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关于”旅游的套用“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Application of tourism。以下是关于旅游的套用的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Application of tourism

旅游宣传是旅游业的“开路先锋” ,在

1、Tourism propaganda, "the pioneering activity" in tourism, has been found to be significant and valuable in the development of tourism in the 21st century.

2 1世纪的旅游业发展中更显示出其作用和价值。


2、I'm betting that 2011 is the year we say goodbye to guidebooks in their old familiar form and start using travel applications on hand-held mobile devices.


3、Xintai Hotel is a three star foreign-related tourist hotel with 38 suits of luxury suits, business suits and standard rooms.


4、Biquan Hotel has over 100 luxury and standard suites with over 200 beds.


5、Tower packages & tickets are valid only on the issuing day & are not refundable .


6、Four, border tourism services in the " inbound tourism service " whether it can apply zero tax rate?


7、Guizhou can also make full use of climatic advantages in mountainous and forest areas and develop convalescence tourism to change the potential climate resources of tourism into resources.


8、The cost for the trip was halved by us.


9、The central problem that applied tourist geography deals with is the tourist development of an area.


10、The authors establish a set of common indicators of evaluation on editorial and mapping quality of tourist map, evaluating with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.


11、For $15, tourists could join a Pennsylvania-based tour company, NYC Vacation Packages, for a three-hour walking tour of the area.


12、Search for our latest and greatest travel packages, read travel tips from expert Claire Newell or just browse vacations to add to your bucket list.


13、He wore an outlandish outfit of pink pants and green sneakers.


14、Tourist flows and space-time distribution, evolution regularity and interaction of related factors are not only the key in Tourism study, also prerequisite to make good tourist decision.


15、The development and application of Tourism Information Management System (TIMS) is a powerful driving force for modern tourism industry.


16、Construction fee and licensed operation cost collected by Red Stone Gorge will be properly exempted.


17、This article demonstrates that suburb tourism is important part of metropolis tourism circle.


18、Construction project involves maintenance and protection of ancestral hall, folk houses, and tour supporting facilities.


19、Zhao Yun, Travel Products Department of Ctrip.com said "We make lists of hotels and restaurants of choices in our travel packages, and put them online.


20、And Change tour companies'operation and management models, enhance their competitiveness and utilize geographical advantages to accelerate the construction of Beibu Gulf tourism circle.

21、This Travel Exclusive set comes in its own pouch-perfect for your travels.这款独家履行套装附随小袋子-旅游的理想伙伴。

22、A Dutch travel agent is offering a holiday package with a difference—a night in a cardboard box on a Paris street.荷兰一家旅行社推出了别具一格的假日旅游套餐——在巴黎街头的纸板箱中过一夜。

23、We shall bring up tourism as an important industry in China's national economy, properly protect and utilize our tourism resources and try to achieve sustainable tourism development.我们要把旅游业培育成为中国国民经济的重要产业,合理保护和利用旅游资源,努力实现旅游业的可持续发展。

24、It inheres the momentous sustaining functions on developing regional tourism, enriching the content of tourism growth, and further exploit the touring resource.它对于发展地区旅游业,对于丰富旅游业发展内容,进一步开发旅游资源具有重要的支持作用。

25、When they arrived back in Britain, Naysmith used the remaining 130000 to buy a new house, the same size as the former one, as housing prices had dropped.纳斯密斯回国后房价大跌,遂利用旅游剩下的钱买了一套和以前差不多的房子。

英文句子26:,26、According to the norms of disciplinary deviation, tourism science can be divided into two parts: tourism basic theories and Tourism applicable theories.若按学科划分的规范方法,旅游学可以划分为旅游基础理论和旅游应用理论两部分。

27、The exploitation of cold region tour resources has been tending to Chinas tourism development.寒地旅游资源的开发利用,已成为我国旅游业发展的又一趋势。

28、This offer is only applicable to Sunpac Tours & Travel golf travel packages, except Guangdong travel packages, subject to change without prior notice.此优惠只适用于新一假期高尔夫旅游套票,广东省旅游套票除外,如有更改,恕不另行通知。

29、Tourist flow is the interaction form between the origins and destinations of tourists.旅游流是旅游客源地与目的地相互作用的一种形式。

30、The original plan of the Thailand trip is quiet and surrender, but when it finished that i found, my trip had been into the tourist trappings.原本计划的泰国之旅是淡然与臣服,但经历过来发现,自己也不免落入观光旅游的俗套。

31、Also popular among backpackers are the guidebooks in theLonelyPlanet series.在背囊旅行者中大受欢迎的另一套旅游手册是《孤独的星球》系列丛书。

32、As the base of tourism development, tourism resources have been generally applied in tourism studying, tourism planning, tourism resource protection and investigation.旅游资源是构成旅游业发展的基础,在旅游研究、区域开发、资源保护和资源开发等方面受到广泛的应用。

33、Scope of application: used with Model W51 double cutter boot vamp forming machine, applicable for softening the upper of boots as well as sneakers and sports shoes.适用范围:与W51双刀靴面定型机配套使用,主要用于靴帮的软化工艺,另可单独用于运动鞋、旅游鞋等鞋帮的软化工艺。

34、Tourist flow is a form of the interaction between tourist market and destination.旅游流是旅游客源地与目的地相互作用的一种形式。

35、Tourism flow is the interactional results between destination and domestic tourist markets.旅游流是旅游目的地与客源地之间相互作用的结果。

36、As an important way to develop tourism of minority sports, theme park for tourism of minority sport will play a vital role on the development of local tourism economy.民族体育类旅游主题公园作为民族体育旅游开发的一种重要形式,将对地区旅游经济发展起重要促进作用。

37、Travel expenses not reimbursed.旅游费用不会报销。

38、Meantime, it can apply to exploitation of karst cave tourism resource, adopting a way of'choice of best path', giving a corresponding plan for the tourism routs and…同时将系统应用于洞穴旅游资源的开发,采用相应的最优路径选择方法,提出黔南相应的旅游线路规划及洞穴旅游资源的开发潜力。

39、Mount Malin is aboundaut in both nature and human resources of tourism and has tourist culture with its own characteristics. The exploitation and utilization of tourist resources has great value.马陵山旅游资源丰富,集自然、人文旅游资源于一体,旅游文化独特,开发利用价值大。

40、The gate of Yanfu Temple, Zhaohui Temple and antique tourist stores in the scenic area has been rehabilitated. Tourist service center and roads have been constructed.重建延福寺山门、昭惠庙及风景区仿古旅游商店,建设旅游服务中心、道路等配套设施;

41、Lastly, Caroline Bremner, Head of Global Travel and Tourism discusses the North American trend of using health and wellness to forget about economic hardships.最后,全球旅行和旅游主管Caroline Bremner讨论了在北美用健康的旅游来忘记经济困难的新趋势。

42、Tourism supplies, metal products manufacturing.旅游用品、五金制品制造。

43、The most practical problem now for the educational and tourist fields is that the teaching reform of PE in tourist colleges should help to cultivate the qualified tourist personnel efficiently.旅游高等院校的体育教学改革如何为培养特色旅游人才服务,充分发挥体育在休闲旅游中的积极作用,这是教育界和旅游界必须正视的现实问题。

44、The tour package features a three-day, two-night cruise up the Nile River.这个套装旅游以尼罗河三天两夜邮轮之旅为号召。

45、Households curtailed leisure travel plans, substituting lower-cost short-haul and domestic travel for more expensive long-haul trips, and corporations reduced business travel budgets.老百姓的休闲旅游计划被缩减,很多人放弃了昂贵的长途旅游,取而代之的是费用更低的国内短途旅游,而企业也减少了他们的差旅预算。

46、Among the visitors, about 50 percent used the Panda Card.入川旅游的游客中,约50%的人们使用了熊猫卡。

47、Tourism development, we must focus on long-term, formulate a set of realistic special plans for tourism development.对商丘古城进行旅游开发,一定要着眼于长远,制定出一套切合实际的旅游开发专项规划。

48、It deeply exploitates Hangzhou City's climatic landscape and designes the tourist climate product ;杭州市旅游气候景观的开发利用和旅游气候产品设计;

49、Foreign tourists know about China's tourist resources and culture through tourist information, whose Chinese-English (C-E) translation plays an important role in cross-cultural communication.国外游客通过旅游资料了解中国的旅游资源和文化, 因此旅游资料的汉译英在跨文化交际上起到了重要作用。

50、Many hostels around the world offer voluntourism packages which provide room discounts or free meals to guests who will participate in volunteering programs.世界上很多旅社为那些愿意参加志愿项目的客人提供住房折扣或者免费膳食的公益旅游套餐。

经典英文句子51:旅游的套用,51、Southeast part, about 东南片旅游度假区:规划用地10平方公里,作为观光旅游休闲区。

10 square kilometers are allocated for a tourist and holiday zone.

52、"Spot guides" refer to those personnel who are appointed or engaged by tourist agencies to provide tourist services for those tourists who make a tour within the confines of a certain scenic spot.地方陪同导游人员,是指受旅行社委派或者聘用,在省、自治区、直辖市范围内为旅行者提供导游服务的人员。 定点陪同导游人员,是指受旅行社委派或者聘用,在一个参观、游览点内为旅行者提供导游服务的人员。

53、The traditional sports of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang in the tourism industry can make use of the value of Golden Sands tourist area for the tourism industry to provide a new tourism products.研究了新疆少数民族传统体育项目在旅游产业方面的可利用价值,为金沙滩旅游区旅游产业的发展提供新的旅游产品。

54、Search and Browse capabilities of all travel packages and air, hotel, car separately.搜索和浏览所有的旅游套票和机票,酒店,汽车分开的能力。

55、The re-building of Quangui tourist road promotes development of Guilin district tourism industry greatly.全桂旅游公路的改造建设对大桂林旅游业的发展起了巨大的促进作用。

56、Be going to know well that the city tour image molds important effect in developing in city tour sufficiently therefore , raise the scientificalness and pragmatism that the city tour image designs.因此要充分熟悉城市旅游形象塑造在城市旅游发展中的重要作用,提高城市旅游形象设计的科学性与实用性。

57、As a center tourist city, the radiation and promotion effect of Guilin to peripheral county, is display in traffic construction, arranging the traveling route and offering traveling information.桂林作为旅游中心城市对用边县域的辐射、带动作用表现在道路交通建设、旅游线路搭配、旅游信息提供上。

58、Tourism supplies, tour guide service not swing at!旅游服务用品采购,导游员根本插不上手!

59、Guests can visit AirAsia Sales Counters, to book flights, tours and more.乘客可到此订购航班和旅游配套。

60、If we go on a package tour, we don't have to worry about accommodation, meals and so on.如果我们的旅游由旅游社承包,那么我们就不用为食宿之类的事费心了。

61、They used frequent-flier miles and planned to use their trip to see the tourist attractions in the nation's capital.他们使用的是常旅客里程,并计划利用自己的行程,在首都游览旅游景点。


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