尊称用英语怎么说 尊称英语翻译

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尊称用英语怎么说 尊称英语翻译

尊称的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 Name,在日常中也可以翻译为"the respectful appellation words -",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到46个与尊称相关的译文和例句。


1. Name

尊称翻译为 Name 。

示例:在阿根廷和智利,圣·马丁仍被尊称为解放者。 San Martín is still revered as the liberator in Argentina and Chile.


2. the respectful appellation words -

尊称翻译为 the respectful appellation words - 。

示例:"上校"头衔是尊称。 The title "colonel"was an honorific.


3. title

尊称翻译为 title 。

示例:她的丈夫也被授予头衔,尊称为“丹尼斯爵士”。 Her husband was also honoured with his title "Sir Denis."


4. address sb. respectfully

尊称翻译为address sb. respectfully。

示例:DOOR OPENS Gerry, this came from SB. 盖瑞 这是SB发来的



1. honorific title(尊称)

2. Very Reverend(n. 教长(尊称))

3. very reverends(n. 教长(尊称))

4. Hon.(abbr. Honorable 尊称的)

5. Revd(abbr. 牧师的尊称(Reverend))

英语短语&俚语, Buddhist ( 尊称佛家的事物 )

superior ( 旧时属吏对上司的尊称 )

Le Se Les Se ustedes ( 第二人称尊称 )

husband wife sir ( 夫妇之间的尊称 )

British title of honour ( 姓名尊称 )


1. My underlings call me sir. My superiors call me M.


2. instructions are to be obeyed and each officer must be addressed as Madam.

译文:要服从指令... 每个管教必须尊称夫人。

3. Hon, H-O-N, it's short for honorable.

译文:阁下 是个尊称。

4. Hey, what's with the "sir"business?


5. - This is highly unprofessional, sir. You keep forgetting that "sir."

译文:-你要尊称我一声长官 你老是忘了。

6. San Martin is still revered as the liberator in Argentina and Chile.

译文:在阿根廷和智利,圣·马丁仍被尊称为解放者。 。

7. Have you ever heard about that Baccus, hmm?

译文:(Baccus 希腊神话中酒神Dionysus的尊称)。

8. You don't call me "mister."


9. He's Monsignor Chapman now.

译文:他现在是Chapman阁下. (对天主教大主教的尊称)。

10. When it reaches $10 million, it's an economic crime.

译文:但到达10亿 10O亿之后 就尊称为经济犯。

11. A number of disagreeable ladies, sometimes known as the Furies.

译文:三个可恶的女人被 尊称为复仇三女神。

12. Actually, it's "vous, "as a sign of respect.


13. His subjects called him Prince.


14. People respectfully called him the venerable Zhu.

译文:人们尊称他为朱老。 。

15. Ever notice that most people here refer to me as Mr. Toschi, out of respect?

译文:你知道这里的大部分人都尊称我为 Toschi先生吗。


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