打雪仗的英语单词 英语

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打雪仗用英语说" snow fighting",还经常被译作 The Snowball Fighter,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到20个与打雪仗相关的释义和例句。


1. snow fighting

打雪仗翻译为 snow fighting 。

示例:在许多地方冬天意味着滑冰,使用雪橇和打雪仗。 Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.


2. The Snowball Fighter

打雪仗翻译为 The Snowball Fighter 。

示例:他们靠打雪仗打发时间。 A snow fight helps pass the time.


3. have a snowball fight

打雪仗翻译为have a snowball fight。

示例:在许多地方冬天意味着溜冰,雪橇和打雪仗。 Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and fights.


4. SnowJinks


1. snowball fights(n. 【游】打雪仗(游戏))


2. snowball fight(n. 【游】打雪仗(游戏)\n 丢雪球战斗;

英语短语&俚语, Donald's snow fight ( 唐老鸭打雪仗 )

Donald's snow fight ( 庙老鸭打雪仗 )

Snow Brawlin' Xtreme ( 超级打雪仗 )

Penguin Shooter ( 企鹅打雪仗 )

I can snowball fights ( 我可以打雪仗 )

A Snowball Fight ( 一个打雪仗 )

Pingu and the Snowball ( 我们来打雪球仗 )


1. Qiqi is waiting for his friend to throw a snow ball. But his friend is not in the garden . Qiqi cannot have a snowball fight on his own.


2. Northland will be the beginning of the world of ice and snow to catch up with a fierce battle the snow, which is run JET but very fresh.


3. - Let's have us a genuine snowball fight.

译文:让我们来打一场真正的雪仗吧 Let's have us a genuine snowball fight. 什么?。

4. My favorite type of snow is not the type you make snowmen out of or have snowball fights with but rather the big, slow moving, fluffy kind.


5. Don't throw ice! it hurts!


6. - No way! He has a ski stick, got it?

译文:不可能 他手里拿的是雪仗 知道吗。

7. Go to Norway get lost snowball to have a snowball fight play happy.


8. Winter in many places means iceskating skating, sliding sledding and snowball fights.

译文:在许多地方,冬天意味着滑冰、 滑雪撬和打雪仗。 。

9. You ain't gotta have snow to have a good old snowball fight in Florida.

译文:在佛罗里达州不一定要有雪 You ain't gotta have snow 才能打场犀利的雪仗 to have a good old snowball fight in Florida.。

10. Yes, everything's fine. i was having a snowball fight with the others.


11. -Snowball. -Snowball. Snowball.

译文:打雪仗 打雪仗,打雪仗。

12. How about a snow ball fight?


13. When i felt anxious for staying inside too long, i will go near the window to wach the children building snowman or throwing snowballs.

译文:由于在室内待的时间过长而感到烦躁时,我会走近窗户看看在外面堆雪人打雪仗的小孩子。 。

14. i've never actually been in a snowball fight.


15. We can have a snowball fight, and build a snowman.

译文:打雪仗啊 再堆个雪人啊。


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