports Wells' conclusions.


2、As a field in research of science study, science aesthetics gradually arose abroad regard in social.


3、The study was a collaboration between US universities and University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia.


4、Yet scientists hope to bring the power that emblazons the sun, fusion, to earthbound reactors.


5、Reviewing the history of science, scientific aesthetics stems from the Pythagorean traditional mathematical rationality in ancient Greece.


6、They are comprised of inter-disciplinary scientists who work from Velikovsky's concepts as a base model, although they do not agree with some of V's work.


7、The factualism of the scientist deserves praise.


8、Besides its own subject, Chinese calligraphy deals with many areas such as philology, literature, painting, music, dance, aesthetics, science and philosophy.


9、But I look forward to next Sunday's edition, where other scientists may disagree.


10、The only perfect science is hind-sight.


11、Engineering aesthetics is a branch of aesthetics and belongs to the philosophy of humanities.


12、Only by combining aesthetic education with engineering science, and by permeating aesthetics with technology, can science innovation keep vigor forever.


13、If some humanistic knowledge is introduced in the education of natural sciences, it will increase the identification ability of science aethestics.


14、Li Daguang, a science policy expert at the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, agreed with calls for more research.


15、Most days you can find him walking the halls, visiting with students and extolling the virtues of living well.


16、Consider, too, how ideas, insights, and solutions, can be deemed beautiful. Among scientists, Einstein's Theory of Relativity is unanimously praised for its extraordinary beauty.


17、SETTING: Beauty Center for Trauma Repair, Plastic Surgery Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Science .


18、Beauty in image and perceptivity from chemical disciplines is vivid, intuitional and explicit.


19、I agree with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph. D. Lvben Fu's three principles.


20、Chile appreciates China's pursuit of scientific development and is ready to exchange experience with China in this regard.

21、He is a member of many scientific organizations, among them the New York Academy of Science, the Society of Arterial Chemoreceptors, and the Latin American Society of Physiological Sciences.他也是许多知名的科研机构中的一员,如纽约科学学会、动脉化学感受器学会、拉丁美洲生理科学学会。

22、There is a significant influence of the two-strait high-tech companies' sport sponsorship strategy on brand favorite.两岸高科技企业所采取之运动赞助策略对于品牌美誉度有影响。

23、The subjects include math, science, language arts, social studies, foreign language, and various arts like theatre, dance, and visual arts.这些学科包括数学,科学,语文,社会学科,外语,和各种艺术学科,例如戏剧,舞蹈,和美术。

24、My subjects includes math, Chinese, English, P. E. , art, thinking and morality and science.我在小学所学的科目有数学、语文、英语、体育、美术、思想品德、科学。

25、An eminent musicologist, mathematician and calendarist, who was honored to be "oriental personage of artistic encyclopedia type".明代杰出乐律家、算学家和历学家,被西方赞誉为“东方百科艺术全书式的人物”。

英文句子26:,26、William: Now, there's an important strategy that people use in reacting to compliments.现在来学一种,在应对赞美时的重要策略(方法)。

27、Beauty is potent, but science is more potent.美貌固有力,科学力更大。

28、From the scientific and positive mode of thinking, Einstein emphasized the good of science and held the appreciative, positive and optimistic attitude towards science and technology.相比较而言,爱因斯坦强调的是科学之善,注重的是科学的实证的思维方式,对科学技术持赞美、肯定、积极、乐观的态度;

29、Educational aesthetics is a new intercrossing subject which is made up of education and aesthetics by infiltrating each other.教育美学是由教育学和美学相互渗透融合而产生的新兴的交叉学科。

30、There were two subjects he liked best: space aeronautics and aesthetics .他最爱的两门学科是:宇宙航空学和美学。

31、Pro- mote the sound development to the cosmetology medicine education with scientific spirits, attitudes and ideas.用科学的精神、科学的态度和科学的思想,促进美容医学教育事业的健康发展。

32、Gao Zhancheng of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at Peking University's People's Hospital agrees.北京大学附属人民医院呼吸科的高占成对此表示赞同。

33、The author considers that the teaching for engineering drawing can use Zankefu's theory about the development on teaching for reference.从工程图学的教学角度,赞科夫的教学与发展论可以借鉴。

34、James Schaefer, director of the Environmental &Life Sciences Graduate Program at Trent University, told Discovery News that he supports Wells' conclusions.在特伦特大学负责环境与生命科学学生研究项目的主任,詹姆士.奇科夫告诉《探索》新闻的记者,他赞成威尔斯的结论。

35、Chinese Medical Association Medical Cosmetology & Beauty Cosmetic Surgery Branch of the Sichuan branch of the professional group members.中华医学会医学美容与美容分会四川分会美容外科专业组成员。

36、Hear from an ExxonMobil scientist一埃克森美孚公司的科学家的观点

37、Results Some 94.34% the students supported the setup of general practice medicine specialty in local high medical colleges.结果94.34%学生赞成在地方性高等医学院校设置全科医学专业。

38、His greatest contribution to aesthetics is to initiate vigorously aesthetics towards science and advance a kind of aesthetics research attitude and method.他对美学的最大贡献是对科学美学的大力倡导,以及他提出的一种美学研究的科学态度和方法。

39、On May 15th, West Lake District launched "Ode to Beauty · the Beauty of Popular Science" Publicizing Month and Scientific &Technological Activities (Popular Science Publicizing) Week 2009.xx月xx日,西湖区“美丽赞·科普之美”宣传月暨xx年科技活动(科普宣传)周活动启动。

40、Digital photography in dentistry, including clinical documents is patients education, aesthetic communication between clinicians and dentists, and the research of aesthetics.数码摄影在口腔医学领域的应用包括临床资料保存、医患沟通、美学信息医技交流以及美学牙科的科研工作。

41、The beauty of package decoration is an important integrant of scientific and technologic aesthetics, production aesthetics and commodity aesthetics.产品的包装装潢美是科学技术美学、生产美学和商品美学的一个重要组成部分。

42、The Aesthetics of Law is a cross amalgamation fringing subject of the Aesthetics of Law.法美学是法学和美学相交叉融合的一门新兴边缘学科。

43、Among scientists, Einstein's Theory of Relativity is unanimously praised for its extraordinary beauty.科学家们不就对爱因斯坦“相对论”所蕴涵的非凡之美一致地给予了高度赞赏么。

44、We greatly apprrciate and admire your enthusiasm and efforts in promoting the academic exchanges of scientists between China and other countries.对于您为促进中国科学家和其他各国科学家之间的学术交流所表现的热情和所做的努力,我们十分钦佩和赞赏。

45、集科技精华 赢客户赞誉 Integrate essential technologies, gather client praises.

46、The other important reason was that the members of scientific party who were inclined to scientism were for the evolution viewpoint of progressivism.另一方面是因为具有科学主义倾向的科学派人士大都是进步主义进化观的赞成者。

47、Should sports classes be sacrificed in High School so students Academic subjects?您赞成牺牲中学生的在校运动课程,以转移至主科得课程程吗?。

48、A multinational company promises the sponsor" the star of future science" plan, establishing it to extend children to the technological interest.一家多国公司答应赞助“未来科学之星”计划,制定它来扩大孩子们对科技的兴趣。

49、But both are the necessary foundation, substrate and important tache in aesthetic judgement and aesthetic appreciation.鲍姆加登提出了美学是“感性学”的学科,但真正赋予其学科品格的应是在康德的“审美判断力”这里。

50、He argued that every economist should blog, and I now agree.科恩认为,每个经济学家都该写播客。 我现在很赞同他。

经典英文句子51:赞美学科,51、There are the Records of the Philosophical Societies, and the public Eulogies of Great Men!有的是哲学学会的记录,对于伟人公开的赞美文章!

52、Science is potent, but money is more potent.美貌固有力,科学力更大。

53、In 1994, the Jimei Teachers College, Jimei Navigation Institute, Xiamen Fisheries College, Fujian Institute of Physical Education, College of Jimei five financial institutions founded by the merger.xx年,由集美师范专科学校、集美航海学院、厦门水产学院、福建体育学院、集美财经高等专科学校五所院校合并组建而成。

54、It one interdisciplinary yuans of discipline, namely it merges such each field as logic , linguistics , philosophy , anthropology , psychology , sociology , aesthetics , etc.它是一门跨学科的元学科,即它融合了逻辑学、语言学、哲学、人类学、心理学、社会学、美学等各个领域。

55、Chan- Hoon Yoon scholarship is not only a rigorous, grade outstanding scientists, but also an outstanding educator and the organizers of Earth Sciences in China, the leader.尹赞勋不仅是治学严谨、成绩卓著的科学家,也是杰出的教育家和我国地球科学的组织者、领导者。

56、Beijing North China University of Fine Arts Division and the Central Academy of Drama Department of Fine Arts Stage bachelor's degree.北京华北大学美术科及中央戏剧学院舞台美术系本科毕业。

57、Elective subjects applied science, music, art and foreign languages.选修科目有应用科学、音乐、美术和外语。


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